Chapter 86

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LONG CHAPTER :) 5 pages!!

*Liam's POV*

"Everything is ready, don't worry Liam." Louis reassures me, patting me on the back.

"Did they get here yet?" I ask, worried about the snow that began to fall after we left the reception hall.

"Yes don't worry." He tells me.

Everyone is officially here. Niall, Zayn, and Harry are sitting down in the church with their girlfriends and Anna's parents are here.

So today is the day, the day I will be officially with the one I love. I will have a family to call my own.

I run my hands down my black tuxedo jacket, trying to wipe the sweat off my palms. Louis stands beside me and laughs.

"Nothing to worry about." He promises me and I chuckle.

"Remember that when you are about to get married to her." I reference to Leah and his face flushes.

"Can I see my sister before we start?" I ask Louis and he nods as he goes to find her.

Minutes later he brings her and my mouth must have hit the floor. She looks like her normal self, with hair. She smiles and walks up to me.

"Hey bro." She smiles, punching me in the arm. I look behind her and all the boys are turned around to stare at her.

"You have hair." I whisper, bringing one of the curls between my two fingers.

"Yeah, Louis ordered me a wig. It looks almost exactly like my hair." She says with a smile on her face.

"Well my sister looks very pretty." I compliment her and she gestures at my black tux, black long sleeve shirt and tie.

"You don't look to bad yourself." She tells me and I hug her.

"Anna isn't going to leave me here standing at the alter is she?" I whisper to her and Leah laughs into my chest. Even though Leah has gone through so much in the last month, she is still here and laughing. I couldn't ask for much more.

"No Liam. Stop being so nervous, you have no reason to be." She reassures me before pulling herself out of my arms.

"Here put this in your shoe." She says, handing me a new penny then she walks back into the room with Anna.

I bend down to slide off my shoe and I drop the penny in it before squeezing my foot back in it. I rub my palms against my trousers, trying to erase the nervousness running through me. It's almost like before a show, the adrenaline is rushing through me and this time it's more than ever.

The music then begins to play and my heart begins to race with the feeling of my body starting to shake. Leah walks down the aisle first, shooting me a smile before standing on the other side of me. I look down the aisle and Anna is walking down with her dad. I watch her and she looks absolutely beautiful in her dress, it is perfect for her. Her eyes immediately find me and mine do the same, filling up with tears almost instantly flooding my eyes. I smile, I've never been so happy. Her father kisses her cheek before he takes a seat next to her mother and Anna walks up the couple steps to stand in front of me.

"You look beautiful." I breath, wiping the few tears away that are rolling down my cheeks.

"You look stunning." She smiles at me, running her one hand down my chest to straighten up my tie. I must have turned red from the chuckles from the boys and her mother.

I look down and my mother's necklace is around her neck. I reach my hand up and I hold it between my thumb and index finger. I smile before letting it fall back against her chest.

While the priest begins with the ceremony, I zone out as I just stare down at the features of her face and I can tell she's doing the same. She pulls her eyes off of me for a second and I look at the priest when he tells her to start her vows.

"Ever since the day I met you, I felt something begin inside of me and I still feel it inside of me as it still grows each day. I will not only love because of what my heart says, but you are my other half. I wouldn't want to be standing with anyone else beside you in this moment. I can't wait to grow up with you and to start a family with you. I will love you more and more each day, and I will never leave you no matter what." She finishes and both of our eyes are filled with tears and I sniffle my nose. She slides the ring on my finger and I wipe my eyes with my sleeve.

"God how am I suppose to remember mine now." I mumble and everyone laughs.

"Okay, so everyday I think of you about all the little things you do to the way you smile and your eyes lighten up when I walk off the plane when I come to visit. I love the way you have to fold every article of clothing perfectly and how the house is always spotless when I come to see you. I love you with all my heart and I can't wait to grow old with you. I can't wait until the day we will be sitting on our porch as we watch our children's children play while we laugh together. I will love you from this day forward, through our disagreements and fights to the special moments shared between us. I love you Anna." I finish as my eyes are swimming and I slide the ring onto her finger. I reach over and I capture the tear that is stuck to her cheek with my thumb.

"Now I pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride."

As soon as the words come out of his mouth, I caress her cheeks with my hands as I lean down to smash my lips against hers. She wraps her arms around my neck while her lips move against mine. I pick her up bridal style and she laughs, giving me one last kiss before pulling away. Everyone is clapping and laughing as I carry her down the aisle to the car.

I open the car door and I sit her down and I kiss her again. I rest my forehead on hers and she just smiles at me.

"I've never been so happy." I tell her and kisses my cheek.

"I feel the same." She smiles and I shut the door before climbing into the drivers seat.

When we get to the small reception hall, we walk hand in hand in the doors. We find a huge round table set up with mint green decorations and bows. I look to my left and the bar is open along with the cake all set up. Our food is placed on the table in front of each chair with a glass of wine on the right side of the plate.

Everyone is just arriving and we all take a seat. Leah sits beside me with Louis on her left and Anna's parents sit beside her. We all begin to eat and I stop the waiter that walks by.

"Can you please get them a non-alcoholic drink," I gesture to Leah and Anna then I point to Louis, "and he is only allowed three."

"Why? It's a wedding." Miranda asks and it takes all of it not to yell at her for what she did to Leah. Anna rests her hand on my thigh and I sigh.

"Well Leah can't drive so Louis has to drive without being drunk. And Anna can't of course." I turn to her smiling as I rest my one arm around the back of her chair and my other hand rests on her belly.

The waiter brings back their drinks and soft music begins to play. I watch Anna as she cuts her piece of meat in half before stabbing it on the fork to take a bite. I glance over to Leah and she is playing with her food but quickly shoves the food in her mouth when she sees me looking at her.

"Are you okay?" I ask her and she nods as she brings the cup of iced water up to her lips.

Couple minutes later, Leah leans over to Louis and whispers something. He nods and stands up, helping her up to her feet.

"Please excuse us." Louis smiles and so does Leah before they leave the room. My eyes follow them out the door until they disappear and Anna rests her head against my shoulder.

After they return and we all finish eating, Anna and I cut the cake. I pick up the small piece of white cake and she opens her mouth when I feed it to her. I wipe the remaining icing on my finger onto her nose and she laughs. She picks up the piece of cake for me and smashes it all over my face. I stick my tongue out at her but her lips find me. She laughs with me and smiles when I give her a look.

"You will pay for that." I smirk and she shakes her head as she helps me clean the mess on my face.

"Hey it's our song!" I exclaim as the beginning cords begin to play.

I grab her hand and I pull her on to the dance floor with me. I place my one hand on her waist and my other hand is in hers.

"I love you." I whisper to her and she looks up at me with the caring eyes I feel in love with.

"I love you babe." She tells me.

She closes her eyes and rests her head against my chest. I lean down to sing to her like I always do.

"From this moment life has begun
From this moment you are the one
Right beside you is where I belong
From this moment on

From this moment I have been blessed
I live only for your happiness
And for your love I'd give my last breath
From this moment on

I give my hand to you with all my heart
Can't wait to live my life with you, can't wait to start
You and I will never be apart
My dreams came true because of you

From this moment as long as I live
I will love you, I promise you this
There is nothing I wouldn't give
From this moment on

You're the reason I believe in love
And you're the answer to my prayers from up above
All we need is just the two of us
My dreams came true because of you

From this moment as long as I live
I will love you, I promise you this
There is nothing I wouldn't give
From this moment
I will love you as long as I live
From this moment on"

When I finish, I hear her sniffle and I pull her chin up to look at me. She has tears rolling down her cheeks and I wipe them away.

"What is wrong baby?" I ask her and she shakes her head.

"Nothing, I'm just so happy I have you." She admits to me and I hug her. I bury my face into her neck, her smell overwhelms my senses.

"I wouldn't want to be with anyone but you." I promise her.

She batts her eyes at me before kissing me once again.

*Leah's POV*

"Hey Leah can you come over here?" Anna calls me over and I walk over to her. She immediately hugs me.

"Thank you for doing all of this for us. You planned out everything perfect. I can't thank you enough." She squeezes me tightly, but not too tightly.

"You're welcome, just take care of my brother." I tell her and she nods.

"Of course I will."

"Where are you going for your honeymoon? Liam didn't tell any of us."

"I have no idea, but he said we have to catch a plane soon. So unfortunately we have to leave but we rented this place out until midnight so you guys can stay as long as you want." She explains to me.

Just as we sit down, the music stops and Liam has the microphone in his hands.

"Once upon a time ago, three years ago I met the love of my life and I couldn't ask for more. And I'm glad to be able to call her mine and only mine." He announces, blowing a kiss towards Anna and she blushes but she blows him one back. He reaches out and pretends to catch it.

"Thank you all for coming and spending this special day with us. Also, I wanted to thank my wonderful sister and my best man for helping us with everything. But my wife and I have to leave to catch our plane." He thanks everyone then the DJ begins to play music again. Liam says goodbye to everyone before joining Anna and I at the table.

"Hey sis how are you holding up?" He asks me and I flash him a smile.

"I'm good, you better take care of your baby and bride." I playful warn him and he laughs. He wraps his arms around me and hugs me carefully.

"If anything comes up, you call me. I don't care what time you call me. And you better tell Louis to take care of you." He whispers in a stern voice.

"Okay okay." I promise as he pulls away from me.

"Come on dear." He smiles to Anna as he picks her up once again then carries her out.

"He is happy." Louis startles me and I jump.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." He apologizes, resting his hand on my shoulder as he stands behind me.

"I'm so glad he found her, I've never saw my brother so happy before." I tell him as I look over to the dance floor.

Everyone is still here besides Liam, Anna, and Anna's parents. The rest of them are on the dance floor doing the chicken dance. Once it was over, a slow song is played and they groan as the return to the table with us. Zayn walks up to us with his hand connected to a girl who is extremely pretty.

"Leah this is Perrie, Perrie this is Leah." He introduces us and I extend my hand to shake hers.

"Hi it's very nice to meet you, Zayn says we would get along because like me you are crazy." I smile and she laughs before playfully pushing him.

"It's nice to meet you too! I heard so much about you." She smiles and Harry joins us with a blonde beside him.

"Hi I'm Kristen." She introduces herself.

"Hi I'm Leah." I say back and my eyes catch Niall stumbling back into the bar. This must be his eighth or ninth drink.

I wasn't aware that they were carrying on a conversation until Miranda sat on the other side of the table. She has a look on her face, something is wrong.

"Hey are you okay?" I ask over the table and everyone directs their attention to her.

"Yeah I'm fine." She says, she lies.

"Can I have this dance?" Louis stands up and offers his hand when a new slow song comes on. I accept his offer and I grab his hand as he leads me to the dance floor.

He wraps his arms around my waist and I hook mine around his neck. He pulls me in close to him and smiles when he begins to rock back and forth in rhythm with the music.

"Are you feeling better from earlier?" He asks me and I nod.

"Yeah, I just pushed myself that's all." I reassure him but he doesn't look convinced.

Louis then spins us around and dips me down. He leans down and connects his lips to mine as he brings me back up. He slightly pulls his lips mine off for a moment and I smile, making my lips brush against his.

"Since when can you dance?" I grin and he raise his eyebrow at me as we begin to sway again.

"I can dance." He playfully fires back.

"You can do the row and shake your ass." I tease him and he huffs. I bust out laughing and he kisses me again.

"You need to take me out dancing more." I tell him.

"After you come home for good I will take you dancing as much as you want." He promises. The music ends and he leads me back off the dance floor to head home.

We go back to the table to say goodbye, and Zayn, Harry, Perrie, and Kristen are sitting in their normal spots. Miranda is gone and I look at the bar, Niall isn't there. I feel like something isn't right and I excuse myself as I head into the hallway. I hear a shriek in the men's bathroom and I don't hesitate to go in. When I push the door open, I find Niall holding Miranda up against the wall. He is kissing her but she tries her hardest to shove him off of her. She has tears running down her cheeks and I stomp over to them. I grab the back off his shirt and I rip him away from her and she gasps. She looks at me and closes her eyes while sliding down to sit against the wall. I shove my hands against Niall's chest and he tumbles backwards but catches his footing before falling. He snaps his head up to look at me as I stand in front of Miranda.

"Leave Leah." He growls and I shake my head no.

"You need to stop. Do you see how upset you are making her?" I calmly try to reason with the blonde drunk that I used to love.

"This is none of your damn business." He raises his voice and Miranda begins to cry harder behind me.

"Okay look at yourself Niall! You are upsetting the girl you told me yourself that you love. You told me that you are terrified to lose her and you can't live without her. You are losing her now Niall! Look!" I yell at him and I get a sharp pain in my head. The door flies open, leading with Louis, Zayn, and Harry. They freeze but I ignore them.

"You need to get your fucking shit together Niall, because if you don't you are going to lose her." I hit my hands against his chest again and his eyes widen.

He looks past me to Miranda and she hides her face.

"Zayn, can you take him somewhere? To the hotel room he rented please?" I ask him nicely and he nods.

"Do you want us to take Miranda?" Harry offers and I shake my head.

"No, Louis and I can take her." I sigh.

Harry and Zayn walk over to Niall and push him out of the door. Niall doesn't speak a word as he just looks at me angrily at me with his fists clenched against his sides.

"Leah.." Louis begins to say but I stop him.

"Give us a moment please?" I ask and he nods, then walks out of the bathroom.

I turn around and Miranda is crying into her hands. My head is pounding more than earlier but I ignore it. I sit down beside her and I rest my back against the wall.

"Hey it's okay." I whisper to her as I wrap my arms around her. She stiffens from my touch but eventually breaks down. She begins to cry more and rests her head against me.

After a while of her crying, she finally explains everything to me. Miranda got pregnant with Niall's baby. She tells me how excited he was even though they weren't expecting it and they weren't trying. But she miscarriage after two months and he lost it. Niall was devastated she said and he began to drink more. She tells me how much he pushes her around and blames the miscarriage on her.

"But he never tried to do that to me before." She cries and I pat my hand against her back.

"He is drunk, I know it's not an excuse but he does love you." I promise her and she nods.

"He is perfectly fine when he becomes sober again. He apologizes and he swears he will never do it again, but it's like as soon as the bottle reaches his lips all the promises are erased."

"I'm so sorry." I whisper to her and she sighs. I unwrap my arms from around her and she rests her head against the wall with her eyes closed.

"Why did you do that?" She asks and I frown.


"After what Niall and I did to you when he cheated on you, I thought you would just have let him do whatever to me. Why? After everything why did you help me?" She clarifies and I just look at her.

"I grew up with a drunk, my father hit me and did unspeakable things to me. When I came in and I saw him doing that to you, I remember how I felt and nobody was there for me. I helped you because I would want someone to help me. Also, I know you aren't a horrible person, you just made bad mistakes. I may never forgive you for what happened, but I would never let someone hurt you like that when I had the chance to stop it." I confess to her and she opens her glossy eyes to look at me.

"Thank you so much Leah." She thanks me as I stand to me feet. I reach down with helping hand.

"Come on, let's take you home." I smile and she takes my hand as I help her up to her feet. She wipes her eyes before we walk out.

She follows me out the door as Louis stands outside. He looks at me with a worried face and I take his hand into mine.

"Let's take her home." I tell him and he nods. He pulls his his tux jacket off and wraps it around my shoulders as we walk to the car.

We get into the car and she climbs into the backseat. She gives us directions to her mom's house and we jump on the highway.

Louis's hand remains in mine on the way to her house as I rest my pounding head against the cold window. My stomach turns and I shoot myself to sit up. Louis snaps his head towards me and pulls the car over to the side of the road. He quickly grabs the small garbage can beside Miranda in the backseat when I bevel over in pain. He sits it between my legs at I begin to throw up again. The hair of the wig gets in my face and Louis pulls his back.

"Take it off." I tell him and he freezes for a moment. Even though Miranda doesn't know, I don't care.

"I don't care take it off!" I yell and he pulls it off. I hear Miranda gasp but I'm pulled out of my thoughts as my stomach turns again.

When I finish, I pull my face up and Louis hands me a hankie to wipe my mouth off with. I sit the can on the floor between my feet.

"I shouldn't have ate, I knew I would get sick." I mutter to myself and Louis's hand touches my cheek.

"Are you okay?" He asks and I nod, turning to look at him.

He leans over and kisses my lips. His lips move carefully against mine then pulls away, resting his forehead against mine.

"I love you." He whispers.

"I love you too." I tell him and he kisses my nose.

"Where is my hat?" I ask and he leans forward, opening the glovebox and exposes my black beanie. I reach in and grab it, immediately sliding it over my head. He sits back against the seat and intertwines his fingers in mine.

"Are you okay to go now?" He asks and I nod.

After about another twenty minutes, we pull into a driveway. I look back at Miranda to make sure it's the right house and she nods, I can tell she is trying her hardest not to stare at my bald head.

"Can I have a moment with you, alone?" She asks and I nod, unbuckling.

"I can get out of the car." Louis offers.

"I'm fine babe." I reassure him as I climb out of the car.

Cold air hits against my cheeks, sending a chill down my spine. I slide my arms through the sleeves of Louis's tuxedo jacket and I wrap myself in it. Miranda hops out and looks at me.

"I didn't know." She says in a low voice with her head down.

"Nobody really does." I answer her and there is silence.

"How do you do it?" She speaks.

"What do you mean?"

"How do you stay so strong and act like everything is okay?" I just look at her as she asks me a question I wasn't expecting.

"I stay strong because I have to. Not for myself, but for him." I answer honestly. I look over my shoulder to look at Louis. He flashes me a smile on the other side of the glass. I smile at him and I look back to her.

"I may not know you well, but you have a wonderful heart. I hope to have one like that someday." She admits and I place my hand on her shoulder.

"Everyone can have a big heart, they just need to get past the mistakes and learn. You have that heart." I tell her and before I knew it she was hugging me.

"Thank you so much for tonight."

"It's no problem. I hope Niall gets his shit together because he loves you." I tell her as she pulls away.

"I know he does, I hope he does too."

"Here," I say, digging into my pocket and I pull out a piece of paper with my number on it, "if you need anything, give me a call."

"Thank you, honestly."

"If you say thank you one more time, I will have to punch you." I joke and she laughs.

"I'll see you soon." She speaks one last time before walking up the steps to her house.

Once she is inside, I climb back into the car and I quickly put my hands against the hot air that is coming out of the vents. We sit there for a few minutes until I get warm. I then lean over the console and I wrap my arms around Louis's arm, resting my head on it.

"Are you ready my little trooper?" He asks me and I nod.

"Yes sir."
Vote and comment please!!


I posted a picture of Anna on my ig acc (harrystyles0016) it will be the seventh picture from the top.


Who Will Win My Heart 2Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt