Chapter Five: Spilling Secrets

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Lucas's POV

I knew it. He was amazing. "Yes, of course," I let out, smiling at his beautiful features. He blushed a little and looked down, nervous. God, he was cute when he was nervous.

"So tonight? Or tomorrow...? I'm not sure how long guys like to wait." He questioned. I let out a chuckle, he was too cute.

"Well, I'm getting pretty hungry. I could use a burger..." I said, making him smile. He nodded.

"I'll be right back, lemme just tell my mom that we're gonna go grab dinner tonight," he said, and scurried to his door. I sat on the couch and waited, when my phone began to ring.

I looked at the caller ID, it was Bennett. I immediately picked it up. "Bennett!" I exclaimed into the phone.

"Hey, Lukey! How's your man?" He said. I was so thankful to have a friend as understanding as Bennett. It wasn't even awkward between us.

"He's great, Bennett. So great." I said, smiling at the thought of him.

"You guys haven't--"

"No, no. Not yet. But Bennett, he's even better than I had remembered. We're actually going to dinner tonight," I said. I could feel his smile through the phone.

"Oooh a date. Well you guys have fun. I just wanted to check in on you and make sure you're doing okay." He said. I always admired how protective Bennett was over me.

"Yeah, I am. Thank you, Bennett. I'll text you, Kay?" I asked, reassuring him.

"Yeah okay. Bye Lukey," he said, and then hung up. I laughed and turned around, startled when I saw Jake.

"Who was that?" He asked. Jake was always very nosy about things, but I respected that.

"Bennett. He wanted to see how everything was doing," I said, getting up and walking towards him.

"You seemed pretty happy that he called," he mentioned. Oh Jake. If he ever thought anyone could come close to him, he was beyond wrong.

"Jake, he's my best friend. But I have no feelings towards him, I promise. They're all for you, Jakey." I laughed.

"Jakey. You like calling me that, don't you. Do you want me to call you 'Lukey'?" He asked laughing. Lukey... The name that Bennett called me. I did not want to be called that.

"I actually rather you don't. Bennett calls me that and it annoys the shit outta me," I said.

"So, Bennett has nicknames for you?" He retorted questionably. I sighed; boy was he jealous.

"Jake, you can call me whatever you want, and Bennett can too. That has nothing to do with the fact that I like you." I said, snaking my hands around his sides. I looked upwards and planted my lips on his. It took him a moment, but he wrapped his arms around me as well, and kissed me hard.

My hands moved under his shirt, gliding along his abs as he let out a soft moan. He gripped my ass and made me lean into the kiss more. We broke apart and I looked into his eyes.

"You ready to go on our little date?" He asked me. I laughed and nodded, following Jake out of his room and down the hallway. We grabbed our sweatshirts and headed out.

Jake had a black Jeep, and we climbed inside, Jake getting in the driver seat. He pulled out of the driveway and started down the street. "Do you wanna listen to the radio?" He asked me. I nodded and he put on channel 99.7.

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