Chapter Nine: The Fight

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Here's chapter nine! Kind of short, but enjoy :)

Jake's POV

(The next day)

I woke up on the couch of Lucas's room. Lucas wasn't there, so I stumbled onto my feet and headed out of the room.

I walked down the stairs, heading towards the kitchen when I heard Lucas's voice. He was talking on the phone. "I don't know if Jake's gonna like that idea... Okay, I'll ask. Fine! Yeah, you're right, but I feel bad. He's probably gonna get mad. Ugh, fine. Okay!! Bye." He said, and hung up. My brain filled with curiosity. Who the fuck was he talking to?

"Lucas?" I asked, and entered the room. His eyes widened as he released a smile. "Who was that?" I asked. Lucas looked at me worriedly.

"It was Bennett," he said, my eyes filling with anger. "He invited me to go on his date with Alex and him... they're going to this gay club and they wanted me to come. Look, Jake I know you probably don't want me to go, but--"

"Obviously I wouldn't. Why would I want you to go to a club where you drink, dance and have sex with other guys while Alex and Bennett are both there?" I asked, my voice now angry. I couldn't believe that Lucas was even considering this.

"Jake, it's my choice, and Bennett wants me there. I'm going." He said. My mouth dropped open.

"Are you kidding me?" I asked, almost in a scream. He looked scared, so I backed off of him. "I can't believe you actually want to go to a gay club with the people I hate," I mumbled. Lucas came towards me and put his arms around my waist.

But, I shook them off, turning my body away from him. I seriously couldn't believe that this boy was going against the only things I wanted from him: no Bennett and no Alex. He was basically betraying me.

My mind began to wonder whether or not he liked these guys or not. Why else would he want to go on their date? And why were they even inviting him.

"You can come, if you want." Lucas said in a soft, seductive voice. He smiled and leaned in to kiss me.

I looked at him as if he were crazy. "No, I'm not coming to a fucking gay club with those idiots," I said, ripping away from him and storming into the hallway and up the stairs. I couldn't believe that Lucas thought I would want him to go, or even go with him. He was probably just going to hook up with Alex or Bennett or some other stranger. It made me sick.

I grabbed my phone and lounged back on the couch. I didn't know what to do, I was just mad. I began to text a bunch of people: Connor, Mark and Callie. I texted Callie asking what she was doing. All I wanted to do right now was make Lucas jealous or mad or whatever I was feeling. And I know that wasn't exactly a good thing for me to do, but I didn't care. I couldn't believe him.

Callie instantly texted back. "Nothing much ;) wbu?" She asked. I typed up "in Florida :/ miss you." and debated whether or not to send it. I new it would make Lucas furious, but in a way I wanted to show him how mad I was that he was going to hang out with those guys. So, I sent it.

I nervously waited for her to respond, my heart beating fast. "Aww :( miss you too." She said. I couldn't believe it. We were practically flirting. I now felt bad, for both of them. I was both betraying Lucas and leading Callie on. The worst part was that I kind of enjoyed it.

I've always liked the idea of revenge. And I've always been good at it too. What people may not know is that I get hurt easily on the inside, and the only way for me to feel better is to make someone else feel the pain. I loved Lucas, or at least I did. But right now, I was furious.

Suddenly, Lucas stormed through the door. "You know what Jake? You can't be mad that I'm going to a club with my friends." He said.

I scoffed at him. "Correction: you're going to a gay club with your gay friends while you have a boyfriend. There's a difference." I spat. Lucas shook his head.

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