Chapter 45 - "Reality"

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Chapter 45

Third Person

Max opened his eyes feeling the grass beneath him. He groaned as he stood his eyes still slightly open because of the sun. Max had no tail, no claws and no scales, he looked human except for his eyes. Max still had pale skin and dull eyes except his eyes had a dull yellow glow coming from them. Max looked around a strange white aura coming form everyplace he looked. The aura would sometimes become black, but it wouldn't bother Max.

"Do you know where we are?"

Max lazily shuffled backwards to only hit a tree as a sudden, "Ow!" Escaped his lips.

"Getting a no vibe from that."

"Who are you?!" Max yelled before holding his head as a pounding headache appeared.

"We shouldn't do that."

"Why?" Max whispered making the headache worse.

"Every word we say will make our head hurt more."

"Then how do I speak to you!" Max whisper yelled causing a bolt of pain to echo through his skull.

"We should think our words. We can scream, but nothing more."

'Where am I then and why do you keep saying we?!' Max thought anger bubbling inside as his eyes saw everything, but soon forgot as quickly as his eyes left.

"Because we are the same."

Max slowly stood up and felt weak yet he pushed himself to walk as he looked as if limping, 'What did you do to me? Why don't I have the need to kill? How can I breathe and then to follow how is my heart beating!' Max asked as he bumped into a tree causing a blinding white light to over come his vision and he slid down the tree's trunk.

"We found each other. We saved each other. I helped you. I made you better. I found you. I saved you."

'You did nothing but make me lost in the f***ing forest!' Max's eyes started to sleep as a new voice entered his head.

"Max!" A voice that sounded familiar to Max called out while Max still had his vision mostly cleared by white.

Max wanted to reply, but he couldn't, "Who..." Max started soon holding his head his eyes slammed closed.

"Max!" The voice got louder, it was male.

"We don't want to do that again."

Max growled as his vision cleared, as the glow from before got brighter, "Max!" A white figure appeared infront of Max as they neared Max could only see grey and a tail before seeing the face he recognised.

'Ross.' Max thought as Ross sat next to Max, "What's wrong with your head?" His voice echoed before Ross disappeared in a bright flash of light.

Max's eyes widened as he saw where his friend was sitting. 'What happened?!' Max yelled in his head.

"We hurt our head. You hurt our head."

Max's POV

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