We talk into the night a lot. We'll stay up late and just talk about anything and everything. We talk about his work, family, friends, and about our future together. He's made me a lot of promises. To never leave me, to always love me, to try to be a good boyfriend, to work hard to support us, and that we're going to get married one day, have a family of our own, and to make it to the end game. We've talked about the house that I want to live in, where we're going to live (in Haines, of course), and we decided that when the time came to get married and get a house, we would build our own house. He told me that the house could be anything and everything I had always wanted, and it could be anywhere in Haines that I wanted. I've always wanted a log cabin by the mountains. He promised me that I would get my dream house. He's told me a lot of things that happened while I was gone, about his work and his high school years, and his friends and about what happened within the family. I told him a lot, about a lot of different things. I love when it's just me and him, and we can talk about anything; I cherish those moments, because I know when he gets back to working, there will be a lot of going to bed early, working through the night, sixteen hour shifts, and being worn out for Parker, my hard working miner.

"Nick?" Parker said, pulling me away from my thoughts.


"What are you doing? You're just staring at the dash and smiling." He smiled.

"Just thinking."

My phone started ringing. I picked it up from my lap and looked at it.

"It's Kayleigh." I said to Parker.

"Answer it." He said.

I slid my finger across the screen to answer the call.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey, Nick." Kayleigh said.


"What are you doing?"

"Riding down the interstate with Parker."

"Oh, where you going?"

"Dawson. Well, actually we're going a few places. We're in Canada. Parker wanted to look at some new ground and look at his old claim. But what are you doing?"

"Nothing. Just sitting around."

"Happy Valentines Day!"

She laughed. "Thanks. How is your Valentines Day going?"

"Pretty good. Parker got me a teddy bear and some chocolates."

"Aw, goals." She chuckled.

I chuckled. "So what's up?"

"I miss you."

"Aw, Kayleigh, I miss you too."

"Me too!" Parker yelled so Kayleigh could hear him.

"Did you hear Parker?" I laughed.

She chuckled. "Yeah. I wanna come see you."

"Well, when's the next time you're off school?"

"Do I have to wait that long? Not until Easter." She pleaded.

"I don't know. I don't want you to miss school."

"Nick, please. I'll get my homework and do all of it before I leave. It'll be like I wasn't even gone."

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