Prologue (mostly background story)

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ok so i was inspired to write my own love story of my girl and gaara, this is only the prologue so far so this is only info on my girl but its important stuff you need to know for the story theres alot of background story in this and sry if it gets confusing but i hope you like it! I worked really hard on it and put in alot of detail, if u want romance between me and gaara now go look up (Shippo) this person wrote a one shot for me and its really good! she might write a one shot 4 u to if u ask her and theres more then just gaara. Mines the Kissy Kissy request. Soooooo ya let me know if you like it and the 1st chapter should be up today to so ya. Let me know if you get confused and ill explain it better :)


Name: Calienia Mist Moonsilver- in her village she's known as 'The Tides of the Mystery'

Village: The village of mystery hidden mysteriously.

Age: 17

Rank: Jounin

Jutsu's: Water style and Wind style ninjutsu, some taijutsu and a little genjutsu.

Clan: Moonsilver- The Moonsilver clan possesses the dark eye. (Combine eye skill with acupuncture skill to give user the ability to look through targets nerves and meridians.)  Calienia has not yet fully awakened the dark eye- she hasn't mastered it yet.

Personality: She's friendly but quiet; she gets really cocky in fights. She's a bit shy and awkwardly social but she's also really brave.

Looks: She has bright cherry colored hair and ocean blue eyes, her skin is average pale yet flawless. She wears a purple shirt and white skirt. For more detail on looks, look at the picture ----------->

Weapon of choice: Kanesada- a special sword created by the village black smith. (The sword can take over and control the user unless they have a strong pure heart.)

Likes: dumplings, the color purple, new missions, singing, dancing, and poetry.

Family: A younger sister named Ankara with earth style, an older brother named Drear with lightening style, and a mother named Mynn with lightening style.

Background: Calienia was full of light in the beautiful land of color. - It was known that because of all the different colors of flowers. - Until the day came when the Akatsuki came looking for a jinchuriki and destroyed the entire village killing everyone in it but Calienia. Calienia only survived because she was told by the Hokage to flee the village because of her special powers.

The village of mystery was formed by breakaways of the hidden leaf, so they lived far from the hidden leaf but had an alliance with them and the hidden sand. The village hidden mysteriously never had need of the hidden sand or hidden leaf and they never had need of the hidden mystery either because of the long distance apart from each other.

So by the time of the third Hokage the leaf destroyed all information about the hidden mystery in their village, believing they didn't exist. After a few months passed the hidden sand did the same and the hidden mystery was nothing more but a myth.

Calienia was special and extremely strong. Her power was greater than all the jinchuriki combined! She had unlimited chakra, yet she couldn't save her village and in the process of it being destroyed her chakra was sealed. She was now as good as any ninja and could no longer use her unlimited chakra.

Desperate for help she relied on the hidden sound village where she preformed all kinds of songs at different clubs there.

She had two friends that survived the hidden mystery attack because they were the only two on a mission at the time. There was Calienia's friend Kokoro who always supported her like a brother, and the bold little ninja cat Suzu who almost never left Calienia's side.  

Calienia got a bit of training from someone named Orochimaru who was the one who lead her and her friends to the hidden sound. She didn't train much with him because she never fully trusted him, and she was right to do so. Orochimaru knew about Calienia's special powers and tried to release the seal by performing experiments on her, Calienia was soon a prisoner yet she didn't know it cause Orochimaru erased all memories of the horrible experiments.

Orochimaru kept this secret from everyone, including Kabuto. When Orochimaru died he released a deadly disease in the hidden sound that was known as the Orochi curse. Calienia regained all memories she had of the terrible times she spent with Orochimaru and fled the village with her friends.

Kabuto soon learned of this secret and went after them. Kokoro was soon exposed to the Orochi curse and was dying fast. Calienia watched helplessly as one of her best friends died before her. The Orochi curse didn't affect animals so Suzu was safe.

After all this misery Calienia had no choice but to keep running. There was only one thing she had to do before figuring out her next plan, and that was going to the hidden leaf and sand.

She was given a mission by the breakaway Hokage before leaving the village. It would be the last mission given by the hidden mystery. The mission was to break the alliance with the sand and leaf sense there was no longer use for it. Calienia entrusted this mission with Orochimaru but being the snake he is he ignored it and kept his little secrets to himself.

Calienia figured as much and went forth with Suzu. She had a plan to go on the borders the hidden leaf and sand share and pose a threat so only the Hokage and Kazekage would be the ones to show. It was risky but worth a try.

And so the adventure begins the tale of Calienia the Tides of the Mystery!

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