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I was woken up by the large body beside me moving, bright morning sunlight shining through a chink in the curtains, onto my eyes.

"Babe, close the curtains." I yawned, balling my hands up against Bill's warm chest.

He pushed his head into the crook of my neck, wrapping his arms tightly around me, murmuring something inaudible.

Since last Christmas the two of us had ended up dating, it did feel a little awkward at first, like a teen romance, but soon enough we were crazy about each other. He had asked  me to move in two months ago. Of course I said yes, sold my house later that week. I had never been happier than I was with Bill, he made my life complete. He'd made the past year together the best I'd ever had.

We did absolutely everything together, well almost everything. But we were together 24/7. I never thought I could love anyone as much as I loved Bill.

Moving in with Bill also meant moving in with his older brother Tom, and occasionally their two friends Gustav and Georg when they got too drunk to drive home. And there wasn't anything bad about that. They were basically a little family, all tightly packed together in a big bundle of joy, picking me up along on the way. I had been so alone in life, and all of a sudden I was surrounded by more love than I could ever imagine.

Bill groaned quietly, pulling his head back, resting in on the pillow across from mine. He sighed heavily, absentmindedly rubbing his thumb under my shirt.

I studied his peaceful face as he sleept soundly, the gentle tilt of his eyebrows, curving down to his closed eyes. He still had black makeup smudges over his eyelids and long lashes. My eyes drifted down his face to his soft lips, parted slightly so that he could breathe. His long, unkempt hair fell over his face in strands. He looked absolutely irresistible. 

Carefully reaching my hand out I pushed his hair away from  his eyes, letting my fingers trace along the side of his soft face, down his cheek and over his jaw.

His dark brown eyes opened, staring sleepily at me from across the pillow.

"Good morning Holly Berry," he said, his voice still heavy with sleep, "What are you doing?" he continued, chuckling gently.

"You're so handsome." I shifted closer to him, sliding my arms around his shoulders, sighing happily. "How am I meant to resist someone as handsome as you."

He tightened his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him so that our noses were pressed together. "Stop being such a cutie you." he grinned, kissing me gently.

We lived out our days together in peace, happy to just be together in each other's company. After multiple failed attempts I gave up trying with a stable job. Bill could support both of us forever with the money he made, and he promised that he'd always support me.

Some days Bill had to go down to his studio with the other three, occasionally I went with him but that made him a little nervous, so I generally stayed home. Those were the only times we were separated for a large amount of time, it always felt like we were light years apart.

Bill was a completely hopeless romantic. He would wake up early just to make me breakfast, and would call me up to tell he was thinking of me, or made little comments like 'you make my world go round' and 'without you, I'd be nothing'.

I always loved it when he hugged me, wrapping his long, strong arms around my waist, leaning down so that he could rest his head on my shoulder and kiss my neck.

"Uh, I don't want to get up." Bill sighed, drawing small circles on my back with his thumb. "I just want to lie here and look into your beautiful eyes all day."

Last Christmas ~ Bill KaulitzDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora