What harm could it do?

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Looking around I noticed the guys had stopped talking and were staring at me, looking up at Finn I whispered "what have I done?"

"You never drink? Why tonight?" He asks

"It's only us here tonight so I feel safe with all of you, the only other times you guys have asked me to drink have been at parties and I don't like being around all those drunk, horny, handsy kids"

"Let's get wasted!!" He shouts jumping up and down with me in his arms,

"Eh, not too fast big boy I'm only having one or two" I say walking away to go and see the rest of the guys.

Walking over to Mitch I give him a hug and he kisses me in the cheek "hey Mitch! Miss me?"

"Always" he says returning my hug. "How was work?"

"Busy, my feet were so sore and I was covered in coffee from the drip tray, that's why I had to go home and shower" thinking about what happened with Kayden before coming here makes my cheeks heat up.

"Why you blushing?" He asks raising an eyebrow at me,

Looking over to Kayden I can see that he's heard what Mitch asked but doesn't meet my eyes, "no-nothing, I'm just warm that's all" I stutter out, he just pulls one of his faces that tells me he will ask me later when it's just us.

Walking away from Mitch I wander over to Noah and bump him with my hip and lean on the counter beside him "hey!"

"Hey, you look nice"

Blushing even more I say "thanks" and look for Theo with my drink. I can feel Noah leaning towards me and look over to see that he is at eye level with me staring me down with his hypnotic blue eyes,

"What you hiding H?"

"Not a thing why?" I ask looking away, playing with the ends of my hair.

"You forget I know you like the back of my hand Hols and your playing with your hair, somethings up"

" that doesn't mean anything" I tap him on the nose and walk away towards Theo to see if he's made my drink yet.

"A'll find out Holly" Noah shouts across the room to me but I just keep walking.

"Find out what?" Theo asks

"Nothing, how long is the pizza gonna be?" But u was interrupted,

"Pizza's here!" Libby shouts walking into the kitchen carrying four large pizza boxes.

"Now I guess" Theo says with a laugh and we both head over to eat the pizza.

"So what's the plans for tonight" Finn asks with a mouthful of pizza.

"I thought we could watch a movie and then take it from there maybe play some games?" Theo suggests

"Like drinking games?" Finn asks bumping my shoulder wiggling his eyebrows

"Oooo lets do that, Holly will you join in?" Libby asks looking at me with a pleading smile,

"Depends what it is?"

"I seen one where you take a shot every time something happens in a movie, we could do that game and watch a movie, killing two birds with one stone"

"That sounds like a good one Finn, let do that" Noah says wiping his hands off.

"Girls get to pick the movie" Libby and I shout at the same time, looking at eat other we burst out giggling when we hear a chorus of groans from the boys.

"Sure, but we get to pick the next game then" Theo says taking Libby through to the living room to pick a movie. I'm too hungry to care about a movie just now so I load my plate with pizza, grab my drink and head to sit with Kayden at the kitchen island.

Sitting down beside him I give him a smile and tilt my cup to him, he clinks my cup and I take a large gulp of my drink.

"Everything ok? You have been really quiet m, even quieter than normal and that's saying something"

He gives me a smile and a shoulder hug " I'm alright now, I was just overthinking something but it's ok"

"Is it a girl?" I ask with a wink

Kayden begins to choke on his pizza and has to take a large sip of his drink to wash it down, I pat him on the back to try and help.

"Woah, what's going on here" Finn asks walking over to join us

"Kayd has a crush on someone I think?" I say wiggling my eyebrows at Kayden

"No I don't, I never even answered your question"

"Your right you didn't answer my question you just nearly chocked instead! If that's not confirmation I don't know what is" laughing Finn high fives me "spill" I say.

"If you must know there is a girl but I don't know how I feel about her, she's everything I would ever want in a girl but she is oblivious to how I see her"

"There is no way on this earth that she is oblivious to you Kayden. You are Hot, she would have to be blind not to notice you. I think you should grow a set and ask her out what's the worst that could happen?"

"I don't want things to change between us, it could not just change our friendship but have an affect on other people too" he says with a sad smile

"Has she got a boyfriend?"


"Well if you both like each other and you want to give it a try then that's all that is needed. You won't know what could happen if you don't put yourself out there. I'm telling you now though, if she hurt you a'll kick her ass!"

"Thanks Hols, I'll let you know how I get on" he says with a laugh going back to eating his pizza.

Looking around I realise all the guys had joined us and we're staring at Kayden with looks I couldn't understand. Noah looked angry, Mitch looked worried and Finn looked as if he might be sick. I hope he hasn't eaten too much, I'm not dealing with one of his sore stomachs. Taking another sip I realise I have finished my drink. Eating the last of my pizza I get and put my plate in the sink and head over to the bar and away from the guys to make another drink.

"I've picked the perfect movie" Libby announces walking in to the kitchen "Pitch Perfect and every time someone sings we take a shot" everyone seemed to be in agreement with this.

Looking around the bar I found a bottle of  raspberry vodka and shot glasses and head back over to the table. We collect all the food and drinks and head to the living room to watch the movie.

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