Braden, he's 11, he's absolutely adorable, he's in 6th grade

Brody, he's 5! The cutest kid ever, he just started kindergarten

Austin, he's only 3 months old

Harvey, he's Austin's twin, 3 months old

Honestly I love them all but the older ones are very protective. Ahah, yay more protective boys, because I don't have enough already.

"Hear the news, twinny?" Weston asks, sitting on my bed.

"Unfortunately yes," I mumble.

"Hey, it'll be fun!" Weston assures.

"Your funny Wes," I say.

"Plus, you'll get to hang out with the twins," Weston says.

"Which ones?" I mumble into my pillow.

Weston laughs and leaves my room. Athena scratches at the side of my bed. I lift the ball of fluff up and place her next to me.

"Bark when the Devils arrive," I mumble.

I shove my face into the pillow. Sleep slowly takes over my body.

The doorbell rings causing Athena to jump off my bed and run downstairs. I sigh and roll off the bed.

"Isabell!" My Aunt Christi screams. She wraps me in a bear hug. "

Cant breathe," I try to say. She laughs and releases me from the hug.

"Hi Uncle Steve," I say waving.

He waves back, he was never one to talk.

"Okay, so where are the monsters?" I ask scared for my life.

I was attacked with a hug from Brody and Braden. I picked Brody up, Braden was way too big for that.

"Ah! My favorite little monsters," I tease.

Brody giggles, "hi Issy!" Brody says.

"Why hello there Brody," I say.

"Hey what about me!" Braden whines.

"How could I forget my little cupcake," I say. "Hi Braden," I say giving him a hug.

"Hi Isabell!" Braden says smiling.

"Where are the rest of your brothers?" I ask carefully.

"Eh I don't know or care," Braden says.

"I see you still have that sassiness," I say. "Love it", I add.

Braden shoots me a smile.

Athena runs into the room barking.

Braden and Brody gasp. Brody quickly climbs out of my arms and they run to Athena. "You got a puppy!" Braden yells.

"We did! She's a golden retriever, her name is Athena. " I say.

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