Chapter 57

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Liam ends up driving my car to the lake as we stay quiet the whole way there. He pulls into the ice cream parlor parking lot and I grab my father's ashes as we get out of the car. We walk down the dirt path in silence until we reach the part of the lake by the bench. It's colder down here with a grey cloud cover, looking like it may rain. Liam stands to my left as our feet are less than an inch away from to water. I look up at him and he gives me an encouraging nod. I carefully take off the claylike lid, giving it to him to hold.

"Rest in peace dad." I whisper ever so slightly as I go down onto my knees.

I tilt the round container so some of his ashes fall into my hand then I let them fall into the water. The ashes float on the surface of the water, then they eventually sink to the bottom. I pour half of the ashes left in the container then I stand up, handing the rest to Liam. He hesitates at first, but then he grabs it. He goes down onto his knees and sighs.

"Rest in peace dad." He repeats my words.

He carefully pours the rest of the ashes in the water until the container is empty then rises to his feet to stand beside me. I begin to feel small rain drops hit my head then it starts to pour. Liam and I just stand there, watching the ashes sink to the bottom. I then turn around as I walk away from Liam and I sit on the bench, our bench. I pull my knees into my chest while Liam stands there by the water with his head down. I know if he turned his head, he would be crying. Within the matter of minutes, I'm soaking wet and I'm sure I have makeup running down my face. Just then, Liam bends down to grab the container and puts the lid on top. He walks over to the bench and sits beside me on my left then sits the container on the other side of him. We sit in the exact spots we used to when we were younger and I scoot over to Liam to rest my head against his shoulder then he slings his arm around my shoulder. We sit there in the pouring rain for another hour just staring at the raindrops coming down, breaking the surface of the lake.

A while later, he nudges me and we get up. We walk back up the now muddy path and he stops me before we get into the car.

"Your car is going to get all muddy and wet."

"I don't care." I sniffle my nose and I climb into the passenger seat.

He stands there for a few seconds before getting in, I know he's fighting his pet-peeve of getting in the car as he is wet. He then gets inside, huffing at the idea of his wet bum on my seat.

"Honestly Liam I don't care. I'll clean it another day."

"I'll help you clean it tomorrow." He sighs, pulling out of the parking lot.

I have debate to take off my drenched hoodie, but I almost forgot the bruises around my wrists. I know if Liam saw them he would beat the shit out of Jason. Halfway down the road, he hits the steering wheel in frustration.

"Do you know how much this is bothering me?" He says through his teeth.

"God Liam, pull your big boy pants up and just drive. I could give a shit less right now if my damn seats get wet." I snap at him.

"Sorry." He sighs, shaking his head.

"What did dad say in your letter?" Liam asks me.

"He just said how sorry he was for everything and how he was changing for us. Then he told me his happiest moments as a father." I whisper.

Liam is silent for too long and I look over to see his face flooded with tears.

"Did he tell you anything else?" He asks through his sobs and I shake my head no.

We make it into the driveway and he shuts off the car. We sit there for at least ten minutes before Liam breaks down.

"I fucking hate him! I hate him!" Liam shouts at the top of his lungs, pounding on the steer wheeling.

"Hey hey, it's okay... It's okay..." I run my hand over his back and he shakes his head.

"No it's not Leah." He cries and I begin to cry with him.

"Liam I know. It's hard.."

"You have no idea." He cuts me off.

"Let's go inside okay?" I suggest and he nods as we get out of the car.

We walk into the house and everyone is sitting on the couches. They stare at us without a word as we walk upstairs to Liam's bedroom and he shuts the door.

"Can I borrow a pair of sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt?" I ask him and he nods.

He digs through his drawers then throws me the clothes. I change in the hallway bathroom and I walk downstairs. By the time I get in the living room, Liam has Anna in his lap with Zayn and Louis sitting beside them. Niall and Harry sit on the couch across from them. The living room is absolutely silent not including the tv. I sit in Niall's lap and he wraps his arms around my waist. I refuse look over at Louis because I know he's watching Niall and me. I look over at Liam and he makes eye contact with me. He looks miserable with bloodshot eyes.

"Are you okay?" Niall whispers to me, only loud enough for me to hear.

"No." I whisper back.

He wraps his arms tighter around me, nuzzling his face into my neck. He plants small kisses on my shoulder bone.

I don't pay much attention to him as my eyes refuse to leave Liam's. I see anger and sadness build up inside of him. Anna leans over to say something to him but he doesn't move his eyes from me.

What the hell is going on?

He shakes his head, pushing her off his lap. Everyone's eyes shift over to Liam and I stand up.

"I'm sorry I can't do this anyone." He starts to cry again.

"It's okay Li.."

"It's not fucking okay Leah!" He screams at me, making me jump backwards.

Everyone is frozen by his outburst.

"Come on Liam, let's go upsta.." I begin to say but he cuts me off.

"No!" He shouts, grabbing a glass cup off of the counter.

He throws it against the wall, making it shatter everywhere. Niall and Harry immediately go over to stop him but Liam breaks a lamp against the wall.

"Liam that's enough lad." Niall says and Liam shoves him backwards.

I have never saw Liam like this before. I look over to Anna and she absolutely terrified.

"Don't you dare touch me!" He yells at Niall.

"Get the hell out! All of you!" He yells at everyone.

He walks over to the shelf, picking up picture frames. He continues to break everything he possibly can.

"I got him everyone leave." I reassure them.

"We aren't leaving you here with him like this." Louis says and Niall shoots him a death glare.

"I got him, he won't hurt me." I snarl.

"Please stop him." Anna begs me as she hugs me.

After they all leave, Liam is now in the kitchen. I walk in and there are plates and cups broken and glass is scattered all over the tiled floor.

"Liam please stop." I beg him.

"No Leah! Just leave!" He yells at me.

"I'm not leaving Liam. You are my brother." I defend myself.

"I'm a horrible brother!"

"No you're not! Stop breaking everything!" I yell at him as he opens another cabinet full of potential things to break.

"You don't understand Leah! You don't understand anything!" He sobs, smashing a bowl against the floor.

"Then tell me what I don't understand! I'm trying to help you but you won't let me!" I yell back at him.

"I can't tell you! You will hate me forever!" He grabs a pot, he tries to break it but it ends up just making a loud banging noise against the floor.

"I could never hate you, you have been there for me through everything."

"No I haven't."

"For god's sake! Stop breaking things!"

"I hate him, I fucking hate him! He has ruined everything!" Liam shouts again.

I can see his neck vein pop out of his forehead and neck, afraid they might break. His face his red, Christmas red I swear. I walk over to him.

"Please stop." I beg him and he sighs.

He lowers his hand with a plate that was raised above his head seconds ago. I pull him into the living room with me and I sit him down on the couch. He is now sobbing uncontrollably. I've never in a million years expect Liam to be like this.

"Liam talking to me." I whisper to him and he shakes his head.

"I c-can't."

"You can tell me anything."

"N-no I c-can't Leah. You don't understand. Y-you will n-never forgive me." He stumbles with his words.

"Liam, what is going on?" I am now concerned, what is he hiding?

"I knew.." He trails off in sobs.

"You knew what?" I frown at him.

He pulls his face up to look at me. His warm brown eyes desperately look into mine.

"I k-knew he was going hurting you the whole time and I didn't stop him. I knew he was going to fucking rape you before I even left for my audition on the X-Factor."

My body begins to shake and more tears spill from his eyes. Unable to form words, I'm frozen from his confession.

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