A chapter from Hunter's POV, that's strange.....

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*Hunters pov*

When Lou had left we all just sat there in silence for a while, we were surprised, scared and worried. I hated the fact that I had no idea where Lyra, Logan or Lance was, that Tholl was gone and that Teddy was probably going to get kidnapped

I looked at Teddy, he looked stressed and scared, Mom looked like her world had collapsed and Mommy looked like she'd seen a ghost of the past. I stood up and tried to charmspeak mom into that we still needed to clean and get our lives on track, and also that Logan, Lyra and Lance were fine but it didn't work out that well. I went to Lance's guitarr and started to play, mostly because i had nothing better to do but also because I wanted to write a song, when that didn't work i went to my computer, but by doing that I passed Tholls room which almost made me cry, I went on to my computer and went on to twitter to see that we had tweeted something

It was defiantly a tweet from Lyra, which was reassuring because then i knew they were fine, I then decided to record a sims video and start a new family, I made the mom first, she had red hair, green eyes & quite pale skin. I gave her the name Rowan, her husband the name Seamus & their 2 kids the names Castiel & Melody, lastname Smith.

I recorded a few episodes & then went to edit the 1st one, when i was done with that i started to render and upload it

I went back downstairs to see Teddy on his laptop, i went to check what he was doing

"What's up?"

"Trying to chat to Tholl, but he's not responding"

"I wonder why, do you want to go shopping? we need to get out of the house, all thise empty rooms are driving me mad"

"Yeah same, let's ask Mommy if we can"


We went up to Natalia and asked her if we could go shopping and to our surprised she said yes, mostly because we needed to get out of here

We went to the subway and went to the Angel station to then go to Camden where we jumped off and went to Chinatown. We then sat down on a bench to chill when all of the sudden a lot of spiders came out of everywhere

"Shit" Teddy said

"I forgot my sword at home" I said

"I have an extra one" Mom said and then the fight begun, I did my best but a spider managed to knock me out and when i woke up Teddy was gone

"Fuck" I said to myself as i tried to locate mom, she was on the other side of the street and was still knocked out, so i decided to call Lyra

"Erhm Lyra, i have bad news"

"Hunter why are you calling me in the middle of the night"

"We just lost Teddy, and mommy and I are injured"

"I'll get Lou and Cal over to you" She said and then hung up on me, a few minutes later Lou was there and quickly healed me up, he then went over to mommy and healed her up

We managed to get home, with the help from Lou and Cal and mom met up with us and had a small panic attack because Teddy was gone, telling Lou and Cal to stay over.

We then all went to sleep, at 2am

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