Chapter 9 - "SetoSorcerer"

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The competition is over sadly.....

Chapter 9
Third Person

No one actually knew the powers of that sword except Jin and Zalek. If stabbed with the sword it can poison them, there is only a 50/50 chance of that though. Meanwhile Jess and Ross has buckets of water and had put out the fire, "Now we can continue the journey to Seto!" Jess cheered while wiping sweat from her forehead.

Ross' POV

"Luckily, I'm right here." Someone said from behind us.

We turned around to see a brown haired man, a white bandanna around his forehead and he wore a purple jumper with a red creeper face on the back, "Who are you?" I asked.

"I am SetoSorcerer. Why did you need to see me?" He asked.

"Sky said that you could help us with the problem we are in. Also I'm Jess and that's Ross." Jess informed.

"Wait! You know Sky! That explains ALOT! Anyways, what is your problem?" Seto questioned.

"There is this person named Zalek...

Zalek captured me. He then turned me into a Ghast hybrid. While I was being controlled by Zalek I put Jin into unconsciousness and then a while later Zalek captured Jin and turned him into an EnderMen hybrid!!! Jin then badly hurt Barney and then Sky forced us to go get you!" I informed.

"Ok. I'll help. But, it would be hard to cast a spell strong enough to bring him back. I would need help." Seto exclaimed.

"Who has magic that can help you?" Jess asked.

"Ross." Seto informed.

"How would I be able to help you?" I questioned.

"You have magic. It may now be a lot of magic but it's enough." Seto exclaimed.

"I have magic?" I asked.

"Yes, you do. All you have to do is just read words from a book!" Seto informed.

"Ok." I agreed.

"Now, let's get back to wherever you love but if it's Sky than probably somewhere far away..." Seto exclaimed.

"Correct!" Me and Jess informed.

Third Person

Seto sighed, "Zalek... He's alive... After all of these years he still lives...? How.....? But, why is he doing this?!" Seto asked silently so no one would hear.

"Don't you remember?" Zalek asked inside of Seto's head.

Seto clenched his fists as he let a tear stream down his cheek...


Seto and Zalek were only 10 years old when they were playing in the woods, "I'm scared...!" Seto admitted.

"It's only sunset! Stop being a scaredy cat!" Zalek teased.

"Nice to see you again." A deep voice said from behind them.

Seto and Zalek turned around to see Herobrine smiling, "H-Herobrine!" They screamed.

"this time you won't escape!" Herobrine informed as he lunged towards them.

Seto ran as fast as he could to escape Herobrine. Seto let tears run down his cheeks as he heard screams and explosions behind him. Fire was thrown at Seto's back. He felt burns on his back and blood drip from his new wound. Zalek was pinned to a tree with scars, burns, bruises and a black eye. Fire appeared in Herobrine's hand,"I'm not gonna kill you. I'm just going to hurt you really really bad. (A joker quote)" Herobrine informed as he threw the ball of fire at Zalek.

Seto had left Zalek to die is what Zalek thought...

A couple of hours later Seto returned to the spot to see nothing except trees, bushes and grass, "Z-ZALEK!!!!!!!" Seto called out.

After weeks of searching for Zalek Seto finally gave up.

Thank you for reading this chapter and I hope you liked it! Please vote and comment? Anyways, for now goodbye my WolfCubs!

The New Hybrids (A YouTuber Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें