chapter 42

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    I covered the bleeding wound on my left shoulder with the palm of my hand, meanwhile Lisa covered the wound on my jawline with a bandana, which fortunately was there in her handbag. There's no one who walk past this small street, the shop at this rows aren't open at night.

   I couldn't comprehend with the sting on the cuts, warm tears began to pour out from my eyes. At that time, the third girl only stare at me pitifully, as if she was grateful that I was still alive after saving her life and got myself injured.

   I was laying on the ground, half of my upper body was supported by Lisa while the other girl helped me to cover the cut on my shoulder. Unluckily for me, that cut was deep enough to draw a lot of blood from my body.

    A black SUV pulled up in front of us, almost hitting the old british styled lamp post. Three guy rushed out from the SUV, making me screamed because I thought they were the robbers from the scene earlier..

   But it turned out to be Jimin, Jung Kook and V. Jimin cradled my lower half, helping me to get up and took me into the SUV. He didn't bother to ask what happened meanwhile the other girl was looking away, embarrassed as she met this guy again.

The guy she slept with at Jung Kook's party. Sana was about to was about to walk away while covering her face with her purse when Jung Kook suddenly snatched her wrist and pulled her into the SUV tailed by Lisa, who was frowning at the skinship on Sana and Jung Kook.

    Jimin didn't want to budge his position, or in the other words, doesn't want to let me away from his lap. His fingers gently caressed my hair as he whispered his love to me.

    " It's okay, everything is fine with you. I'm with you baby," was his last words before I felt myself being dragged into the darkness. The pain is too much.. the pain is just too.. much that I fainted at that moment.


My fingers grasped at the unfamiliar white sheet of the bed I was laying onto. I sniffed some smell however, this smell was familiar. I must've smell it somewhere. Then I realised that I was on the hospital bed, with everyone falling asleep in my personal room.

   In a corner, there was Lisa sleeping with Sana on the couch. Next to their couch was Jung Kook sleeping with V's head on his lap.

   My eyes kept looking for who they wanted. Park Jimin..

   When I tried to lift my hand up, I spotted Jimin's head lying on my arm, his hands rested on my stomach.

   " J-ji Jimin.." I caressed his forehead, trying to wake the heavy sleeper up. Jimin didn't respond much, only a few groan and yawn but didn't really wake up.

   " J-jimin," I called him out again, this time running my fingers through the silky strands of his now blonde hair.

    Jimin's little sleepy eyes fluttered opened as the tip of my fingers massage his scalp. He tilted his head up from his position and formed a smile with his plump lips.

   Ahh this remind me of the day the doctor told me I was pregnant. This sitution, his sleeping position..all reminded me of the day he insisted to abort the baby. It gave me chills

   " Baby, you're awake.." he spoke in a relieved tone before proceeding to wake the others up. Lisa rushed towards me and grabbed my hand, asking me whether I'm okay or not.

   " I'm cool Lisa, " I said chuckling while trying to sat up. However, my cut must be really deep because I couldn't really moved my arm. I also noticed that the cut on my jawline was bandaged.

   Jimin sighed before sitting on the bank of the bed, taking both of my slender hands into his. " You guys were making me worry,"

   " What happened actually?" Jung Kook questioned. He was really curious since Lisa didn't want to tell him anything the moment they arrived to the hospital.

   " actually....."


    on our way home, I told Lisa to stop her car by the lamppost near the convenience shop because I wanted to but a few loaf of bread, a few bottles of milk and my favourite snack Pepero. Lisa wanted to accompany me but I insisted her to stay in the car and let me just walk since the shop wasn't too far.

   I slipped my purse into my hands and walked to the shop. I felt goosebumps when I past the alley besides the shop because I heard a voice. A woman voice. At first I thought it was only my imagination since it's night. I'm a person who easily get scare afterall. But that voice was real..

   It was Sana yelling for help, I squinted my eyes to see two guy fighting the poor girl alone, one was holding her handbag fumbling to find treasure inside, while the other one held her.

   " Leave her alone!" I shouted, earning a laughter from the guy who was holding Sana's bag. He walked towards me and I brave myself toward him but I didn't see what he was holding until Sana screamed. " Seo look out!"

    At that exact moment I felt a very sharp metal, slashing my jawline and my shoulder down to collarbone making me screamed my vocal chord out. I guessed Lisa heard my powerful vocal that she ran out from the car and froze at the sight of those men. They threatened Lisa with those knives and long bat forcing Lisa to give her car keys and sped away.

   That was the time Lisa called Jimin

It's a double update guys ;3

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