Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Jade's POV

"Bye!" I say waving off my family.

I sort of feel bad for what I told my mother about her not being able to love anyone anymore but in my defence she kind of needed someone to tell her and it sure as hell it wasn't going to be my father or brother.

"So what happened with my dad?" I ask as Niall and I walk back into the flat.

"Nothing. We just talked."



"Niall please tell me." I beg.

We walk over to Harry and Amy and I see that she is pestering him about the same thing.

"So what happened?" I ask both Niall and Harry.

"Please tell us!" Amy yells out in frustration.

"It was nothing. Just let it go." Harry says calmly.

"Fine." I say and walk away into my room.

After a few minutes I heard a knock on my door.

"Go away!" I say.

"Jade please open the door." Niall says knocking on the door once again.

I get up and open the door. As much as I don't want to I do it anyway.

I walk back to the bed and lay down facing the ceiling.

"What do you want?" I ask a bit too harsh.

"Why are you mad?" He asks calmly.

"I'm not."

"Yes you are."

Why can't he just tell me what my father told him?

"Because it's not important." I hear him say.

Was I thinking out loud? Nice one, Jade.

"Look I just don't want you to worry about it. Okay?"

"But I want to know." I say.

He scoots closer to me and wraps his arms around me.

"Can we just cuddle? Please?" He asks.

"Yes, but it isn't going to take my mind off of the talk you and Harry had with my father." I snuggle closer into his arms.

"Will this take your mind off of it?"


"This!" He yells as the starts to tickle my sides.

"Niall! Stop! Please!" I say in between laughter.

"Not until you kiss me!"

"No. That's gross! Who kisses a leprechaun!"

He continues his attack on my ticklish body but it is soon interrupted by a knock on the bedroom door.

"Stop having sex in there! Some of us are trying to watch a movie!" We hear Louis yell through the door.

"We aren't having-"

"There is literally no point in trying to correct him. He will just say that he is right." Niall interrupts me.

"What time is it?"

"It's 11:57."

I yawn and lay my head back on Niall's chest as I snuggle closer to him.

Amy barges into the room with the rest of the boys as they start jumping on the bed.

Great! Right when I was trying to go to sleep!

"Get out!" I yell.

They stop jumping on my bed and walk out back into the living room.

"Niall, mate." Liam says pointing at his watch.

Does he not know how to tell time?

"I have to go princess." Niall says giving me a kiss on the cheek.

He stands up and I grab a hold of his hand.

"No. Stay."

"Wait." He says running out the room.


Niall's POV

I run out of her room and go over to Liam and the boys.

"I'm going to stay." I say.

"Why?" Harry asked.

"Because she wants me to stay with her. So that is what I'm going to do." I turn to walk back to the room.

"Don't worry Niall we will tell Paul." Liam says waving.

"Bye boys! See you tomorrow!" Jade says as she waves them off.

"So you just leave me here by myself?" Amy says waving her arms around the flat.

"Go get Harry then." My princess says.

Amy runs to the door and yells out Harry's name. He comes back and yells at the boys that he is staying as well.

"There are you happy now!" Jade giggles.

"Yes I am!" Amy says as she hugs the mop of curls.

"Oh and use protection!" Louis rushes back into the flat and leaves after his inappropriate comment.

I grab Jade's hand and walk back into her room.

"I'm going to change and I'll be right back. Okay?" She says.

I nod and walk over to the bed and sit on the edge of it.

What am I going to wear to bed? Crap I didn't bring extra clothes. Then again I didn't know that she was going to take me back let alone let me stay with her tonight.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing I was just thinking." I smile.

She lifts the duvet and snuggles under it and I do the same.

"Are you going to seriously sleep in your jeans?" She asks.

"Well yeah. I have no other clothes."

"Oh." Is all she says.

"You can... Never mind." She says as she laughs to herself.

"What? Tell me."

"I was just going to say that you can sleep in your underwear but that would be weird."

"I mean I can but like you said it would be weird."

"You know what I will. I mean because pants are really uncomfortable to sleep in and only if its okay with you." I say.

"Yeah it's okay. Just keep your smelly butt away from me." She laughs.

I change out of my clothes and fold it and place it on the nightstand next to me.

I lay in bed under the duvet and kiss her goodnight.

"Goodnight Niall." She whispers.

"Goodnight Princess." I whisper and give her another kiss on her smooth cheek.

A/N: there it is!

This chapter is dedicated to the wonderful Osiris (@oh_sigh_ris) because she wanted me to update and so did Karina (@_winkey) but I don't like Karina because she wants to take Niall from me lol JK love you Olly :)

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