Chapter 33: Problems Have Risen

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Five figures trudged through the shadows, their footsteps sad and slow.

As the quintet of turtles arrived at the lair, they were met by Samantha, who waved in greeting from her spot on the couch. Her smile quickly was wiped off her face when she noticed that the group was missing three members.

"Where are Sarah and Kenzie?" she asked, worry lacing her voice. "Where's my sister?"

The turtles exchanged upset glances, making Samantha push herself up off the couch in anger.

"What happened to them?!"

"Shredder," Abby replied, her voice thick. Samantha gaped.

"He's controlling them?" she shrieked. Leonardo nodded solemnly.

"One of Shredder's... employees is Baxter Stockman, a fly mutant. He flew up, knocked them out and injected them before any of us could do anything. Though Stockman might not be flying for a while," Leo explained, shooting a glance at Abby, who looked down.

"We couldn't do anything about what Shredder did. He has triple blades on both arms and is entirely covered in armor, and we aren't nearly trained enough to take him down," Donnie added.

"So as soon as I finally get back to my sister, she's captured and controlled by a master ninja who wears a full suit of metal armor with Wolverine claws as weapons. Great," Samantha grumbled sarcastically as she sinks back on to the couch and buries her hand in her hands, her fox ears bent down in sadness. Abby hurries over and sits next to her, patting her back comfortingly.

"We'll find a way to rescue them, dudette. Right, Donnie?" Mikey assured, looking at his brother. Donnie nodded swiftly.

"Uh, yes! We'll figure out how to save them," Donnie promised. Samantha nodded, leaning back against the couch.

"He's invincible now," she muttered. Abby tilted her head in confusion as Samantha continued. "He knows that we won't hurt them, and if we try anything he'll threaten to injure them... or kill them."

Leo sighed. "Unfortunately, that's exactly right. Shredder has a leverage over us, and we can't do anything about it until we find a cure."

"Leo, there might not be a cure for this," Donnie sighed quietly. "Shredder is using our own blood—our own DNA—against us, so how can we cure something that our body won't fight? Even with a retro-MGE, the characteristics of the mutagemia make it very difficult to rescue them. The only way to get around it would either be to somehow break through the mind control, kill Shredder, or... or kill them."

"The last one is definitely not an option, right?" Samantha added fearfully.

"Of course not. We are not killing our friends," Raph answered snappily.

"You created a cure for the brain worm. Isn't mutagemia very similar?" Leo wondered.

"Actually, it's very different," Abby began.

"Yeah. The brain worm altered Karai's thoughts, causing her to believe Shredder's lies instead of Splinter's story," Donnie continued. "The MGE actually allows Shredder to control everything; their thoughts, their actions, their feelings. They're like robots now, unlike Karai, who had thoughts and feelings but had them manipulated."

Leo seemed to deflate at that explanation. Abby cleared his throat, bringing everyone's attention to him.

"We're all forgetting something," she cut in. "Someone has to tell Splinter."

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