This moment right here

Start from the beginning

" I don't want to if you need me"

"don't be silly, I'll be right over once I give Libby the proper reunion she deserves now that my shock is over from seeing them here"

"are you sure?"

I didn't trust myself to not stammer or go bright red so I nodded my head. With one last squeeze of my hand he ran off to greet Noah.

While everyone was busy I slowly made my way down the corridor in the opposite direction heading toward home room. Only when the first bell rang did I realise that I was going to be in the same room as all of them as it had been the same since the first year and nothing would have changed, continuing on the path i was on I decided to head to the girls locker room to put away my hockey kit as I hadn't made it to my locker this morning.

Once in the safety of the locker room I found my locker and tidied my things away and placed my stick on top for later today. Since I was already here I decided I would just stay and wait until the bell rang for first period, it would be better this way until I can get my head sorted and if Couch Turner sees me she will accept my excuse of putting my hockey things away so I didn't need to worry. My phone had been ringing but I been ignoring it, but then texts started coming through,

Mitch <3: where did you go? R u ok? Please answer me! Xx

Finn <3: what happened to u? Mr Williams thinks you are at the Office so your sorted. Xx

Kayden <3: answer your phone!! >:( xx

Lib 👯: you ok? I'm sorry I surprised you, I thought you would b as excited as me?! Where r u? Xx

"Argh!" I love that they care but right now I would like to be left alone to over analyse everything that just happened. Why didn't Noah say hi? why did he just stare at me? Why did I walk away? "Why did I walk away?"

This is one of the best days ever, I have two of my best friend back after two years and I walk away all because i was uncomfortable and scared of what is going to happen next. For all I know things could be as they always have and I walked away and missed out on something I have thought about every day since they left!

"Pull yourself together Holly!" Time to woman up and get your best friends back.

I undid my hair and redone it to give me something to do while I tried to pull myself together, I'm just going to go back into my classes and act as if nothing happened and take it from there. If things are weird then I make them better, if he doesn't talk to me then so be it but if I can have Libby back then things will be fine. With a loud sign I pulled my phone out my bag and texted my friends back,

To Mitch: hey, am fine just at the locker room Coach Turner wanted to talk to me, will see you at lunch :) xx

To Finn: Calm your pants! Nothing happened I'm with Coach Turner putting my things away c u soon xx

To Kayden: sorry, with Coach Turner can't answer my phone. Don't you give me angry face emoji's Mr :D xx

To Lib: I am excited! I'm so sorry, I was coming over to see you then remembered I had to drop my hockey things off and speak with Coach Turner, I'm here just now. Can't believe you are back for Senior Year we have SO much to catch up on. Girls night soon?? Xx

With those texts sent all I had to do now was get through the day and I can deal with things later when I am home and don't have people watching my every move.

Finn <3: my pants are calm, how about yours ;) xx

Mitch <3: see you at lunch will take you home after school xx

Kayden <3: :( xx

Lib 👯: DEFO! See you when you get to class xxxxxxx

Things can only get better, everyone together for our final year will be amazing, Noah and I just need to talk about what happened and then we can all move on, but if I'm honest I don't want to talk today but soon, yea maybe soon.

Let me know what you guys think, if you don't want to read on tell me why so I can improve on it, if you do tell me why so I can keep going :)

Thanks for reading xx

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