Chapter 62

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Nick kept his promise as I wake up the next morning with Alyssa no where in sight. Thank god. I get ready, pulling hair into a sloppy bun with a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I grab my cheer bag and I head out the door.

When I get to the field, I'm one of the first people to get here. As always, Amanda is sitting to the ground as she reads the newspaper.

"Oh look who is here early." Alyssa says through her teeth.

"Yep, bright and early to see my favorite captain ever." I roll my eyes and I hear Amanda laugh behind us.

I pace off away from her and I sit down in the grass, stretching my legs. Would you know it, Alyssa comes over and stands right infront of me as she touches her toes. Why won't this bitch leave me alone?

"So guess what?" She smirks at me, this is not going to be good.

"What Alyssa?" I say through my teeth.

"So last night Nick invited me over to the frat house, and let me tell you.. He is amazing in be..."

"Oh my god Alyssa I don't give a shit about your sex life!" I scream at her.

"Anyways, we ended up talking about you. Nick says your annoying and you hang all over him." She tells me, and at this moment I want to punch her and Nick both in the face.

"Believe whatever you want. I'm not that whore that sleeps with every guy unlike you." I snap at her.

"I'm not a whore." She barks and I laugh to myself.

"Do you want to know the pathetic thing? You sleep with other people but Nick has never slept with anyone else since he has been with you." She just stares at me with her mouth wide open.

"How do you know that?"

"Let me just say when you were sleeping with that other guy at the party, I ran into Nick and he was pretty upset."

"Okay girls! Circle around." Amanda calls us over.

I stand up to be eye level with her and I get into her face.

"Don't worry about me ruining your relationship, you're doing that for yourself. Nick is a good guy, get your shit together." I warn her, then I turn as I walk over to the rest of the squad. I look over my shoulder to find Alyssa just standing there.

We run about three miles and we do the stairs for the most part of our practice. Amanda told us since we are starting classes tomorrow, we will only have practice Tuesday, Saturday, and Sunday nights in the auditorium, which I'm thankful for.

After practice I grab my cheer bag, throwing it over my shoulder as I head to the administration office. I'm halfway there when I hear a familiar voice calling my name.

"Leah!" I turn around and Nick is jogging up to me.

"Hey how are you?" He asks me as he catches up to me.

"Fine you?" I grumble.

"Okay.. What's wrong?" He asks me.

"Nothing." I mutter and his eyebrow arches.

"Oh really now? What did Alyssa say to you this time?"

Damn he's good.

"She preceded to tell me how wonderful you are in bed then she told me that you said I'm annoying and that I hang all over you."

"That's not true."

"I mean, if you hate me I'm not the one that talks to you. You're the one who goes out of their way to talk to me. Like I said we aren't friends." I tell him as we enter the administration building.

"We are semi-friends remember?" He mocks me.

"That was until you made me seem like a whore in front of my friend."

"He's an ass anyways." Nick comments as we walk up to the front desk.

"Hello how may I help you two?" The older lady asks with a smile on her face.

"I need my schedule." I say.

"Me too." Nick adds and she nods.


"Leah Payne,"

"And Nick Johnson." He grumbles and the lady frowns at him.

"Now no need to be rude." She snaps at him and I can't hold back my laugh.

She prints us both of them out then hands them to us. I thank her and Nick just stalks away. I roll my eyes and she laughs, amused I'm guess.

I let him walk alone as I walk another way back to the dorms. My phone rings and I pick it up.


"Hey Leah! I'm on my way." Anna excitedly says.

"I'm on my way back from practice now, I'll throw on a pair of pants and another shirt and I'll meet you at the mall."

After we agree, I quickly change into a pair of dark capris and a white blouse, throwing my hair into a side braid. Then I head to meet her.

The drive was about thirty minutes away, a long thirty minutes. I pull into the entrance of the mall and I see her standing at the doors. I grab my purse and I rush over to her. She smiles and hugs me tightly.

"I've missed you so much!" I tell her.

"I missed you too! Ready to go find a dress?" She asks and I groan as she drags me inside.

We go through many stories, looking for a stupid dress for me but it was tons of fun. I eventually buy a sleeveless white dress with thick straps and a flower pattern that goes up the side. It comes down to about my knees and it's not skin tight yet not poofy. I like it. I get a pair of white flats to go along with it. We then go into Victoria's Secret, and I end up buying a few pairs of plain colored panties, not "sexy" ones, and I buy two pairs of bras.

"I'm hungry." Anna tells me as we check out.

We then decide to go to lunch at the Panera Bread that is in the mall. After we get our food, we sit down at the small booth as we begin to eat.

"So how is everything going?" She asks me.

"Horrible actually."

"Liam told me everything about you, him, and your father. I understand why you don't want to talk to him."

"I'm just upset that he let the whole thing happen in the first place, but I rather not talk about it. But I do have a question for you."

"Sure what is it?" She takes a bite of her salad and I mimic her.

"Was Niall home last night?"

"No why?"

"Because he came to apologize to me yesterday and he said he had to go to a meeting last night with management. Well Louis and I met up last night to talk and he said there wasn't one and that Niall lied." I explain and she looks down.

"He lied. There wasn't one."

"I want to know what he is hiding!" I huff in frustration.

"Leah, I need to talk to you about something.." She trails off.

"What is it?" I ask as I take a sip of my drink.

"The other night, Niall came home late and he didn't know I was awake. I hear him talking to someone in his bedroom, it sounded like a girl."

"You are lying. Niall wouldn't cheat on me." I retaliate and she shakes her head.

"I'm not lying."

"It must have been the tv or something. He wouldn't do that to me, not after everything."

"I'm sorry Leah, but I'm just telling you what I heard." She apologizes.

"It's fine, I just don't want to talk about it."

"I would just go talk to him." She suggests and I nod as I finish my salad.

We go shopping for a while longer, a lot longer and we are both exhausted by the time eight comes around. I get a bunch of new pairs of jeans and shirts that aren't T-shirts. We head out to the car and I throw my bags into the back seat.

"Liam is coming back to the US with me." She says and I'm honestly shocked.

"That's great! When are you leaving?" I smile as she puts her bags in Liam's trunk.

"Tomorrow morning."

"Wait what?"

"Yeah, we are leaving at ten. Liam wanted me to tell you that if you need anything to call him." She tells me and I nod.

"I need advice." She whispers, looking around.

"Sure what's up?"

"I need to talk to someone and not Liam. I need to tell him but I can't."

"Tell him what? And why not?"

"Because I think he will leave me." Her eyes become glossy.

"Anna, he would never leave you. He loves you with all his heart. He wouldn't leave you over one mistake." I reassure her and she shakes her head.

"You can talk to me, I won't tell anyone. You are always here for me." I give her a warm smile.

"I'm so scared though. Nobody can know." She tells me and we both look around each other, I give her a nod.

"Remember when I came here like a month ago for those few days?" She asks and I nod.

"Well I forgot my birth control at home and I didn't think anything about it.." She trails off with tears in her eyes.

"What, you're.."

"Pregnant." Her voice cracks as she finishes my sentence and she puts her hand on her belly. Small tears fall from her eyes.

"Don't cry, everything will be okay." I whisper, pulling her into a hug.

"He's gonna hate me." She sobs.

"No he won't. I promise no he won't."

"He is gonna leave me. He will I know it."

"No he won't I promise you. My brother would never do that, I know him too well. He got down on one knee and asked you to marry him. He loves you a lot. When are you going to tell him?" I ask her as I unwrap my arms from around her.

"I don't know."

"Anna, you have to tell him. You can't keep it away from him. If anything, he will be upset that you didn't tell him right away."

"The thing is you are the only person who knows besides me."

"Wait you haven't gone to the doctors?"

"No, I can't."

"You have to, you have to make sure the baby is okay." I explain to her.

"Okay I will, I'm going to tell Liam when we get off the plane tomorrow." She says.

"You call me okay?" I tell her and she nods.

She hugs me one last time, and I smile to her.

"Guess what?" I whisper to her.


"I'm going to be a aunt." She laughs with a big smile on her face.

"You will be the best." She tells me as she rubs her hand over her belly once again.

I tell her everything will be okay before she leaves and she promises to call me. I watch her pull away as I sit in the car. A part of me feels that Liam is going to be shocked and unsure what to do, but I know they will be fine and he will be a wonderful father. Another thing is I'm so excited to become a aunt, this baby will be so spoiled.

After a while, I head back to the dorms to get ready for the treacherous first day of school tomorrow.
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Sorry about everything. I love you all and thanks for most of you always there to stick up for me and being there for me. So how is everyone?

PS: it's all going to come out sooner than you think :)

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