Chapter Seven: New Places

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Here is chapter 7! Thank you for reading and voting. Enjoy:)

Jake's POV

I woke up to the sound of Lucas on the phone. "Yes, dad. Okay! Ugh, at 12:00?" He said, in an annoyed tone. "Ugh, fine. Fine!! Bye." He said. I could tell he was angry.

"What's wrong?" I asked, getting up and brushing my hands through my hair.

"I'm going back to Florida. My dad already scheduled the flight." He said. My whole world spun around. There was no was I was letting Lucas leave me.

"Why do you have to go?" I asked, panicking in my mind.

"I'm not even sure. He just wants me back home." He said. "Which is weird because I'm an adult, I should be able to do what I want. But he is my dad...I'm sorry, Jake." He said. He began to pack his stuff back in his duffle bag.

"Lucas, can I come with you? Back to Florida?" I asked. He looked up at me, his blue eyes dazzling. His face lit up and he smiled.

"You want to come back to Florida with me? The flight is leaving in an hour; are you sure your mom would be okay with it?" He asked, walking towards me.

I nodded. "I'll tell her and make sure, it's probably fine though," I said, now excited to fly across the country with my boyfriend. Finally, I could be in a place where no one would judge me, cause no one would even know who I was.

I ran out into the hallway and into my moms room. "Mom?" I asked, becoming nervous. She came out of her bathroom and looked at me.

"Yes, sweetie?" She asked. I smiled.

"Can I go to Florida with Lucas? He has to go back and I want to go with him, see his dad and learn what Florida's like," I asked, praying she would let me. But even if she didn't, I would go.

"Hmm... Florida. That's a ways away," she said, processing it. "Do you have money for your ticket?" She asked me.

I nodded and waited for her to speak again.

"Okay, I suppose you can then. When is the flight leaving?" She asked. My face lit up.

"Noon. Thanks mom!" I said, running back into my room. "She said yes!" I exclaimed, quickly grabbing everything I could and stuffing it into a suitcase. Lucas smiled, I could tell he was thrilled.

"Yay! I'm so excited for you to see everything and meet everyone! I know you'll really like it," Lucas said. I smiled and nodded.

We quickly got everything packed and then got in my moms car as she drove us to the airport. I was nervous yet excited to see Florida, but I was glad that I was going with Lucas.

We arrived at the airport and bought our tickets. Then we headed to Gate A-35 and waited to be called in.

We sat down in the chairs, and I noticed that Lucas's leg was shaking. "You excited?" I asked him.

He looked at me, confused. "What? Oh. Yeah, kinda." He said. I smiled and nodded. "What about you?" He asked.

"Very. I can't wait," I said. He looked at me and smiled. His smile was perfect, I almost became hard from the look of it.

There were tons of people around, but I couldn't help it. I tilted my head to the side, and leaned in to Lucas. Our lips touched, him tilting his face the other way and closing his eyes. It was a perfect kiss, and I didn't even mind that people were watching. It felt so right.

We continued to kiss, and even though my eyes were closed, I could feel people staring at us. I tried not to care.

We slowly broke apart, looking in each other's eyes. He was so hot, I couldn't even function. "You kissed me," Lucas mumbled. "In public," he said. I nodded, Lucas's smile the biggest I've ever seen it. I loved making him happy; I know I had last night as well.

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