Chapter 39: I Spy

Start from the beginning

She pointed at the manhole, implying for one of them to open it. Kayla walked over and easily removed the cover, and Dalilah pretended to nervously stand back. Sarah began to descend the ladder, and Kayla was close behind. Once Kayla's head disappeared below-ground, Dalilah felt a finger poke her back and turned around to see Mikey, who grinned before swiftly lifting Dalilah up and hauling her up the fire escape on the side of a building.

"Scream," Mikey whispered. Dalilah nodded, releasing a yell that Mikey quickly cut short with a hand over her mouth to make it sound legitimate. He then hopped down to the alley on the opposite side of the building, expertly lifting the manhole. Dalilah jumped down as quickly as possible and Mikey was right behind her, pulling the cover closed above them. The orange-clad turtle wasted no time in racing down a tunnel with Dalilah on his tail, and they arrived at the lair. Leo, Raph, Donnie, Sam, and Abby were just arriving too from another direction, and Dalilah smiled excitedly.

"I did it!" she gasped, grinning as she waved the file gripped in her hand. However, the turtles didn't seem impressed.

"We gotta get everything copied as fast as we can. Then we destroy the original, in case there's some sort of tracker," Donnie urged. "Can I see it?"

He held his hand out, waiting for Dalilah to give him the envelope. She hesitated, but soon decided to let him do what he needed to. She trusted them now, she reminded herself. They were the good guys.

Donnie made his way to his lab, everyone else close behind. He jumped in his chair and slid over to the computer, his fingers pulling out all the pages of the file and scanning them as he began to type rapidly.

"Why don't we take a picture?" Mikey suggested. "Then we can get rid of it faster."

"It'll be too hard to read on a T-Phone photo. Also, I'm pretty sure its illegal to take pictures of official business papers like this," Abby pointed out.

Raph snorted. "Since when do we care about what's legal? We break into TCRI all the time. Isn't that an 'official business' building?"

"I think there's an exception for saving the world from aliens, don't you?" Abby retorted. Raph shrugged, backing down from the argument. Behind him, Donnie pushed the first page aside.

Dalilah quickly snatched it, her eyes scanning the words. This page had useless information. Well, not necessarily useless, but it wasn't what they were looking for. Just her name, birthdate, and a load of notes about the tests they were going to run on her and what they observed about her behavior.

Dalilah waited patiently for Donnie to finish copying the second page before he handed it to her. This one was interesting. It showed a picture of a man Dalilah had never seen before. He had blonde hair and blue eyes that Dalilah recognized. Underneath the photo was some information on the man, whose name was simply filled in as "Mr. Simmons."

"That's my uncle," Abby muttered behind Dalilah, who looked up. Abby's eyes were reading the text beneath the picture. Dalilah realized she had the same eyes as her uncle.

"It says here he adopted you three days before he, ah, died," Abby pointed out. "Why wouldn't he tell anyone?"

"Maybe he was going to tell you but never got the chance," Leo suggested. Abby nodded slowly.

"My mom mentioned once that he was supposed to be coming over that night. I guess he was gonna surprise us..."

Donnie had moved on to the fourth and final page of the file, and swiftly finished. "Now we need to get this thing out of here and destroy it. Just in case."

Dalilah gave him the first two pages back, and Donnie sent them out with Leo and Raph. They were to take the file far away from the lair and get rid of it. In the meantime, Donnie printed out the new copy, and gave them to Dalilah. She flipped to the third page, which told more about what the Kraang were doing with her.

Mutagen Experiment
Trial 1
Mutagen Type: Mutgemia
Subject(s): Dalilah Simmons
Status: Testing Failed
Mutagemia Holder: Kraang
Uses: Mind control
Results of Test: Failure. Test Subject has had mutagemia injected but has not shown signs of being loyal to Kraang. Effect: many recent memories lost

"Oh my gosh," Abby gasped. "They tested MGE on you?!"

Dalilah stared at the experiment results with shock. "Apparently."

"When did they give you a shot?"

Dalilah was silent. Suddenly, something flashed in her mind. She sucked in a breath, shaking off the weird feeling. She tried to think back to her time with the Kraang, and if they ever tried to test anything on her. She came up blank. "I can't remember, if they did."

"It does say that her recent memories were lost, as a side effect," Donatello pointed out. Abby nodded slowly.

A yell tore out of Dalilah's throat as another flash of white covered her vision for a split second, this time bringing pain along with it.

"What's wrong?" Mikey gasped. Dalilah shook away the pain, a thought blossoming.

"I think I'm trying to remember what happened," she murmured. "But it's just a flash. I guess now that I know there's something I can't remember, it's trying to come back, but there's nothing there."

"Is there any way to reverse the memory loss?" Sam piped up.

Donatello pursed his lips. "I don't know..."

"Hey, remember how Kenzie told us about that machine she used to wipe Sarah's memory?" Mikey reminded. "What if we can use that, but backwards?"

"In theory, that could work. It depends on the properties of the machine, but most likely, it can get your memories back," Donnie pondered.

"Wait...can it bring back Kenzie, Kayla, and Sarah's memories? Did Shredder even take them away?" Sam suggested.

Dalilah's eyes widened. "I heard him talking about this when I was there! He asked some creepy-sounding guy if they would remember you guys. Whoever he was talking to said they wouldn't remember any of the memories of their time here..."

"So if we can reverse Kenzie's old machine, it could break, or at least weaken, the mind-control!" Donnie exclaimed.

Abby looked around. "Someone call Leo and Raph, and tell them to hurry. If we're gonna do this, we have to do it soon, before Shredder manages to make the MGE even more permanent."


Jeez I'm so sorry this took four months
:((( but its 2K words so hopefully that kinda makes up for it?



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