Part Twelve: I Have A Secret Place

Start from the beginning

"Where did you guys last see her?" Rose asked the rest of the table.

"In class, but she dissapered before we got here." Devon answered.

"Guys, guys, guys!" We all turned to see the source of all the yelling - Crystal.

"There she is." Marissa muttered, as she returned to eating her Mexican food.

"Oh my gosh, guys, guys, guys." Crystal sat in her usual chair, and repeatedly slapped her hands on the table. "Guess what?"

"One fifth of One Direction followed you on Twitter?" Rose said.

"No - at least not yet. Keep guessing, ya'll are terrible guessers." Crystal continued to mess with her hands.

"Um, I don't know? Alex asked you out?" I guessed.

"No, well technically yes. I don't know." We all looked at her. "He asked me to prom, so I guess that counts?"

"Yes!" We all yelled alongside her. The people in the surrounding tables looked at us, but we ignored all the looks and freaked out with Crystal.

"What did you say?" I asked.

"I said yes." Crystal replied.

"Oh my gosh, what would their ship name be? Cryslex? Alexstal? So many posibilities." Rose muttered to herself.

"What about you guys? Are any of you going?" Crystal asked.

Never - up until now - had I ever thought about prom as such an important thing. Since I was a freshman, it didn't really matter to me, so I never bothered to think too much about it. Something like this had to be planned months in advanced, and not once had I thought about it.

"I probably won't go." I admitted. Everyone who heard me looked at me in shock.

'What?!' 'You have to go!' 'C'mon, Celeste, it's your last year in high school, live it up!' Were all most of the responses I had gotten.

"I'll think about it," I said before getting up and throwing my trash, and everyone else's away. I returned to the table and collected my things. "Now, I have to go. I'll see you guys later."

"Where are you going?" Dani asked as she handed me more trash to throw away.

"I'm going to meet up with Austin." I explained when I got back.

"Ouh, meeting up with Austin? Where? A janitor's closet?" Dani asked as she wiggled her eyebrows.

"What?!" I shrieked, "No! He wanted to talk, but we haven't had time. Bye, guys." I yelled as I walked away from them and out of the cafeteria.

I walked from the cafeteria, up the stairs, and into the area of lockers where Austin and I first started working. He said he'd be here after lunch, so I just sat against the lockers and waited for him.

Five minutes. Ten minutes. Fifteen minutes. Still no Austin. He said he'd be here before lunch was over, and now it was too late - people were already walking out of the cafeteria and into their classrooms. I took out my phone to check up on him, but there was a text from him instead.

Can't make it. We'll talk later.

I would be seeing him in English next period, so it didn't matter - we could talk there. I picked my things up off the floor and walked to the other side of the school. I had a free class period and nothing better to do, so why not wander the school and avoid being caught?

* * *

I had been wandering for a whole hour and thirty minutes and had become bored. I'd usually be in the library, or in the theater doing something useful, but it seemed today I had no intention in doing so. As I walked without a certain destination, I found many secret places that I had never seen. Whenever I was bored in class, I'd leave and just wander the school trying to not get caught, but not once had I seen any of the small hidding places. The school wasn't big at all, but there were definetly good places to hide.

Nothing Is What It Use To Be (Austin Mahone Fan Fiction // Completed)Where stories live. Discover now