Chapter 16: Abby Has Ninja Skills

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Kenzie's P.O.V.

"How did they find us?!" Donnie exclaimed.

I gulped at the sight of the Foot ninja robots, wishing I had a weapon.

"Kenzie, here!" Leo called, tossing me a sword that looked like a katana but wasn't as long. Don't even ask what it's called, I don't know. He gave my friends similiar weapons, though I didn't know what use it would do since we didn't know how to use them.

I tried not to engage in too much fighting, knowing it wouldn't end well. Sarah was less aggressive than usual, but as always, still sought out at most three bots to fight.

I glanced over at Kayla and saw she was holding up pretty well, and had already taken out one foot bot. When I looked to check on Abby, my jaw dropped.

Her eyes were pure white, the way the turtles' eyes get when things were really intense. She was using the blade Leo had given her like a pro, even though she'd never held any blade except a kitchen knife before that fight.

She was expertly cutting through the metal ninjas, not even giving them a chance to learn her skills. I didn't know where she learned them from.

In my surprise, a foot bot came up to me and sliced at my arm. I jumped away, and just narrowly avoided getting a really bad wound. Still, the blade made a shallow but long cut across my forearm, and I cried out in pain.

I sliced at the bot's head, making it come off with a satisfying thud on the ground. I was glad this thing wasn't human, or else I probably would've hurled.

The boys were handling the few remaining bots just fine. Except for one. I noticed a ninja sneaking up behind Abby, and ran over to help her.

"Abby, watch out!" I called, blocking a blow from the foot bot that was meant for Abby's shell. I stabbed the robot in the stomach and it immediately deactivated. I turned to Abby with a playful grin on my face.

"Your welcome," I teased. She turned to me and almost attacked me before realizing I wasn't a foot bot. Her eyes went from the pure white I saw earlier to her normal, super dark blue eyes.

"Oh, thanks," she laughed nervously. She grinned mischievously. "But I totally saw that coming. I was gonna take it out if you didn't."

I went to playfully shove her but she grabbed my hand with a speed I didn't know she had in her arm. Before I knew it I was on the ground, pinned beneath her. Her eyes were pure white once again.

Abby's P.O.V.

I saw a white fogginess, and then my vision cleared. I was pushing Kenzie to the ground.

"Abby! Get off!" she exclaimed, squirming under my grip. My eyes widened.

"O-oh!" I yelped, stumbling away from her. She looked at me with a confused expression. "Kenzie.. I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that..."

"Really? It looked like you meant it," Sarah growled, crossing her arms. I must've had a hurt expression on my face, because her eyes quickly softened. "Uh...."

"Don't worry about it Sarah," I mumbled, looking down. Why didn't she believe I was telling the truth?

"Abby, why'd you pin her?" Donnie asked gently, not accusing me but simply curious.

"Well... actually, I don't remember pinning her," I replied, a thoughtful expression plastered on my face. "I just saw white, and then I was on top of Kenzie."

"You saw... white?" Donnie asked, blinking once in confusion. I nodded. He pursed his lips in thought. "Well, then, it wasn't out of anger. Raph claims to see red at the corners of his vision whenever he... accidentally hurts one if us."

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