Chapter 27 - "Change"

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Chapter 27
-Third Person-

Max screamed as patches of green scales appeared on his skin. After that he started to grown a snake tail and when it stopped he had calmed down and easily got out of the chains, "Hello, Mithznake." Ryan greeted leaning against the wall.

"Is that what you are calling me?" Max asked.

"Don't blame me! Zalek is the one who makes these names! Well, now you are a hybrid of one of the most deadly snakes. All you do is scratch someone and reach a vein with your claws and they are poisoned. The poison is slow acting, but a lot more painful then when you were poisoned. The antidote can only be made from the poison combined with candy, don't ask. It was Samuel who made the antidote and it surprisingly works." Ryan exclaimed.

"I know what to do." Max smirked.

Ryan realised what Max was smirking about and teleported Max into the forest.

Max's POV

I hid in the trees as Jess, Jin, Sky, Ghost, Cindy, Skylar and Barney walked past me. A twig snapped as I carefully went onto the grass, "What was that?!" Jess questioned taking out her gold and white sword.

I walked through some more trees and showed my glowing green eyes for a second causing Skylar to see, "Who are you?" She asked.

I remembered something Ryan had told me at that moment,


Ryan walked up to me, "Do you know anything about Ross and Skylar?" Ryan asked.

"Why are you asking?" I questioned.

"Well, there's the fact that they are siblings." Ryan smirked.

"Their WHAT!!!!" I yelled


I smirked, "Show yourself." Skylar ordered.

"Why?" I grinned still unable for anyone to see.

"Max?" Barney questioned.

My glowing green eyes were visible again, "Do you think Max would have glowing green eyes?" I smirked.

"What are you?" Sky asked.

My smirk was now visible, "What does it matter to you?" I continued smirking.

"Please, can you tell us?" Skylar questioned.

I showed my snake tail, "I'm Mithznake." I grinned showing myself.

"He's test 5." Jess informed.

"Right now I'm the weakest of the group and I don't like it!" Sky complained.

My grin disappeared as I quickly climbed up some tress and made sure I was now hidden, "Where's he gos?" Barney asked.

I stealthily made my way behind them as I charged for Barney, using Ryan's advice. I dug my claws into Barney's back as he roared in pain. Barney then flew up and charged for me this time. I smirked as I easily dodged his attack as I knew the poison would start acting soon. Barney kept on trying to attack me, but I kept on dodging. I soon felt a cold metal scrape my back. I looked behind me to see Sky with a butter sword which had my blood on it, but luckily the green scales were some sort of armour?

Thank you for reading this chapter and I hope you liked it! Please vote and comment? Anyways, for now goodbye my WolfCubs!

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