i wanna shout it from the rooftops

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Damn my editing skills are good 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I'm kidding. I can't do anything. Can you even see anything different in Chris' face?! (If you can't see it, which you can't, I supposedly 'pierced his nose' 😂💀 I'm crying. 😂😂😂 he plays Max Martinez except, he has black hair and hazel-y eyes 😍😍🙌

Ashlyn's P.O.V

"Get the fuck away from her!" Max grabbed Ryan by the collar and pushed him against the wall.

"Calm down Martinez." Ryan chuckled, although he was hiding his fear. "You leave her alone. Don't even go near her." He said the through gritted teeth.

"Or what?" He challenged, regretting it when his face soon felt a stinging pain. Two of Ryan's 'friends' tried to pull Max away.

"Stop! Max! P-please!" I begged. He quickly got off him and wiped his bleeding lip on the back of his hand.

Ryan quickly backed away and ran far away from him. Max ran his hand through his black hair and fixed it a little.

Jenna was unable to move, she was hugging me and running her hand through my hair but couldn't say anything.

"I'll leave now." He said quietly and put his hoodie on and pulled his black hood over his head. He walked out (and left me stranded 😂) and I pulled away from Jenna. "I'll be back.... Maybe not." I hugged her one last time.

I went after Max and found him kicking pebbles, head hung low and ear phones in. I sighed and walked up to him.

I stood on my tippy-toes and covered his eyes. He jumped and turned around. He took out his white ear phone and gave me a one of his famous little smiles.

"Hi." I walked beside him. He didn't answer, he just nodded. He thinks saying 'hey' after 'hi' is awkward and wrong.

(I'm not the only one who thinks this right?! I cringe when I'm like 'hi', and they respond with 'hey' LIKE, NOO! WHYYY?!)

"Are you okay Max?" I asked him and looked up at him, he was way taller than me. He shrugged. "Yep. I'm just.... Over reacting. Like you always say, I'm on my man period." He gave me a weak smile but then quickly looked away.

I scoffed and smiled. "You always are." I smiled. "Thanks for... You know.. Getting him off me." I shoved him playfully, trying to get a smile at least.

He nodded. "Anything for you...." I think I heard?

"But seriously, what's wrong Max? I don't like seeing you like this..." I frowned.

The moon was full and it was reflecting over his pale skin and hazel eyes. He sighed deeply. "It's just... I... Feel pathetic. I like this girl. She will never pay attention to me. She has her eyes on another guy. And... I've liked her for so long." He looked up at the moon as we sat down on a bench.

(Imagine it being a prostitute's bench 😂😂 this is what happens when I let my mum talk for more than 30 minutes 😂😂💀)

"Oh I'm sorry. Who wouldn't like you though?!" I exclaimed. And then I think I figured it out. "You like Jenna don't you!"

(HAHAHAHAHA 😂💀 rip Mashlyn or Maxlyn shippers😂😂🔫)

"No. She's very pretty but no." He sighed.

"So then....." You know when you think you have the answer but you don't want to make it awkward?

"Tell me more about this girl then..." I tried. "I should get going now. Thanks for walking with me Ash. Bye, I'll see you on Monday." He stood up and ran his hand through his hair.

"Yeah. Anytime." I put my hands in my back pockets and balanced on my heels. He smiled at me and took his hoodie off and gave it to me. "Here." He smiled and I let him put it on me.

(My mind???? Idk what it's thinking ffs.)

He hugged me and then walked off. Just like that.

I had a text message from Mikayla. Oops.

Mikayla😊: Bought the kids home. So it's okay. :)

Oops. I should definitely not have kids at all. I would loose them at Walmart.

I thought, probably true.

"Ashlyn! Are you in the kitchen?" My mum sleepily called out. "Yeah. Sorry mum, go back to bed." I smiled at her.

She yawned and sat at the kitchen island. "Why don't you go back to sleep mum, you need sleep." I asked confused.

"I just want to check you're not drugged or anything. They took Peter and some other kids. I need to check." She yawned again, falling asleep in the chair.

"I didn't drink anything but water. And no drugs." I told her honestly. "Hmm?" She hummed as she's stood up and nodded.

"Yeah no drugs. What did your father's shirt day back then? Pugs before drugs? Yeah! That!" She giggled. "You need to sleep. Now." I laughed and helped her up the stairs and into her room where my dad was snoring loudly.

I smiled and tucked my mum in. I kissed her forehead and then my dad's and left quietly.

Haha. Wtf Max! :(

Why do I always choose to update at 1am?! I'm so complicated... :(

Feeling Ariana Grande this chapter 😂...

QOTC: Do you like any of her songs??

AOTC: I like her music... Don't know about her generally.... Oops. :)


song: Secret Love Song - Little Mix

I saying then??!) 💗}

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