Chapter 61

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"Hey." I say as I sit across the table from Louis.


"How are you?"

"I'm fine." He mutters, playing with his hands as he looks down at them.

"I'm sorry." I tell him quickly, too quickly.

"So why did you want me to meet with you?"

"Wait what? Didn't you listen to my voicemail?"

"No I didn't. I was with my girlfriend when you called and I told her it wasn't important but then she insisted on listening to it. After she listened to it she deleted it and told me you wanted to meet up with me. Hell, I'm not even suppose to me here but Adriana will flip if she finds out." His words are harsh.

I connect the name Adriana with his girlfriend, I hate her name. Then it hits me. So he didn't even have a chance to hear me almost say I love you, she heard it. That's why she didn't want him to come. I stretch out my legs and I accidentally hit Louis's foot, and I quickly move my feet back.

"I said over the voicemail that I was sorry for freaking out on you and I didn't want us to hate each other. I told you if we met up I would explain everything that happened this weekend."

"Don't worry about apologizing to me, I know you meant every word you said." He spits at me.

"No I didn't Louis."

"Well don't worry about it, I don't care. And you don't have to explain yourself to me because I don't want to hear it." He shoots at me as he rises to his feet.

"Please don't leave." I beg him.

"Tell me one reason why I should?"

"Because right now I need a friend to talk to about what happened, and not my boyfriend who is at a meeting with management right now. Wait, why aren't you there?" I ask and he frowns.

"What meeting?"

"Niall said there was a meeting tonight."

"Well there you have it, your boyfriend lied to you."

I'm quiet for a second as everything processes. Niall lied to me again. Not once, but again.

"That's what I thought." He scoffs, heading to the door.

"Please, I need someone to talk to and you are the only one I really trust." I plead with him and he stops in his tracks.

He slowly turns around, walking back to me in defeat. He slides himself back onto the chair as he folds his hands together on top of the table. His eyes meet mine while he nods, letting me know to start.

I tell him everything. Every single detail, every word that was exchanged between Liam and I. Louis sits there attentively as he listens to my screwed up life. I start off by tell him that my father passed away and how he wrote us letters along with giving us everything in the house. Then I tell him about us letting his ashes go at the lake then how Liam had to big outburst and it was all from the guilt. I tell Louis every word he said, the reason why he never came back to help me. Louis stays silent with his eyes locked on me as I admit everything.

"So that's everything from beginning to end. I'm sorry I flipped out on you." I sigh.

"I can't believe Liam let that happen to you." He shakes his head, running his hand over his face as he ignores my apology.

We are silent for couple minutes, exchanging glances to one another.

"Leah I don't think we shou..." He begins to say but a familiar voice interrupts us.

"Hi sir, sorry about the delay with our hot tea machine. Here is your order." Nick says, handing Louis a coffee cup with a black lid.

"Thanks." Louis says and Nick's eyes widen as he sees me out of the corner of his eye.

"Oh hey there Leah, is this boyfriend number two?" He asks and my mouth must have hit the floor.


"I mean, is this your secret boyfriend? Because I saw you snogging the blonde one earlier." He accuses me as he puts his hands on his hips.

"Um, no. This is one of my best friends and I was not making out with the blonde one earlier." I snap at him and Louis is just glaring at Nick with his jaw clenched.

"Wait best friend? Then why am I only your semi-friend? I have just as many tattoos or maybe even more than he does."

"Oh my god Nick. It's not about the tattoos okay? Now we aren't friends anymore because you just made me seem like an ass in front of him." I gesture to Louis in frustration.

"Doesn't she have an attitude?" Nick asks Louis and Louis lightly laughs, obviously annoyed.

"Yes she does." Louis answers him.

"Nick get outta here!"

"Fine fine! Do you want the usually?" He asks me and I see Louis clench his fists.

"No, just leave." I saw through my teeth and Nick laughs.

"I'll get you one anyways." He smirks, walking away from us.

"Who the hell is he?" Louis asks me in a stern voice.

"He is my roommates boyfriend."

"Well you know he was flirting with you the whole time right?" He snaps. I look down at his hands and his knuckles are white.

"No he wasn't."

"Yes he was."

"No he wasn't."

"Whatever Leah! You always has to be right!" He shouts at me and for some reason I flinch.

"What were you going to say? I don't think we should what?" I ask him.

"That Nick guy screwed it up. I was going to tell you but now he just made it ten times harder for me. I had it set in stone what I was going to say, when it's already hard enough for me." He throws his hands up in frustration.

I really don't want to hear what he has to say, but I owe him enough to say it.

"I don't think we should be friends anymore Leah." He says and my heart breaks in half internally.

"What? Does this have anything to do with Adriana?"

"It has everything to do with her. I love her and she asked me not to be around you with our past."

"Our past?" I gape at him.

"That we had a thing for each other. I want to tell you the truth but I can't."

"And why not? Don't you think I can deal with it! It can't be worse than my own brother letting my dad hurt me." I argue with him.

"So after you picked Niall and I left the flat, I went to the bar.."

"And that's where you met Adriana." I interrupt.

"Yes, and I admitted the whole thing to her.."

"So she knows about my father!" I yell, interrupting him once again.

"No not everything I just told her that your dad abused you, I'm sorry okay? I was drunk and stop damn interrupting me!" He says and I roll my eyes.

"So I ended up sleeping with her that night and in the morning we started to talk. Then I started to develop feelings for her. So since she knows everything, she knows that I cared about you a lot and she doesn't feel comfortable with us talking." He explains.

"I think it's ridiculous that she slept with you even though you were in an invulnerable state."

"That's not the point Leah. I will do anything to make her happy."

"What about you Louis? Are you happy that you will never talk to me again?" I ask him and his eyes become glossy.

"You have no clue how hard this is for me." He voice cracks as he is on the verge of crying.

"It doesn't have to be hard. We can still be friends."

"No we can't. I'm sorry Leah." He apologizes as he stands up, quickly leaving.

I sit there, staring at him while he climbs into his car then he drives away.

"Hey here you go." Nick says, sitting my frappé in front of me.

I stay silent, not removing my eyes away from the door.

"Are you okay?" He asks me, sitting down in the seat Louis once sat at.

"Leave me alone Nick."

"I'm sorry about earlier I was joking. If I made him leave get him on the phone and I'll clear everything up."

"He doesn't want to be friends anymore."

"Why not? You are a wonderful person." Nick frowns at me.

"Because his girlfriend isn't comfortable with him being friends with me." My voice cracks just like Louis's did.

"Don't cry." He whispers, reaching his hand across the table then places it on top of mine.

We sit in silence for the longest time as I stare at the door. He runs his thumb over my hand to comfort me, but I can't get Louis words out of my head. I can't believe it all has lead to this. I just pour out my heart about my situation with Liam, and then he tells me he doesn't wanna be friends. I didn't expect him to pity me, I just wanted him to tell me everything will be okay like he once did before. I look up and Nick still watches me, patiently waiting for me to say something. I move my hand from underneath of his head and he pulls his hand back on his side of the table.

"Thank you." I whisper.

"No problem." He whispers back to me.

"So are you ready for classes to start on Wednesday?" He asks me.

"No that only gives me one day to get everything ready and I didn't even go get my schedule yet."

"Neither did I." He laughs.

My phone then rings and I'm totally unaware that it has become dark outside. I look down and it's Niall. I look up at Nick and it's like he can read my mind.

"I'll be back." He tells me as he lets me alone.

"Hello?" I answer my phone.

"Hey babe, how are you?"

"I'm good, how was the meeting?" I ask him, seeing if he will lie again.

"Good, it just ended."


"What did you guys talk about?"

"Oh nothing really. Just talking about how we are taking a break to get our publicity down."

Lying, again.

"Oh that's cool. How is everyone?"

"Good, Louis was so annoying through. He kept asking for food, I never thought someone could want food more than me." He laughs and I fakely laugh along with him.

He is such a liar.

I hear Anna's voice in the background and Niall says something back to her that I can't quite make out.

"Anna wants to know if she can come down and have lunch with you tomorrow after your cheer practice."

"Tell her yes and to call me when she is on her way."

"She wants to know around what time?"

"Tell her two."

"Two and call her when you are on your way!" Niall shouts to her and she says something else.

"She says that you will be going shopping and you will be getting a dress." Niall laughs through the phone and I huff.

"Well babe I'm tired so I'll call you in the morning okay?"

"Don't forget."

"I won't. I love you."

I hesitate but then I say it.

"Love you too."

I hang up the phone and Nick appears back at the table.

"Do you need a ride back to campus?"

"No I'm fine, I'll see you tomorrow." I say, rising to my feet.

"I'll make sure Alyssa isn't at the dorms tonight so you can have your peace and quiet."

"Aren't you sweet?" I tease, walking towards the door.

"I try buttercup!" He chirps and I laugh as I leave.

I head to my car as I take the next ten dreadful minutes driving back to campus.
Sorry for the long wait..

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