Chapter 43 - "Zay Goodbye"

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Chapter 43
"Zay Goodbye"
Third Person

Max held his head as his screams echoed through the halls. The screams came to a stop as Max's claws slowly exited his skull, "I smell squirrel, in fact, I smell lunch." Max smirked.

Before you could even blink Max was halfway to reaching Ross and he was dragging his right hand's claws along the wall. Ross ran as fast as he could from the monster he saw before and soon he felt something gripping his throat and lifting him into the air.

"Hello, Ross." Max smirked.

Ross gulped as his hands turned aflame, his skin turned paler and he felt his eyes change colour. Max's sharp poison spilling claws dug into Ross' neck as Ross screamed in pain. Max grinned as his other hand entered Ross' back until he found a bone, or Ross' spine.

Max grabbed the bone and started to pull it out whilst Ross' screams continued. Flames started covering the walls and some patches were on the floor, this just made Max stronger. Ross started choking as Max tightened his grip on Ross' throat and Ross kicked Max's knee causing Max to let go of Ross' spine and throat.

Ross fell to the floor his wounds slowly starting to heal as a bone crushing noise entered their ears. Max saw Ross' spine go back to its rightful place which made him want to be sick whilst the hold and lines in Ross back were slowly healing, but they still left scars.

Ross started to float, but it only lasted for a couple seconds before he fell again and then stood up to run once more. Max groaned as he started to walk towards the direction Ross ran in, "I'm just hungry!" Max lied.

He felt nothing, he felt no pain, he felt no energy, he felt no hunger, he felt no thirst, he only felt the need for death. Max had no heartbeat, he doesn't have to bother breathing and he doesn't even think, it it hard for him to think, he just does what he wants, he does what he was meant to do, kill.

Max froze, as a dark Crimson colour dripped from his head, five lines of colour dripped from the two sides of his head, the light see through green liquid dropped from his claws as he closed his dull eyes, "You better run, run and run." Max slowly opened his eyes to show a tint of red in his eyes, "if you don't."

Max started to slowly chuckle as Ross slowed his running to take breaths and to relax his sore back, "You will get your memories, but you'll never live with them." Max smirked.

After hearing the words echo through the halls Ross' eyes widened as he ran faster than before.
Max lowered his head before he could see Ross again, Max looked up seeing grey fur run away from him.

Max's vision turned into a light red as he felt his right hand grab the wrist of the man/Squirrel Ross, "Remember your cousin? Oh that's right! You forgot about her!" Max smirked as Ross showed a confused look on his face.

"Might as well get the monster out of you, I'm surprised you're still hanging on to the little power you have over it." Max informed as he snapped Ross wrist.

A pain filled scream filled the echoing hall that seemed to never end. Max then grabbed Ross' arm and caused another echo in the halls, this time a cry. Max grabbed Ross' head and snapped the man's neck.

A body now lays on the ground.
A creature from death has been released.
A cousin will now come and visit.
Mourning will be a best friend.
A mother and child will hope.
A dad will fight.
A man will decide.
A war they all battle.

The New Hybrids (A YouTuber Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon