Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Niall's POV

It's been an hour and Jade hasn't left the room. I think she fell asleep after about twenty minutes. I need to know what he said to her, now!

"What did he say to her?" I look over at Amy, who is cuddled into Harry's body.

I was thinking about going over to his flat and beating the information out of him but I know Jade wouldn't be happy if I did that. So I chose to stay here and wait for an answer from Amy or Harry, maybe even Jade if she woke up.

"I honestly don't know. He just whispered in her ear and I couldn't figure out what he was saying." She yawns.

"Okay... Well goodnight." I sigh.

I get up off the couch and walk down the hallway and open the door to Jade's room quietly.

"Jade? Babe, are you awake?"

No answer.

I open the door really slowly and walk in. I take my shirt and jeans off. I grab my sweats off the chair in the far right corner of the room and slip them on. It's a good thing I grabbed a few pieces of clothing to have for when I sleep here.

I move the covers slowly and cover myself and Jade with them. He stirs a bit and takes a little breath.

"Niall?" She whispers.

"Go back to sleep babe we can talk in the morning." I kiss her forehead and wrap my arms around her body.


Jade's POV

I look over at the clock on the nightstand and see that it is 12:47 am. I felt him wrap his arms around me and kiss me and with that security he provided I fell back into sleep.

~ 3 Hours Later ~

There's a knock on the door and I get up from bed to go and open it. It's probably Amy and Harry trying to get back in because those idiots left their keys in Amy's room.

I open the door and instead of Amy and Harry I find Joe standing there with one of his hands behind his back.

"What do you want? Do you know what now late it is?" I question him.

"Shut up Jade!" Joe whisper-yells near my ear as he walks into the flat.

"Get out now!" I yell. Hoping that wakes Niall up an he comes over to make Joe leave.

"I said shut up!" He takes his hand from behind his back and digs a knife into my stomach.

I yell in pain and fall to my knees and yell for help.

"Babe! Jade! What's wrong? Where are you?" I hear Niall's concern in his voice.

"Niall please help me!" I try to yell but it comes out as a whisper that I can't even hear that well.

"Did you tell him? Did you?" Joe asks as he spins the knife in his hand.

"No. No I didn't tell him." The tears are streaming down my face as the pain keeps focusing on my stomach.

"What are you doing here? Jade what is he talking about?" Niall's voice is filled with anger and concern.

"He told me-" I stop as pain fills my abdomen once more.

"Tell him! Tell him now or you both die!"

"Tell me what?!" Niall's frustration is present in his voice now.

"No! I'm not telling him!" I yell as loud as I can

"Fine don't tell him. It was nice meeting you both." Joe takes a gun from the back of his pants and points it at Niall and shoots.

"Niall!!" I scream and try to run towards him but before I can get up Joe shoots me.


"No!!" I yell as I open my eyes and wake up to Niall laying next to me.

"Babe what's wrong?" He gets up and hugs me tightly.

"I had a nightmare that-" I can't finish my sentence because I'm crying so much.

"What happen? Did someone hurt you in your nightmare?"

I nod and burry my head in the crook of Niall's neck and continue crying.

"It's okay baby. I'm here no one will hurt you." He whispers into my ear and kisses my forehead.

"It was Joe. He hurt me and you." I whisper to Niall.


A/N: there it is!! Comment! Vote! And tell me what you think will happen in the next chapter. Try to think of what Niall will do to Joe and put it in the comments section below.

Other than that I'm gonna go! *Connor Franta voice*

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