Chapter 30

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To the teacher who made me write


I try to move but can't. My face feels cold, heavy, and lost at the same time. I turn my head- ignoring the constant pain- in search of my sister; I don't see her. I wince at the pain coming from my ribs, glass shards piercing me between my bones. 

I've lost the feeling in my legs. 

I start to smell salt, a sour kind of salt. It's thick. A pool of water comes from the bottom of my face. I move my hand towards the water; it's not water. I hear crying on my left side; slowly, turn around and see my sister crying. I try to smile, but end up moaning in pain.

"Your bleeding!" She's shaking uncontrollably with her tears falling on me. Her voice sounds so faint, some familiar blond highlights approach from a distance.

"Come on you have to get up before....," I hear a faint voice of a boy.

A man grabs my sister abruptly, the boy tries to help, but the man smacks him to the ground.

"Luke!" My sister yells through sobs as she fights against the man's hold.

The man tries to drag her into his car. But She frees herself by smacking her head against the man's. He cries in pain. Jess falls to the floor, moving over to Luke. I watch the man pull out something from within his coat.

I try to warn them, but I can't, the words won't come out. 

Luke runs to Jess, hugging her tightly. 

More blood fills the ground as my sister and those blond highlights- I came to fond over- fall to the ground. The man doesn't care, he grabs my sister again.

The last thing I hear is the faint sound of a siren.

Then everything goes dark.

I never looked forward to anything. I never made plans nor a wish list. I never thought I had to. Today, however, was special, today I was looking forward to it. But today, I fear death.


The only thing, I hear are murmurs. Very faint murmurs. My eyes feel as they were taped together with duct tape. Move my around, I let out a low moan.

I feel a gentle touch on my arm, "Abby...."

I try to focus to make out who's talking to me.


It's a soft, kind voice. The same voice that gave me the hope to live. 

Trying to speak, I can't, my throat feels sore. I manage to open my eyes While adjusting to the light in the room, I make out a figure to my left.


I try to call her name out, but nothing comes out. She strokes my hair, "It's ok. Try not to move around. You're going to be ok, Abby. I promise."

I recall being thrown against the car by Mr. White. I quickly look at Honey.

My mouth quivers, "J-J-"

"She's being taken care of as we speak. Please don't speak, you need to save your strength."

My eyes start to tear as I recall Luke hugging Jess tightly.


I look at Honey again.

"Luke," I manage to say in a weak voice.

"They're in good hands, I promise. We just have to wait on the doctor's news. Please rest. I promise to tell you everything once you feel better. Everything is O.K now. Mr. White has been detained. I'll make sure, He'll never harm you ever again. I promise," She lays her forehead on mine as she whispers.

I am able to close my eyes as she assures me that not only is Jess all right, but Luke as well.


A picnic, where the grass is green, flowers are lovely and the sky is beautiful. Just as Taylor and I would go to when we were dating. He made me feel special like any boy can. But he's not here anymore. 

I look around, everything seems bright and happy; but there's no one around, but me. To my left, I notice a basket full of the most beautiful red apples. 

I grab one. 

It's admired for its beauty; being red and beautiful, it becomes intriguing for anyone to take a bite.

Always debating between apples and pears, I finally understand.

I take a bite.

As soon as I took a bite of the apple, I realize it was poisoned. 

Breathing heavily, I wake up with the moonlight coming from the window. 


These dreams have haunted me since the day my parents died. I now know, they mean nothing. There is nothing to learn from them. My bitterness came from this apple by my own pettiness, trying to blame the slightest thing for my bitterness. 

But that's not the point of life. 

Everyone is broken in some way or another. We are human. We aren't perfect. We all have scars we hide. We all hurt. But...

We can heal.

 It's been a while since I was able to come home with Honey, but I am yet to hear any news regarding Jess and Luke. Rubbing my eyes, I slowly sit up and look around the room. I stay dazed by how tired I am. Trying to swallow, but can't; my throat is too dry.

I make my way out of my room, toward the kitchen when I see the lights in the study are on.

I approach the study. Realizing that the door is slightly open, I hear voices inside. I am about to open it when I hear a man speak.

"I'm so sorry, Mrs. Wilson. We couldn't do anything," A man with a fancy suit pats Honey's back.

Honey drops on the sofa heavily sobbing.

I enter the room, confused about what's going on. Honey hears the door creak, she lifts her face to see who's at the door.

Honey, who always looked younger despite her age, this time she slightly looked older with heavy tears streaming down her cheeks, "Abby?" She approaches, wrapping her arms around me.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

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