Looking into my full length mirror I start to style my hair into a fishtail braid to one side and secure it behind my ear, I slick some mascara on and eyeliner and i'm ready to go. My outfit and make up look good, my body on the other hand, meh. I'm what I would like to call "curvy", I wouldn't say that I am fat but I am certainly not thin either, I don't have a complex over it but I do at times feel self conscious about my weight, I mean who wouldn't when most of the girls in my class have tops that are far too tight and skirts that are so short I can see what they had for breakfast! I like to just blend in but that's impossible when my best friends are some of the most popular boys in the school, and every girl wants to be with them and every guy wants to be them. I think this is another reason I don't have girl friends, I can't tell if they want to be my friend or the boys next conquest. Girls are cruel full stop and guys aren't that much better.

Finn <3: be there in 10mins, you better be ready or am leaving your ass! :) xx

Me: keep ur balls on am ready! Xx

I got my stuff together and picked up my hockey stick and bag and went to make sure Poppy was nearly ready. I could hear her singing in the shower so I shouted the time and went to see if I could wake my Mum up for work before I left. I knocked the door but there was no answer so I popped my head into her dark and stuffy room and quietly walked in. Mum was still asleep in bed, I gave her a little nudge and called her name but no answer.

"Mum, I'm leaving in 10 minutes if you want to be at work on time you need to get up now or you will be late for the bank",

"Ok, sweetheart am getting up, do you want me to make you some breakfast?"

"No it's ok am just going to have a slice of toast and some apple juice then Finn is picking me up, Max should be here for Poppy soon as well so everything is fine just make sure you get up and get something to eat before you leave"

"Ok, love you see you later tonight" "love you too Mum"

Taking a deep breath I walk out of her dark room and into the hall and through to the kitchen for toast, just as I am deciding between butter or Nutella Poppy comes in looking as trendy as ever in her jean shorts and gypsy top, brown hair left natural to dry curly and minimum make up looking like a goddess. It's so unfair that she got all the good genes from Mum and Dad.

Kayden <3: outside xx

Me: coming xx

"Thats the boys outside, do you want a lift?"

"Is Max with them?"

"Dunno, probably, if he is are you guys just gonna walk or come with us? There should be enough room in Finn's truck?"

"A'll see what he wants to do?"

While she furiously type on her phone to Max, Kayden's brother I get a cup of tea in my to go cup and head for the front door.
"Holly we'll just get a lift with you guys if that's ok?"
"Sure thing"

Walking outside I see Finn's blue truck with his goofy face against the window making his nose look like a pigs, even with the horrendous face he's pulling you can still notice his handsome features, auburn hair styled longer on the top and short at the sides, broad shoulders in his tight fitting white t shirt and big green eyes.

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