Chapter 76

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We get back to the flat and I've shed all the tears I possibly could when we get out of the car.

"Are you okay?" Louis whispers to me as he wraps his arm around my waist.

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Liar." He revolts and I know he is right.

We walk into the house and Anna springs off the couch and comes running over to me.

"Guess what! Guess what!" She exclaims as she jumps up and down.

"What?" I lightly laugh and she smiles widely.

"We found the church for us! It's so pretty and small and perfect!" She rambles and I hear Liam laugh behind her.

"That's great Anna! All you need now is a dress!" I try my hardest to be peppy for her.

"Yeah I know, we need to get a dress for both of us soon!"

"Yes we do! Do you want to go today?" I offer and I feel Louis stiffen beside me.

"That would be great! Do you mind Liam?" She asks him, turning around to face her. When nobody is looking at us, Louis gives me a disapproving look.

"Of course babe." Liam smiles at her then she turns back to me.

"Okay it's settled then. I'm going to go up and get changed, I'll be right back." I tell her then I go upstairs, Louis behind me. After the door shuts after him, he turns to face me.

"Are you pushing me away?" He comes out and asks.

"No, I need to get my mind off things and I can't do that by sitting around here doing nothing." I tell him and he sighs.

"Please be careful." He begs me, wrapping his arms around my waist and for the first time I don't flinch away from him.

"I will I will." I swear to him.

"Promise you will call me once in a while okay?"

"I promise I will." I reassure him and he kisses my nose before pulling away.

He turns around and peels his black t-shirt off of him, exposing his inked skin. My eyes stay on him as I can't get myself to stop looking at his toned back muscles. He opens up his closet doors and he goes through his clothes. He pulls a plain black sweater over him with a black beanie on his head. He turns around and looks at me, I forgot that I haven't moved at all. My eyes scan his face and they stop at his lips. I want to kiss him.

"What?" He asks and before I knew it, my feet quickly moved across the floor.

I wrap my arms around his neck and I pull him down so his lips meeting me and immediate relief washes over me as he kisses me back. His hands grab onto my hips as he moves me closer into him but then pushes me slightly away. He departs his lips from mine and I whine.

"Leah, I don't want you to do something that you will regret later." He whispers to me, his voice vulnerable but gentle.

"I want to." I mumble to him and he just stares into my eyes. I get lost in his blue eyes, they are perfect. Actually everything about him is perfect.

I smash my lips into his again and I feel somewhat happier when his lips begin to move with mine. When he kisses me it feels like the pain goes away for the short amount of time. If I could, I would kiss him every second of the day to make the pain go away. He gives me hope.

He grabs onto my hips again but instead he picks me up this time and I wrap my legs around his waist. I thread my fingers up the back of his head into his hair and under his beanie, pulling it off of the top of his head and I toss it across the room. He smiles against me and he moves one of his hands to my bun, pulling it down so my hair falls over my shoulders. I run my hands through his hair and he skims his tongue across my bottom lip. I accept him as I slide my tongue into his mouth and we explore each other's mouths. The taste of his mouth floods into mine as he stumbles backwards to the bed. He lays me down so my head is on his pillow while he hovers on top of me, not breaking his lips from mine once. His one hand still holds onto my hips as the other one is buried in my hair.

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