"Can we talk for a while?" Dad came to me and patted my head.

We went to rooftop with coffee mugs in our hands.

"I don't think I can do this, I did work in my dad's company for 2 years, but I wasn't heading any department or anything. I didn't attend any meeting neither dealt with the projects. But now your son is making me handle the entire thing now. Of course I don't have confidence." I complained.

"But you won't know unless you try right?"

"But I thought you also agreed with me? You're the one who supported me today at the meeting." I looked at him.

"I did say that Ryouma needs to rethink about his decision, not because I think you're an amateur or I don't trust his decision, I entirely trust him. If he thinks you are capable I know you are because he didn't reach this place just like that, he's gotten himself to this position all by himself and I'm proud of him. But seeing you underestimating yourself is what scared me. Believe in yourself, Have faith in your abilities, your faith can move a mountain but waves of uncertainty and underestimation will wash away every possibility of your victory. No matter what others do, however they help you, no one can do anything unless you don't have confidence in yourself, unless you believe in yourself." Dad patted my back.


"At least have faith in his faith in you, give it a try, after that if you still think you can't, at least there won't be a regret that you didn't try. If Ryouma didn't take his chance he wouldn't have achieved success. You won't know unless you try. And it's not that just because Ryouma or I say that you'll head the project and you'll get it, you have to prove it to us that you can and Ryouma believed that you would prove your worth but before that you refused to do anything at all. Of course he is angry his wife let him down." Dad justified.

"That is true but none of this would have happened if he discussed with me before throwing me into a battlefield, its normal I would panic. Maybe I should give it a try and I'll go and apologize because obviously he won't." I nodded.

I am very thankful to dad; actually he's right my narcissist husband loves his work more than himself why would he let me ruin it? Maybe I should have self confidence. Well why not give it a try? It's not like I'll die if I fail, it'll be a new experience.

I went back to the room fearing to face a furious husband but he's not here. Where did he go? I called him but of course he won't answer. God he's so angry. What to do? I called him again, thankfully he picked the call.

Third person's P.O.V

"Hey, sister." Instead of angry voice she was greeted with a cheerful one.


"Yeah, sorry sis but your husband is in no mood to talk, I was afraid that he might make you cry if I let him talk." He answered her struggling because the devil beside him was trying to snatch the phone shouting at him why he even picked the call in the first place.

"Does he even talk? He only knows how to get angry and yell at others and I'm used to him now, I won't cry." She assured.

"Oi, Ryouma what are you---" Rihito struggled but Ryouma took the phone and threw it on the ground breaking the phone.


*Beep* *Beep* All she could hear was the tone of disconnected call.

Looks like the demon broke his phone again, she thought. It wasn't new for her, within these 10 months with him he's probably broken more than 50 iphones?

"Why is he so short tempered? He doesn't hear anyone, just wants everything to be his way as if we're not human beings and we don't have our own opinion."

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