Chapter 53

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I feel Niall squirming underneath of me and I wish he would stop. I'm so exhausted I just want to lay here forever. I bury my face into the crook of his neck and he sighs.

"How long has she been sleeping like that?" I hear Liam's voice.

"Like two hours." He chuckles against me.

"I'm guessing she missed you." Anna laughs and I totally forgot about her being here.

"Are you sure she's still breathing?" Harry jokes.

"Yeah it looks like she's dead to the world." Zayn adds and I shoot my head up to look at them. They are startled.

"I am not dead. I'm just really tired." I groan, stretches my arms and legs while still on top of Niall.

"Babe you have to get up, my legs are numb and my back hurts." Niall complains.

"Nah I'm good." I sprawl myself out over top of his, resting my head on his chest.

Liam looks at Anna and I totally forgot I was suppose to act like I didn't know she was here. I jump off of Niall, making his eyes widen.

"God I didn't even notice you were here! I'm so sorry!" I hug her tightly and she laughs.

"Good coverup." She whispers in my ear, only loud enough for me to hear.

I unwrap my arms from around her and turn to find Niall now sitting up so I couldn't lay on him. I crinkle my nose as I sit beside him, he wraps his arms around my waist. He pulls me onto his lap and he receives a disapproving look from Zayn and Harry. What the hell?

"So how do you like college?" Liam changes the subject.

"I like my squad and everything, but oh my god do I hate my roommate. She's such a snobby bitch. Her boyfriend is just... there are no words to describe him." I scoff.

"Well that sounds lovely." Harry sighs with sarcasm.

"Yesterday when she walked in she started bossing me around and I let her have it then she told me that we should act like each other doesn't exist. But they didn't work out as she basically fucked her boyfriend in front of me and I had to sleep in my car." I don't hesitate to let the curse words slip from my mouth.

"Damn, is she hot?" Zayn jokes and shoot him a death glare.

"I mean if you like a slut who has every STD possible go for it." I roll my eyes.

"Just don't let her get to you." Niall says, kissing my cheek.

"I already dunked her toothbrush in the toilet."

"No you didn't!" Harry busts out laughing.

"She pissed me off what can I say?"

"What happened to my little sister that was so innocent?" Liam asks me.

"Your little sister grew up and doesn't take shit from anyone anymore."

"So Anna how long are you staying?" I smile.

"I'm staying here for two weeks until college starts back up. So we need to go shopping. Remember this time you will be getting a dress." She smirks.

"I hate dresses." I groan.

"But you look very sexy in them." Niall whispers quietly and Zayn frowns.

"What did he say?"

"Nothing." I smirk at him.

I spend the rest of the night with them. We order pizza and watch movies until about one in the morning, I almost forget that I have practice in the morning.

"Hey I have to get going. I have to be up at eight." I sigh, climbing off of Niall's lap up to my feet.

Anna is passed out on Liam's lap and Harry and Zayn are snoring on the floor. I got over to hug Liam so he doesn't have to wake Anna.

"Hey babe can you run upstairs and grab me a hoodie?" I ask Niall so I can have couple minutes alone with my brother.

"Sure." He stands, walking upstairs. Once I hear the door open, I look at Liam.

"Have you talked to him?" I ask him. He looks puzzled for a minute then he nods.

"We have to go to recording on Friday and he should be there, so I'll let him know you asked how he was doing."

"Don't tell him I was asking." I quickly spit out as Niall walks down the steps.

"Here." He smiles, handing me his black hoodie that he always wears.

I slide it over my head, then I direct my attention back to Liam.

"Call me okay?" He nods as Niall and I walk out to my car.

He opens the driver side door for me and I climb in.

"I miss you." I say with my legs draped outside of the car as I look up at him.

"I miss you too. When do you think you will be back?"

"I'm not sure." I shrug my shoulders.

He pushes my hair behind my ear and then caresses my cheek with his palm. He leans down and connects his lips to mine for a small but loving kiss, then plants a kiss on my forehead.

"Will you call me when you get back to the dorms?"

"Yes will."

"Be careful, okay?"

"Yes dear." I smile at him.

"Remember I will always love you." He whispers to me.

"I love you too."

He shuts my car door for me once I swing my legs in. He stands on the porch, watching me as I pull out of the driveway.


The rest of the week goes by quickly, and before I knew it it's Friday. Alyssa hasn't been to the room which I'm grateful for, but she surely has been to practice. In our cheer routine, she is my base when flipping me and I'm always scared to death that she's gonna drop me on purpose. But it hasn't happened, yet.

I stay away from Starbucks, I really didn't feel like dealing with seeing Nick's face anymore and his attitude makes me want to hit my head against a wall.

After cheer practice, I walk back to the dorms with Shelby and I basically ignore her as I let my mind fill with other thoughts. Part of me can't wait until Liam calls me and tells me how Louis is doing, but part of me still doesn't want anything to do with him since the whole big deal about me choosing Niall over him. The thing about Niall is that lately he doesn't call much or answer my texts. I know he's been going out to clubs and parties lately like he used to before I came around, but I'm always worried he will find someone else. Someone else to love instead of me.

"Leah? Did you hear me?" Shelby brings my attention back to her.

"I'm sorry no, what did you say?" I ask, making her sigh.

"I asked if you wanted to go to a party with me tonight." She repeats herself.

"I'm sorry, I don't go to parties."

"It's not really a party, it's like a get together for the cheerleaders and football players, aka soccer players for Melanie." She jokes and we both laugh.

"I think I'll pass."

"No seriously please come. It's at my boyfriend's frat house and he will probably be drunk and I don't want to be the only sober person there." She begs of me.

"I thought it wasn't a party?" I raise an eyebrow at her, catching her in the lie.

"Fine it's a party but please come.." She pleas, folding her hands together.

"So you're boyfriend is on the soccer team?" I mock Melanie.

"Yeah he is. He's a year older than us though. We just got lucky I was accepted here and not somewhere else. So are you coming or what?"

"Alyssa is going to be there." I groan.

"No she won't. She will be tied up being all over her boyfriend or some other guy."

"Wait Nick is on the team?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yeah, best one on the team. That's why Alyssa also hates you. She thinks that you will hook up with her boyfriend."

"Trust me I won't, I already have my own boyfriend." I defend myself and Shelby's jaw hits the ground.

"Are you serious? Why am I just now hearing about this?"

"Because it never came up and we haven't been the best this last week." I say as we walk into the campus. The gravel no longer crunches beneath my feet as we begin to walk on the the cement pads on the sidewalk.

"What is he like?" She asks and I smile to myself.

"He's every sweet and I love him. He isn't like most guys." I keep it a secret that he is "The Niall Horan" because I don't want people to use me to meet them.

"What's his name?"


"Oh I love that name!" She exclaims and I can't help but laugh. Obviously she's a fan, but unwillingly to admit it.

We reach my dorm and I open the door. We walk in and she plops down on my bed as I shut the door behind me.

"So are you going with me?" Damn she's so persistent.

"Fine." I mutter.

"Thank you so much!" She cheers and I laugh.

"What am I suppose to wear?"

"Just wear shorts and a tank top." She smiles, rising to her feet.

"I'll go get my clothes and I'll just get ready here." She says as she leaves.

I open my closet doors and I scavenge through my clothes to find something to wear. I will not go there looking like a slut, I refuse to. There will be one too many at the party already.

I decide to wear my white shorts with a sky blue crop tank top that exposes my lower stomach up to my belly button. I search through my smaller bag, looking for a belly button and I find one with just plain fake diamonds. I slide through my skin as Shelby walks in. Her eyes go wide as they travel to my stomach.

"Ouch!" She yells, shielding her eyes.

"It doesn't hurt." I laugh as I screw on the top of it.

"Don't you have one?"

"Um no, I would never let a needle go through my stomach fat!" She exclaims.

"I'm done, you can look at me now." I laugh as I walk past her into the bathroom.

I loosely curl my hair, letting it fall past my bust. I miss actually doing my hair. I haven't done it in the longest time, I might have to do it more often.

When I'm finished, I put light make up on and I make my way to find Shelby. I find her laying on my bed with her legs crossed. She's wearing black shorts and a top that exposes her whole stomach. She wear black laced boots that go up to her mid shins. She has her hair down and it's wavy.

"Damn you're hot, the guys won't be able to kept their eyes off of you." She says sitting up. You mean you Shelby? You're the one half dressed.

"Thanks. Is that your natural hair?" I ask and she nods.

"Ready to go?" She asks and I look at the time.

"Wow it's seven already." I sigh.

My stomach turns and I start to feel a little nervous. I don't want to go to this party.

"Maybe I should just stay." I stammer as we head towards the door.

"No please don't back out on me now." She pleads.

"I promise it will be fun." She swears, pulling me out the door to her car.

The frat house isn't too far away from campus and when we get there, there has to be at least fifty or more cars here. Great. She pulls into the driveway and immediately jumps out of the car. I walk inside with her and I feel myself tremble as I see half of the male population either sitting on the couch or playing pool with a beer in their hand.

"Hey!" Shelby shouts, running to a boy with blonde hair.

He is much taller than her with freckles on his cheeks. He is dressed into a flannel with jeans and I'm surprised when I notice he has gauges.

He wraps his arms around her waist, smashing his lips into hers. I feel awkward as I stand behind them until they depart their lips from each other's. I look around the pool table and many guys have their eyes glued on my. I'm half tempted to go sleep with some other girl, but Shelby stops me before I do.

"Leah this is my boyfriend Evan, Evan this is Leah." She introduces us. He reaches his hand out and I grab his, shaking hid hand.

"Nice to meet you." He smiles and I give him a polite smile back.

"I'm going to get us a drink." I say to her as I make my way around the house to find the kitchen, or someone else from the squad.

I finally found the kitchen and there is nothing but alcohol. I sigh as I grab two beers, one for me and one for her as I make my way back to the pool table.

I stand and talk to Shelby for the next couple hours, and couple of the girls for the squad stop by to say hi. By the time ten rolls around, almost everyone is drunk besides Shelby, Evan and me. There is no sign of Alyssa and I'm honestly thankful that there will be no drama between us. That's the last thing I need.

"Do you want another drink?" I ask Shelby and she nods.

When I return, I begin to panic as I see Shelby and Evan have disappeared. I walk into the living room and they aren't there. I notice a back porch and I step out on it. It's pitch black out besides the small glow of the end of a cigarette. I immediately regret coming out when I see a familiar figure sitting on the steps with a long cigarette looking thing in his mouth. Nick turns his head towards me as I back away.

"Come sit with me." He says, patting the wooden step he is sitting on.

I hesitate. I don't think he is drunk and he's the only one I have recognized in the last ten minutes. But the part of me that despises him is telling me to walk away.

"Fine don't." He growls.

I cave in as I walk over to him, sitting to his left.

"Is that weed?" I ask and he shoots me a look, then offers it to me.

I shake my head as look at him. His eyes are glossy with his pupils dilated. He's high.

"I don't smoke." I inform him.

"Suit yourself." He shrugs, putting it back in his mouth.

"Why do you even smoke weed?" I question him.

"Why are you even asking?" He snaps.

"I'm just curious. I've never saw weed in person before."

"Then how did you know it was weed then?" He frowns at me.

"An educated guess, and it doesn't smell like a cigarette."

"I smoke it to get lost in my problems. Whenever I feel like I need relief, I grind the marajuana leaves and I wrap it in paper. "

"I never knew you could smoke it like that." Well, I never knew how to do it in the first time.

"And wait, you said you have problems?" I scoff, almost laughing.

"You have no clue." He protests.

"Trust me, you have never met problems until you have lived in my shoes."

"Enlighten me." He challenges me. The last thing I will do is tell him about my personal life.

"That's none of your business."


"Where is Alyssa anyways? She hasn't been at the dorms." I ask him and he rolls his eyes.

"She's been staying with me. She can't stand you." He chuckles, throwing the remaining bud in the grass.

"Why didn't she come tonight?"

"Don't worry, she's here." His words are harsh.

"I haven't seen her."

"It's because she fucking someone else upstairs."

"And why are you angry about that?"

"Why wouldn't I be! She's my girlfriend not the whole school's play toy!" He shouts in frustration.

"Well from my understanding you are the same way. Sleeping with multiple girls yourself."

"No I don't."

"What?" I gasp.

"I only tell her I sleep with other girls to make her jealous, but obviously it doesn't work. I have never slept with another girl when I was with her."

"Did you ever think she's trying to make you jealous? But she's actually not lying like you are?"

What the hell? Did I just stand up for her?

"I don't know! Stop trying to be my damn therapist!" He yells at me.

"God you're such an ass." I snap, standing up to my feet.

"Damn I'm sorry Leah. I'm high and pissed off, it's not a good combination. I just want something to eat, it makes me hungry." He apologizes.

"Save it for someone who cares." I slide open the door as I return to the party.

It's tens times more packed than it was before and I can't walk without bumping into someone. I finally run into someone I know.

"Hey Mel! Where is the bathroom at?" I yell so she can hear me over the loud obnoxious music.

She points up the steps and I quickly run up them. There is about six or seven doors down the hallway. What if I walk in on someone, or on Alyssa and that boy? The thought disgusts me as I slowly walk down the dark area. I begin to walk and I feel someone grab my waist, pinning me to the wall.

Before I could push the person away, they smash their lips into mine as their hips begin to grind on mine.
Comments? Votes?

So many people have been kiking me edits for all three of my books! If you are interested, you can kik me at harrystyles0016 and I'll post them on ig and twitter! :)

I tried to make the update long :) thanks for waiting I love you guys!

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