Chapter 77

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After Louis helps me get rid of my head pains, I take my medicine and Anna and I head off to the mall. Snow begins to fall and I regret not wearing a heavier jacket. We step out of the car and the cold air stings my cheeks when we rush inside.

"God it's so cold!" She hums as we get into the big dress shop. She unwraps the scarf from around her face when a young girl around our age walks up to us.

"Oh my gosh you are Anna! Liam Payne's fiancé and you are his sister!" She exclaims and we exchange glances before giving a polite smile.

"Yes, so please don't announce it to the world." Anna lightly jokes and the girl blushes in embarrassment.

"Sorry. How can I help you?" She asks and Anna looks at me.

"Well I need a dress and she needs a dress. Her dress needs to be mint green and I want simple wedding dress." Anna explains and the girl shows us over to the rake of green dresses.

We look through all of them and they have every shade of green except for mint green. The closet color is a darker shade of light green with the ugliest flowers spread all over the dress. We look at their wedding dress for Anna and none of them suit her, they are too dressy or they have too many flowers and sparkles on them.

Afterwards we go to three or four different dress stores, not finding any dresses for either of us. When we get to the car, she groans in frustration as she turns the engine on.

"We are never going to find any dresses!" She throws her hands up in the air.

"Hey it's fine, we still have time." I reassure her and she shakes her head no.

"This is so stressful."

"Calm down, stress isn't good for the baby." I playfully scold her and she laughs.

"Anyways, I know another place we can go to. It's small but I promise they will have something." I comfort and she nods.

I give her instructs on how to go to get there and about ten minutes later we pull into a small dress shop. We walk in together and a familiar old lady turns to look at me. Her face brightens when her eyes meet mine. She shuffles her feet across the floor as fast as she could to hug me.

"Leah darling!"

"How are you doing?" I ask as I pull out of her arms. Her white hair is shorter than I remember but she does look good for her age.

"I'm good, how are you doing? And how is your brother doing? I haven't seen the both of you since you were fourteen! That's been three year ago! I remember when your mother brought you in here for prom when you went with my grandson." The memory of that night makes me want to walk right back out the door but this is for Anna so I put on a fake smile.

"It's been four years," I correct her, "but my brother is doing good. This is Anna, she is Liam's fiancé." I introduce them.

"I'm Brenda. It's nice to meet you. So I'm guessing you are here to find a wedding dress?" Brenda asks us and we nod.

"Come with me then." She says all giddy and we follow the short little lady to the dresses.

We try on numerous dresses and in the end we both find dresses. We find a mint green silk dress for me that stops right above my knee. The dress has a sweetheart neckline with one single strap the goes over my left shoulder and across my back that stops right by my right shoulder blade. On the strap, it is cover with small flowers and I absolutely love it. Then to top it all off, I got matching heels.

But Anna's dress, it's perfect. It is a simple long sleeve lace white dress. Her dress is long with a sweetheart neckline too, but lace covers the whole dress up to her collarbone and down her arms. She looks stunning in it and that's when we decide it's the perfect dress for her.

"All I have to do is take a few measurements and we can get you out of the dress." Brenda smiles to Anna.

"I'm going to go change out of this dress." I tell then as I head to the bathroom.

I slide the dress off and I neatly hang it on the hanger on the back of the bathroom door. I pull my jeans on along with Louis's hoodie and I feel my stomach begin to turn. I just make it to the toilet as I start to throw up again. My head begins to pound when I wipe my mouth, flushing the toilet. I reach into my bag and I grab one of my prescribed pills. I put it in my mouth and I scoop water up in my hand from the sink to drink out of. I shut the toilet seat lid and I sit down on it as I pull my phone out of my pocket. The phone rings once and he immediately picks up.

"Hey." Louis answers and butterflies swarm in my stomach from just hearing his voice.


"Are you okay?" His worried voice makes me wish I didn't call him, I don't want him to worry.

"Yeah, I just got sick again. I threw up and my head started hurting again so I took my medicine." I say honestly, I won't lie to him.

"Are you coming home soon?"

"Yes, after Anna gets fitted for her dress we will be on our way."

"Okay good. I don't want you to be out sick."

"I know, I just called to tell you that. I'll be home in a little okay?"

"Okay. I love you and please be carefully, the snow storm is picking up."

"I will I promise. I love you too." I swear and I hang up the phone.

I grab the dress from the back of the door and I carry it back out to Anna. I sit down in front of her as Brenda pins the dress.

"You were right." She smirks as I pull my knees up to my chest.

"About what?"

"About finding a dress here. I love this dress, it's perfect." She smiles, looking in the mirror beside me.

"You do look gorgeous. Liam will fall over from just one look at you." She giggles and puts her hands on her belly.

"My belly is growing bigger and bigger everyday."

"It's because you eat everything in the flat." I tease her and we both laugh.

"Grandmother?" A familiar voice interrupts us and my heart starts to beat out of control.

He walks in and I almost didn't recognize him at first. He smiles at his grandma then his eyes meet mine. He must be almost 21 now and I haven't seen him since prom. He still has his shaved head with his normal studs in his ears. But he dresses differently than he did in high school. He is wearing baggy jeans along with work boots and a leather jacket with a white t-shirt underneath.

"Leah?" The words fall from his mouth as a question as if he doesn't recognize me since he graduated.

"Yeah I know! Brayden look how much grown up she is now and much more beautiful!" Brenda says to her grandson and my eyes shoot to the ground. I want him to leave, I want him to go and never come back.

I glance up to him and his eyes are glued on me, in shock just as much as I am.

"I'm almost done, I'll be with you in a minute." Brenda tells him as she directs her attention back to Anna.

Brayden awkwardly walks over to me and I feel sick in my stomach.

"Hey." His voice cracks.

I ignore him as I stare at the wall in front of me. I wrap my arms around my knees that are pulled into my chest.

"Leah, listen I'm s.."

"Don't you dare say you are sorry." I snap at him when I look up at him.

"What I did was wrong, I should have been there for you. I made a big mistake." His voice is low, he is visibly upset from the topic.

"That's right, what you did was wrong. But I'm the one that made the mistake, I should have never trusted you."

"Leah, I didn't know that was going to happen."

"You didn't know a lot of things did you? I was a freshman, a stupid freshman that let a senior ruin me." I mutter to him and he shakes his head.

"I didn't mean to."

"You left, you broke up with me when you found out. A week later after prom, after you took my virginity away from me. I was fourteen, I wasn't even ready and you knew that." I yell at him in a low voice so only he can hear me.

"I know I fucked up. I should have protected myself, I was stupid."

"Yes you were. The pathetic thing is you left as soon you found out, and you didn't even own up for making that mistake." I rant and he runs his hands over his face.

"I wish I could take it back. I wish I could I promise you Leah." He swears to me.

"Well it's in the past, so don't bring it up again."

"But for the record Leah, I wasn't using you for sex. I cared about you." He whispers and I laugh.

"That is such a lie."

"I did, I was just scared."

"That's right, you were afraid to become a father. Unlike you, I couldn't run from the problem. But don't worry about it, I had a miscarriage remember? You're safe." I feel a tear form in my eye but I won't let this bother me any longer.

"I'm sorry, I really a.."

"Leah you ready to go?" Anna interrupts him. She's already dressed and I didn't even realize she left to get changed.

"Yeah I'm ready." I stand up. Brayden and I exchange looks one last time before we leave the dress shop. When we pull out of the parking lot, she frowns at me.

"Who was that?" She asks me as she drives through the snow.

"He's an old friend." I simply answer.

"By the look on your face he isn't a friend." She observes.

"He is my ex-boyfriend."

"Oh okay." She laughs and I join in with her.

"Ow the baby just kicked me."

"Wait what?" My eyes widen and she smiles.

"Give me your hand." She instructs me and she puts on my hand on her lower stomach. Within seconds the baby gives a small kick and I gasp.

"Hey baby, it's your Auntie Leah." Anna whispers to the baby and I can't help smile at the fact that I'm going to be an aunt.

We finally get back to the flat and when we get inside, I go straight upstairs. I open Louis's door and he is sprawled out on the bed but jumps up to his feet when I come in.

"Hey how are you feeling?"

"Better, the medicine is helping." I sigh and he gives me a look.

"What's wrong then? And don't tell me nothing, I know you better than that to know when you are lying." Louis catches me as I climb onto the bed. He sits down and I lay my head on his lap. He rubs the pains away and I'm finally able to relax.

"I just something from the past came up. I don't want you to judge me. Only two and a half people know." I sigh and he raises his eyebrow up at me.

"First of all, I would never judge you. You know there is some horrible things I've done in the past. And second, two and a half people?" He questions me and I close my eyes.

"Two people, including myself, knows the whole story. And one person knows half the story, and that's Niall. He doesn't know all of it." He stiffens when Niall is mentioned but he doesn't say anything.

"So when I was fourteen, I just started high school and I had this class with this senior, his name was Brayden. It was his last year in high school and he was the head of the football team and all the girls fell for
him. And I was one of those girls. He ended up being my partner in this class and we started talking. He eventfully asked me out and I mean of course I said yes. We dated for months, he never pushed me to do anything. Well that was until prom. He asked me to prom and I said yes, I thought I was the coolest person because someone older than me asked me to go. But anyways, during prom he suggested to leave early because it was stupid. We went back to his house and he started undressing me and asked if we could finally do it. My fucking stupid self said yes, and we both knew I wasn't ready for it. He didn't have a condom but he promised me that everything would be okay. That night I lost my virginity to him. A week later I found out I was pregnant after I missed my period. That's when he left. He broke up with me and acted like nothing happened. He went off and dated the caption of the cheer squad who was my best friend, he acted like I didn't even exist. Couple days after he broke up with me, that's when my dad started hurting me. And after a few kicks to the stomach from him, I had a miscarriage. The sick part was that after I told Brayden I lost the baby, he was so happy and he wanted I get back together with me. But that's when I drew the line and told him no." I admit everything and Louis pushes my hair away from my face.

"Baby I'm so sorry, that's horrible." He whispers.

"It's okay. I've gotten over it, yes it was horrible but I moved on and I tried to forget about it. I haven't thought about it since the one time Niall took me to the beach last year. I only told him that I lost my virginity with him, I didn't say anything else. Only Brayden and I knew about, nobody else. I didn't have anyone. I was doing good keeping it in the back of my head until I saw him today. He even had the balls to come up and say sorry. It was the worst mistake of my life."

There was a moment of silence, a moment when Louis froze and when I opened my eyes, he had his closed.

"When Eleanor got pregnant, I was scared. I didn't want it to screw up my career so I made her get an abortion. I think about it everyday of my life and I regret it. I would do anything to go back to the moment and not make her. I was horrible. I was just as bad as Brayden." He states in a low voice. I know what's running through his mind.

"Louis, I'm not going to think of you differently. It was a mistake and everyone makes mistakes, that's what makes us human. Nobody is perfect."

"You are perfect." He whispers to me and smile.

"No I'm not."

I watch his face above as his expression changes and he finally opens his eyes.

"You are to me." He promises as he leans down, connecting his lips to mine.

"Are you tired?" He asks and I nod.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" Part of me tells me to tell him no, I'm not ready to sleep in the same bed as him. But considering that we found out that I had cancer this morning, I have nothing to lose.

"Please." He begs and I sigh.

"Of course."

He stands up, gently laying my head down on the pillow and he pulls my boots off for me. He walks over to the light switch and flips it down, the room turns into totally darkness. The bed dips down when he climbs under the covers beside me then pulls it up over top of us. He wraps his arms tightly around my waist and pulls me close to him. My back is up against his chest when I intertwine my legs with his. He buries his face between the crook of my neck, his breath hits against my skin and immediately sends a chill down my back.

I miss the way he held me, the way his breath hits against my skin. The way his arms wrap around me tightly like I may fall, him saving me instead.

We lay in silence for the longest time and I'm almost convinced that Louis is asleep until he whispers into my ear.


"Mhmm?" I hum as I turn my head to face him. His eyes open slightly as his blue eyes stare into mine.

"I wish you would just go to the hospital and get treated before you get sicker. I don't want you to suffer anymore than you already have to." He pleas with me.

I don't reply, unsure how to reply. Instead, I roll over to face him and his eyes are glossy. I lean up, kissing him gently on the lips. I then hide my face into his chest and he exhales softly in disappointment.

Minutes later he begins to snore lightly and I feel my falling asleep to his quiet snores.
SOOO what did you think? Comment and vote please!!! Sorry for the short chapter.

How is everyone doing? So I've picked out a cover for the third book... Wait I didn't announce it yet :) so yes there is going to be a third book! Hahah I hope you all are as excited as I am. I have a lot in store for you all in the next book. So from here on out I know exactly what is going to happen now to the end of the third book :) :*

Also we started decorating for Christmas today. OH MY GOD I went to see Catching Fire this weekend and let me say it was such an emotionally movie for me. It was horrible because I already read the books so I knew what was coming up next and it was just an amazing movie. ALSO I watched White House Down this weekend, starring Channing Tatum aka one of the most sexy people in the world, and the movie was amazing too! They did such a good job at it! Any movie recommendations? I watch every kind except ones with clowns in it hahaha.

I love you all!

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