Chapter 27

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A few months later

All this time, I took all that mistreatment for my sister. She didn't know what it meant to have a family, it wasn't something I could give her. She was eight when my parents past and I had barely turned 15, I felt powerless. But I wanted her to be happy.

"Abby, pass me the pecans," Luke gestures toward the kitchen cabinets. 

"Sweet or salty?" I examine the different bags.

He admires his masterpiece, "What do you think?"

I look over has his work. Luke challenged his mom, that he would be able to make a much better pasty than she could; so he decided to make this weird avocado pie where he found the recipe for on the internet. 

In my opinion, it was a very stupid idea. Why? because I got stuck helping him out. 

"Sweet?" I wait for his approval

"Sounds good to me."

He slowly starts placing the pecans around the pie. I lost my nerve

"Luke, give me that," I grab the bag and throw a hand full of pecans around the pie. 

He takes a few glances between the pie and me, "At least it's finished."

"Abby, Luke, we've set the table," We head over to the dinner table, as Honey calls for us. 

Luke carries his pie as if it were a rare possession, heading over to Honey. 

"Look, mom. What do you think?" 

She smiles, "I can't get used to it."

"I'm talking about the pie," Luke reminding her about his pie. 

"Call me mom, one more time and I promise I'll stop," Honey beams.

Honey is a very kind person. Even when she went through so much as a kid, she still wants to give her family and her life meaning. Luke apparently never called her mom ever since she divorced Luke's father. But now, I think he's realized that Honey is trying her best as a mom. 

"O.k, o.k. Look mom, my pie," he looks annoyed, but I think he just doesn't know how to say he's happy. 

Honey smiles widely, "Abby, Stacy, come on kids. Let's eat."

As we all take a seat at the dinner table, Stacy makes a funny face when she sees Luke's pie. She gives it a minute till she decides to say something. 

"What, is that?" she looks a bit freaked out. 

"My pie," Luke states with pride. 

I see Jess furrowing her eyebrows.

"It looks like someone puked on it," Stacy eyes it. 

I have to say, she isn't wrong. The pie has a weird type of green that looks more like mold, than an avocado green; And the pecans, I threw on it, don't really help its cause. 

"Wow, just wow. I expected an insult from anyone but you, Stacy. I am hurt," Luke acts petty.

"Luke, sweety, it does look a bit odd," Honey carefully says, but I can see that she's just teasing him. 

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