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Hunters Pov


It's been around 3 days since Lyra uploaded her last video, where she gave us an update and also told mom that she'd found Navy.

I am at home with Teddy, Logan, Lance & Tholl are at their new apartments and Mom is out on a dentist appointment with Lark.

All of the sudden i hear sound from Lyras room

"Teddy mate, are you in Lyras room?"

"Nope, but I am" I then hear Lyra say

"Okay Lyra... Wait! Lyra!?"

"Yo sis, I'm not staying for long, where are the boys?"

"Apartment, where's Navy" Teddy shouted from his room

"In here with Jerome, Tessa, Haz and I"

I then run over to my sisters room to see a bunch of people in there

I hug everyone as Teddy calls mom

"Hi mom, yeah we're fine"

I then see Lyra take his phone

"Oi Fishface I'm home, Navy, Tessa, Haz and Jerome is here aswell"

"Are you all okay?"

"We're fine, I mean your sister is limping and I have a wound next to my ear, but other than that we're completely fine"

"Can you call the boys?"

"Call them home, say that you have news about me, get Lou and Cal home aswell and then we will do our great entrance"

We ended the call and I hear Lyra tell the guys to be more stealthy

"Hey Ly, I heard it was your birthday a few weeks ago" Teddy said

"Yeah I'm leaving again" She joked

"Nah you're not leaving honey" Dad then said

I saw Lyra look up at him

"Took you fucking long enough"

"I had godthings to do"

"So you made the next Adéle?"

"Well no, country singer this time"


We had a bit of a chat with Dad before i heard the front door getting attacked. Lyra told us to head downstairs and talk to them and once we'd left the room she and the others hide

I looked over at Teddy as i once again heard the front door getting opened

"Yo yo yo"

"Sup Cal?" Logan asked him

"The sky, what's the update about Lyra, do anyone know?"

"No idea"

"I think she told mom something"

Once Mom and Lark had gotten home, she sat all of us down on the couch and as she did all of the sudden there was a bright light and Lyra, Apollo, Jerome, Haz, Tessa and Navy was there

"How did you do that"

"We had some help from Nico"

"Of course you did"

I then witnessed Logan & Lance wrestling Lyra to the ground telling her that she's an complete idiot, then Nico returned with Will and Lachlan, to then Lachlan also joining them

"Guys, you know that breathing thing"

"You don't deserve that right now, plus we can always just make you faint and then bitchslap you"

"Lyra you're skin and bones again" Will than said

"Shut up Will" Logan, Lyra, Lance and Lachlan all said in chorus

"Nope, I'm the doctor"

"Oh, where's your tardis?" Lyra asked him

"And where's your sonic screwdriver" Lark continued

"Should i understand this?" Dad then asked

"Dad, It's Wibblywobblytimeywhimey stuff"

"I'm going to research this"

"Just because Lyra watches it"

By now, everyone had gotten off Lyra and they were all sitting on the floor.

"Lyra i owe you a shopping trip" i then said

I saw Lyras paniky look to the boys saying "Save me from her"

"Have fun sis, also want to check out the apartment later?"

"Tomorrow? I'm bloody knackered"

"It's 3pm"

"Still, or like later when I've taken a powernap"

She then turned around but she was stopped by Will

"A, when did you last eat and B, why do you have a wound next to your ear"

"A, yesterday i think and B, I fell into a cactus, while fighting a gigantic snake"

Lyra's POV


"You did what? AND YOU THINK?" Lou and Will said at the same time

"Babe, chill" both Nico and Cal replied, trying to calm their boyfriends

I then ran for it, didn't get that far though, I was stopped by Logan

"Well shit" I say as Will starts to heal me and Lou makes me some food

I then get a lecture about eating and also about not fighting things alone, which i as usual don't listen to. This is what i hate about being a Apollo child, my brothers caring about what I'm doing

Once i get away from the lecture Logan hands me a Monster and says

"You did not listen to that at all did you?"

"Nope, want to head to the apartment"

And with that said I lifted Lachlan up, ran out to Lance and Logans car that they "found", though really they got Hunter to talk the owner into giving it willingly

Once i was in there, Tholl, Logan and Lance joined me and so did dad, and we then drove off, not knowing what would happen next.....

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