15. Pierre At My House.

Start from the beginning


Why would he be alone? Where would be his parents? Did he have brothers or sisters? These were the type of questions that came to me but before I could voice them out, Joshua spoke again.

"Won't you get any trouble at home for fighting?" he asked me and I huffed. The boy really did not know my family.

"My parents won't care at all," I told him honestly and he paused.

"It's hard for you at home?" he wondered out loud and I nodded despite the fact that he could not see me.

"Yep," I gave him a simple answer and he did not say anything else about it. It remained silent for some minutes before I decided to say something, "Will you be okay tomorrow for your detention? Or do you need me to wait for you after school?"

"I'll be good. You don't have to worry," he reassured me but I was not one hundred percent sure.

"But will you manage with those little rats?" I questioned.

"You are finding new names to describe them as time passes," he joked before adding, "But didn't you say that now they are no longer going to treat me like a punch bag?"

"I did but-"

"But nothing. Don't worry about them. After what we did to them I don't think that they will dare to hurt any of us so soon. They seemed to be really suffering when we left them. Even Greg seemed like he wanted to cry," Joshua said and I chuckled.

"I still can't believe that you like that guy," I told him.

"Liked. Honestly, I don't really feel anything for him anymore. He succeeded to make me dislike him in a matter of days," he admitted and I made a sound of approval, "But Declan, thank you for defending me. I won't forget it."

"No problem," I told him just as he slowed down his scooter.

"Where is your house again?" he asked me, looking around.

"Just turn to the left, it's along the next street," I replied and he did as I instructed him to. Once my house was in sight, I told him where to stop and I got off the scooter, removing the helmet that he gave me before returning it back to him.

"Good thing that I always keep a spare one with me," Joshua said, referring to the helmet which he hanged around his hand. He looked at me with a grimace, "You have an ugly face."

"You clearly haven't looked at yourself in a mirror," I retorted, examining his face which was worse than before. I could now say that he got two black eyes and the blue and violent marks on his face weren't too good to the sight. His cheeks seemed to be scraped and that could have only been cause by something sharp or hard. I frowned, now realizing it.

"Actually, I did look at myself in a mirror," Joshua said, pointing to one of the side mirrors of his scooter. "Fuck Scott and his stupid ring! He did not even bother to remove it before punching me. Now look at what he did to my beautiful face."

I chuckled. So that explained how his cheeks got like this. I looked in the direction of my house and said to Joshua, "I'll see you tomorrow. I need to go take care of myself and lie down for some time. I really need it."

"Okay. See ya, Declan," Joshua told me goodbye. He started the engine and flashing me one last smile, he started to drive away. Letting out a sigh, I turned around and walked towards my house.

I could feel the muscles of my body tense as I walked. I must say that it was a long time since I last got in a real fight. My body kind of forgot the pain. Now it was aching.

When I reached the front door, before I could open it, the door opened and the face of an angel appeared right in front of me.

"Declan! What happened to you?" Pierre exclaimed in disbelief, looking at me in complete horror. I smiled widely despite the aching feel that it caused to my cheeks.

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