" thanks for showing me to class pretty girl, maybe you can show me around today?"

Before I could give a response he entered the classroom leaving me in the hallway shocked, did he not hear a thing I said to him or did he choose not to listen? Boys!!

Going into the classroom I noticed that there was only two seats left beside the window together. Great! now we need to sit through the remainder of class and year side my side, just my luck.

Finally sitting down in my first class of the day after explaining I was helping the new guy find the class, I took a look around to see who else was in my class.

Two rows down looking at me as if he was trying to read my mind was Kayden, I knew from his facial expression he wanted to know what was going on but all I could do was shrug, he gave me another one of his looks letting me know it wasn't over and we would be talking about it soon. I prefer it when he's in his bored moods.

Taking another glance I noticed that Finn was sitting at the back of the class staring daggers at the back of Theo's head, when he noticed I was looking at him he sent me a small smile and started talking to Becky who was sitting beside him. Other than that I couldn't see anymore of the boys.

"Psst" tap on the shoulder

"Psst" tap on the arm

"Psst" tap on my head, I think I'm going to explode.

"What is it Theo?" I asked with what I hoped to be a bored expression, I wasn't sure I pulled it off because of the butterflies in my stomach from Theo's closeness and from touching my arm.

"What class do you have next?"

Pulling out my timetable from my bag I tried to smooth it out to check, just as I was finishing opening it out it was snatched from my hand by Theo and he put it with his own,

"Wow we only have 5 classes a week where we are not together, what good luck is that eh Holly? You can show me to nearly all my classes today and the one you aren't in must be close by according to the classroom numbers. Looks like we're going to be best friends this year pretty girl"

I snatched my timetable back from him and turned my body to face Theo, " what makes you think I want to show you around?"

"You offered to show me to my classes"

"Correction, I offered to show you to your English class not all of your classes. You can find someone else to show you to the rest." I said through gritted teeth.

"Why would I do that when you have been so friendly and helpful since you bumped into me and groaped  me in the hallway and are in nearly all of my classes? We will be going the same way why not just walk together and give me the grand tour along the way?"

" but your forgetting one thing Mr Wright"

"And what's that Miss Holly?"

"You haven't asked me nicely or said please!" I say with a smirk on my face hoping he realises I'm not going to say yes even if he did.

With this said Theo leans across the table and picks up my hand, keeping his eyes on me he lifts it to his mouth and places a soft quick kiss on my hand, he's leaning in close enough to make me feel his minty warm breath in my face  and he utters one word "please" keeping a small smile on his face he waits for my answer.

Trying to get my breathing under control and to think of a smart remark to this I am left speechless, Theo is still staring at me with his dimples showing and his straight pearly white teeth gleaming through his smile.

The classroom noise fades to the back ground and I am swallowed up into his chocolate brown eyes with a glint of mischievous "Miss Mackay" Mrs Stanley shouts out " do you plan on doing any work today or do you plan on just flirting with Mr Wright the whole time you are in my class?"

Theo takes his hand back and stifles a laugh behind his hand, I slowly sink down into my chair and I swear you could cook an egg on my face its that hot. Meeting her eye i say " sorry Theo distracted me asking me to show him, to his next class I was just going to tell him"

"That's a wonderful idea you would be the perfect person to show him around, meet outside the classroom after class and no more talking while I am"

Flabbergasted I sat there unsure what to do or say so I just look back to my table and don't look anywhere else. I can feel Kayden and Finn's eyes looking at me but I don't want to make eye contact just now, I have never been pulled up in class or speak out so this is unusual behaviour for me and they will no doubt want to know what's going on with Theo as again I don't really speak to anyone outside our group, let alone guys.

Looking to my left quickly I see Theo staring at me with a small smile playing on his lips, with a quick wink he looks back toward the front of class.

What is going on today? This has to be one of the strangest starts to the year EVER!

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