Tholl and Teddy

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I woke up and somehow my wounds had healed a bit, I looked over at Teddy and so had his, I then saw a yellow thread on the floor and thought to myself


But how did she get here unnoticed? and why didn't she take us to safety? 

I decided to not speculate in it and instead just thank her, I don't know if Teddy would've survived another night, I then realize that there's something in my pockets on my jeansshorts

"it was some Ambrosia with a sticky note on it saying "for emergencies only, we're trying to find you lots of love Lyra, Logan, Lance and Nico"

I then realized that Nico must've shadowtraveled with Lyra over here to save our lives, and that they couldn't take us back because it would be too much on Nico

I managed to wake Teddy up in time for breakfast, which was a loaf of bread and some water, I gave Teddy half of my loaf so that he'd have more food and then I just sat and heard one of the youngest kids crying, when she got back to the cell i went up to her and tried to calm her down, because she was almost panicking

"Hey kid, try to stay calm, your safe now okay?" I say as i keep an eye on Teddy

"They said they're going to get my family here, i don't want them here"

"I'm not letting that happen kid, what's your name?"

"Elora" she whispered back

"Okay, here have some food Elora, seems like they want another chat with me" I reply as the dude comes in and drags me away

They punch me a few times because i refuse to tell them where our London house is, which pisses Hera off, i then get dragged back to my cell and they drag Teddy in there

"Shit" I think to myself, I can see that Elora is asleep on the floor and I decide to sleep myself, considering there's nothing better to do

*Teddys pov*

I get dragged into a room with 2 chairs and a table, on one side sits Hera, she looks like she's about to murder something and I realize that I'm in a ton of trouble

"Where is your house in London"

"Why would i tell you that" i reply

"Because your living conditions will only get worse if you don't tell me"

"Well I'm already in hell so what are you going to do? Send some spiders on me, oh wait you already did that"

"I can always send more"

"Fun for you"

I think to myself that I'm lucky to have grown up with my siblings, they've definitely made me tougher "I'm done with him, cut down on their lunch will you?" Hera says to the demigod that dragged me in here

"Hey demigod what's your name"

"Linus, why?"

"Why are you doing this"

"Because I want to"

"No you don't, there's something else" I reply as he throws me into the cell, Tholl is fast asleep and I decide to wake him up

"Tholl bro, the demigod that always drags us around doesn't really want to, Hera must've done something to him or his family or something, I recognize him from Camp, he's one of Demeters kids"

"So a plant kid huh?"

"Yeah" I say as another kid gets thrown into our cell..... 

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