Finally Together

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My eyes widen at the sudden contact but I slowly wrapped my arms Naruto.I felt him sigh and he cuddled closer.

"You can't imagine how thankful I am that you saved my life" Naruto says.

I heard a whimper. I look down at him and notice his tears. The moonlight made his face look beautiful I just couldn't resist.

I kissed him with all the passion in my body.I suddenly remember Naruto was with sakura so I break the kiss .

"I should go" I say with no emotion. "Please..." I hear naruto whisper,"stay with me."

I turn to face him, "I don't think I can."

"Sasuke, please don't leave me, I know I'm with Sakura and your with neji but..." His face starts to stream with tears "I think I've fallen for you, I don't understand why or how you did it but all I've done is think of you. I couldn't even go out on a date with sakura because you occupy all the space in my brain and because of that I decided to end my relationship with sakura" "I've felt like that about you but I never had the nerve to tell you." I reply.

"Y-you did." He looked up at me. "Ever since I met you" I admit as I reach out to wipe his tears. "But your still with Neji I can't even hope to have a chance with you." he takes my hand away from his face.

"That relationship exist only in the past now" I show him a warm smile. "Y-you broke up with Neji?!" he says looking up. "Actually he broke up with me" I said with a chuckle.

"He doesn't know what he's losing, I mean look at you . Your an UCHIHA for heavens sake. People would kill to get a piece of you." he over-exaggerates. Naruto continued to ramble about how hot I was so I kiss him to make him shut up.

I break the kiss and stare into his eyes. The moonlight illuminated his face and I saw a huge blush appear on his face.

"T-teme don't just suddenly kiss me like that." he says with a pout.

"You know, you look addorable when you blush," I say picking up his chin so he was looking at me. "Shut up, teme" he says trying to avoid eye contact. I let go of his chin.

"Would you do me a favor?" I whisper in his ear.

"Depends on what it is," Naruto responds.

"Will you be mine?" I ask.

"For ever and ever," he says with a faint blush appearing on his face.


Happy Thanksgiving to you guys.

I hope y'all had a better Thanksgiving than I did. i was alone, I had to help my mom clean the house and I didn't even eat anything special, just some stupid frozen food.

Well I hope you guys like this chapter. I did my best to make them hook up. I'm sorry if it sucks.


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