Chapter 80

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My senses finally come back to me as I come out of that state I was in. I feel a rush of coldness going up in my arm and I hear a machine that follows by oxygen being sent up my nose into my lungs to help me breathe. A small pain shoots from the side of my head down to the back of my spine, a new pain I haven't witnessed before. I try to move my hand but I struggle at it. I feel another hand slide into mine. I try to open my eyes but I can't.

"Leah it's Dr. Garcia, can you squeeze my hand." She whispers and I do just that. I gently squeeze her hand as my body aches.

"Good, can you wiggle your toes?" She asks and I can.

I wiggle my toes then my feet. I pull my stiff legs up until the are bent then I lay them back down on the bed I am in. The back of the bed moves upward until I'm in a sitting position and it feels much better than laying down.

I try to open my eyes and I get them open for a second to see that everything is blurry.

"Blink a couple times, it will help you see." She instructs me.

I blink a few times and each blink becomes clearer and clearer. When I can see, I'm in a hospital bed which I already could have guessed. I looked down to my arm to see an IV pumping fluids into my body. I move my hands up to rubs my eyes and I bump the breathing machine that is hooked up to my nose. The tubes wrap around the back of my ears and is connected to the oxygen tank beside me. I look around and I'm in a white gown with a blanket draped over my legs.

The room is dark, barely any lights on. I return my attention to her and she gives me a gentle smile. We are the only two people in the room.

"Lou-u.." I stutter, unable to form his name from my lips.

"It's okay, you will stutter at first but that's only one of the effects seizures can have on you." She informs me.

"Lou-u.." I try again, but I fail.

"Do you remember him?" She asks and I nod.

"Is he your brother?" She asks and I shake my head no.

"Your boyfriend?" She asks and I nod.

"Sorry, I just had to make sure you knew him before I brought him in." She explains, rising to her feet. She walks over to the door and opens it.

"Louis can you come in here." She asks in a low voice.

"Why can't I?" I hear my brother raise his voice.

"Please just wait Liam." She pleads him.

Seconds later, she walks in with Louis right behind her. His eyes immediately meet mine and he paces towards me. I extend my arms out and he hugs me tightly while sitting down beside me on the bed. I wrap my arms around him, burying my face into his neck. Then I cry. Not because of what is happening but because I was scared that he left.

"Shhh, it's okay. You are okay, I'm here." He whispers to me, running his hand down the back of my head over my hair repeatedly in attempt to calm me down.

I look up at him and he has tears in his eyes. I lean up and I kiss him. At the moment I don't care if the doctor is in the room, I just want him with me. His warm lips move gently against mine then breaks away from the kiss. I whine and he places a kiss on my forehead before he pulls my head over to rest against his chest in his arms.

"Okay so we need to talk. We have to start the treatment as soon as possible, your tumor is growing and growing bigger. So in an hour we are going to start." Dr. Garcia cuts to the chase and I nod, hiding my face into Louis.

There is silence, the only sound I hear is Louis's heart beat pound against my body.

"I'll give you guys a few minutes." She says in a low voice, walking out of the room.

Who Will Win My Heart 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz