"He's going to be a real heartbreaker when he grows up," I smile.

"Yes, he's so beautiful," Antonio comes into view, pinching his baby's cheek. "He has my hair."

"He has Emma's everything else," Lovino says. "Thank god."

"That was rude," Emil laughs, pushing on Lovino's forehead.

"Who are you talking to?" Lukas walks in, rubbing his wet hair with a pure white towel.

"Ludwig, Feliciano, Emma, and Toni," Emil says, waving him over.

"Hey," Lukas salutes them with a small smile.

Emma gently grasps Eden's hand and whispers, "Say hello to Lukas, Eden!"

"Hewwo, Wukas," Eden waves his tiny, chubby hand.

"Hi, Eden," Lukas blushes.

"There's the big man!" Toni claps. "Seventeen!"

Lukas averts his gaze and shrugs in embarrassment. "Yup. Seventeen."

"You movin' out soon?" Emma asks while she bounces a laughing Eden in her arms.

"Yea, I already have a place picked out. When Emil grows older, he's going to live in the house a few doors down."

"How can you be so sure?" Ludwig asks worriedly. "How do you know zhat no one else vill try to purchase zhem?"

"The whole neighborhood is actually owned by my friend's dad. Berwald, my friend, was given the deal that if we all help build furniture for a few years, we'd each own our own house once we're old enough. I'm going to live in mine alone for a little bit, then Emil is going to join me."

"Ah, I'm glad you have a plan," the blonde haired German whispers.

"Mama!" The baby grunts, reaching for something we couldn't see.

"Oh, sorry, guys. Eden wants to go for a walk outside, and play in the sandbox!" Emma sighs. "He's obsessed with that thing. Anyways, it was great to see you all!"

"You too!" We all say as we wave goodbye to them.

Once Emma was out of earshot, Toni looks at us seriously. "I'm going to propose tonight."

"What?!" I screech, then cover my mouth. "Really?!"

"Si," he smiles with rosy cheeks.

"He didn't want to have his wedding without you guys!" Feliciano pats his shoulder.

"It wouldn't be the same without my cousin, and my little princess."

"Vell, after you propose, you have a few solid monzhs before zhe vedding," Ludwig looks at him strangely. "You could've proposed a vhile back.

"True, but I wanted to be absolutely sure (Name) and Lovino would make it. Would Emil and Lukas want to come, as well?"

"We'll have to pass, but thank you, Antonio," Lukas tilts his head, a look of sadness on his face.

"Why?" Feliciano asks.

"Tino finally started building his cafe," Lukas explains.

"We're going to work there, soon!" Emil adds. "I'm also going to find the girl of my dreams."

"You make it sound so easy," Lovino mutters under his breath.

"Anyways, we have quite a bit of driving to do today, so we have to let you go," Feliciano pouts sadly.

"It's ok, we'll skype some more tomorrow!"

"Alright," Ludwig chuckles. "Goodbye, everyone."

"Bye!" We all wave, and they wave back at us as we hang up.

"We haven't spoken to them in forever!" I squeal. Emil covers his ears and jumps out of my lap.

"I think my ears are bleeding!"

"Let me see," Lukas looks. "Oh, they are."

"What?!" Emil starts to panic, eyes wide.


"You jerk!" He punched Lukas in the shoulder. "I'm going to Tino's house.

"Don't forget Mr. Puffin. He likes to play with Hana," I call after him.

"All they do is chase each other around," Emil complains.

"Just do it!"

My baby brother sighs, but does as he is told and let's Mr. Puffin out of his cage. "Be nice to Hana, alright?"

"Hana is the one who bullies me, tough guy," the puffin bites at Emil's hair.

"Doubt it."

I watch them as they walk out, the puffin nestled snuggly on Emil's shoulder. "I'm going with him. See you later," Lukas says, walking out with him.

"They're all grown up," I wipe a fake tear from my eye.

"Agreed," Lovino sighs, standing and extending a hand to help me.

"Did you see Eden?! He was so cute!" I talk like a little baby, overwhelmed by the cuteness.

I accept his hand, and he pulls me up. "Yea, but, if we had a baby, ours would be way cuter."

I blush as I stare into his sincere, hazel eyes. "Really?"

"Yea," he smiles and kisses my forehead. "I can't even begin to imagine how beautiful our baby would be."

"L-Lovino..." I begin to get shy. "You keep saying our baby..."

He tilts his head with a raised eyebrow. "Why wouldn't I? I don't plan on having a baby with anyone else, any time soon. I've decided that I'm going to be with you forever, and I am not a cheater."

I wrap my arms around his torso, and hide my face in his chest. His arms find their way around me, and he rests his chin on my head. "Same here."

This chapter is dedicated to Blue-eyes-01   She is an amazing person, and is just full of joy and life. She was there since the beginning, and even requested a book. I think... It was the America X Reader X Canada one... Twin Jealousy? I haven't worked on it in a while because everyone has been busy reading this book, Treasure, and My Oblivious Best Friend. I'm actually gonna update Twin Jealousy rn lol

Spiteful Lovers |Romano X Reader|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora