Chapter 18 - "1 Month Later"

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Chapter 18
"Dunno The Title"

I ran from my home. I ran from my life. For what? All I ended up doing was getting myself into more problems! I ended up going into an endless black void of death! I HATE BARNEY!!!!!

Ross' POV (1 Month Later)

"Barney!" I screamed from outside of the house.

Barney flew towards me, "What's is its?" Barney asked.

"I wanna see who is the fastest at flying from a race!" I informed.

"I accepts!" Barney smirked as we started to fly.

"Good luck! Your wings will probably slow you down and guess what I don't have?" I questioned as I flew past him.

"Heys!" Barney yelled as he tried to go past me.

Zalek's POV

I'm soooo bored!!!! "This is why I play Candy Crush!" Samuel informed.

"I didn't say anything though...." I informed.

"I created a device that can read thoughts and don't bother reading mine at the moment I'm only thinking about Candy Crush." Samuel exclaimed.

"What can we do anyways?" I asked.

"Well, Rosie and Nathan have home somewhere, so why don't we make a new hybrid?" Samuel questioned.

"Sure, but first we have to test out the machinery." I informed.

"Why do we have to test the machinery?" Samuel asked.

"So we can turn candy into people!" I rushed as I ran the lab.

"Not without me!!!" Samuel yelled following me.

Third Person

Sky and Ghost were at the graveyard with flowers for Jess' grave, "I know I didn't know her, but it seems she was a really good person." Ghost informed as she placed some flowers on her grave.

Sky stayed silent as he tried to hold back tears.

Meanwhile, Ross was winning the race as Barney roared trying to stop Ross, Ross only went faster than before, "You cheated!" Ross shouted.

"Nos I didnts....." Barney lied.

"Liar!" Ross teased.

"Heys! Ims no liars!" Barney informed.

"Say that to your face!" Ross joked.

"Rudes!" Barney yelled.

Samuel's POV

Once we were done turning candy alive Zalek smirked, "What is it?" I asked.

"I've got a plan..." Zalek informed.

"Yet again, what is it?" I questioned getting annoyed.

"Do we know a Necromancer by chance?" Zalek asked.

I grinned.

Necromancy! You know what that means! Wait, you don't? Oh.... Thank you for reading this chapter and I hope you liked it! Please vote and comment? Anyways, for now goodbye my WolfCubs!

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