Chapter 16 - "????"

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Chapter 16
Third Person

Sky walked through the forest until he reached a village. The village was peaceful, the birds chirped as the villagers smiled and did their part. The sun shined brightly above the village as Sky heard the laughs of the villages children running around in the sunlight having the time of their lives. Sky smiled before he remembered why he walked through the forest alone in the first place.

Sky's POV

My smile was replaced by a frown knowing that Zalek had another plan up his sleeve. I walked into the village, "Excuse me, but who are you?" Someone asked from behind me.

I turned around to see a 21 year old I think with a short Afro, he had Iggy brown skin, dark brown eyes with specks of cobalt and he wore a black bandana over his mouth, a white hoodie with purple strings, light tan pants and his shoes are white and purple, "My name is Sky. I just came to this village to relax..." I informed.

"Ok. My name is is Ryan..." He mumbled.

"Well, nice to meet you, Ryan!" I smiled before heading deeper into the village.

Jin's POV

"Just as a warming we were attacked by some people so the reason the house is destroyed and blood is nearly eveywhere in our living room..." I informed staring directly into her green eyes.

"Cool." She nodded trying to act cool.

I chuckled, "I don't think someone with pick hair could act like a gangsta...!" I joked.

"Hey!" Cindy pouted.

"I'm sorry!" I put my hands up in defence.

"I was joking!" Cindy laughed.

"I knew that!!!" I yelled.

"No you didn't!" Cindy argued.

2 second later we were both laughing our heads off!

Cindy's POV

I clutched my stomach from the laughter as tears started to form in my eyes! When we stopped laughing I found myself staring into Jin's glowing purple eyes. I felt like I could see his REAL eye colour! Through the purple I spotted a pair of blue eyes.

Third Person

Cindy and Jin were basically having a staring competition. It had been 10 minutes later that they finally stopped.

Jin's POV

I could tell that my skin that wasn't black was red! I was blushing like crazy! "What just happened?" Cindy questioned also blushing like crazy.

"N-no idea!" I stuttered.

Sky's POV

I walked back into the forest and sat down behind a tree, "You seem stressed." A girl asked from behind me.

"How can you tell?" I questioned.

I looked behind me to see a girl with very pale skin, Crimson eyes, silver hair somewhat curled over her shoulders and she wore short black jeans, a long sleeve white t-shirt with open sleeves, grey and black hoodie, a black and white SnapBack hat, white ankle socks and a pair of grey sneakers, "I can tell your stressed because most stressed people go to that village." The girl informed.

"Anyways, what is your name?" I asked.

"Ghost." The girl sat down.

"What about your cat's name?" I questioned pointing to her pure white cat who sat next to her.

"Her name is Kitten." Ghost informed.

"Well, my name is Sky." I greeted.

"So, your parents named you after the sky? How inspirational!" Ghost snickered.

"Well, your parents named you after a ghost so, we're both on the same boat here!" I informed.

"Hey!" Ghost shouted.

We both smiled and started to laugh.

Rosie's POV

I walked into the lab with Danger by my side, "Samuel!" I shouted once I spotted him on his phone playing Candy Crush.

I smirked and snatched his glasses som he wouldn't be able to see. He still continued to play. "He faked wearing glasses? Man, he's weird!" I insulted.

I then snatched his phone off of him, "GIVE IT BACK!!!!!!!!!" Samuel demanded.

"The glasses or the phone?" I asked.

He then realised he wasn't wearing glasses, "Your mean!" He pouted crossing his arms like a 2 year old while having tantrum.

I laughed. Zalek and Samuel had been like family for me ever since my parents died... Zalek had been like a father to me and Samuel had been like a second brother to me, "ROSIE!!!!!!!" Nathan ran into the lab while being chased by Zalek.

"GIVE IT BACK!!!!!!!!!!" Zalek ordered as I realised Nathan had Zalek's phone.

"NOPE!!!!!" Nathan yelled as he ran around the room trying to get away from Zalek.

I laughed before I realised something. Samuel looks like someone that I know I just can't put my finger on it!

Thank you for reading this and I hope you liked it! Please vote and comment? Anyways, for now goodbye my WolfCubs!

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