A rescue mission

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Logan, Lance and I jumped on to the roof of the resturant where we hoped the guys would be, I had earlier gotten an Iris message from Tholl telling us that Teddy was weak and we needed to hurry and find them, we got our swords out and climbed down to the bottom of the resturant, to then go inside and sneak our way to the basement, where we heard some kids crying.

It smelled like shit and i was trying to not to puke by the smell, Logan and Lance looked sick aswell but we kept walking towards the crying, I looked around a corner to see a Hydra

"Gods dammit" i whispered as I took my bow out and managed to shot him a few times before i Logan joined me in shooting and Lance went for it and took the sword right to the Hydras chest which fortunatly killed him, though while doing this the Hydra made so many sounds so a minotaur heard him and saw him die, when we had killed that dude we found ourselfs to the cells where there were about 7 Athena kids, one of them being a close friend to Teddy, his name was Kili

"Sup Ki, need some help?"

"Lyra i've never been so happy to see you guys"

"Happy to see you too kid, is Teddy here?"

"Nope, Tholl was here but they moved him to Santa Fe because this place was too easy to find, could you guys heal us up?"

"Yep, then we're flying you guys back to Camp, do you know where in Santa Fe they went?"

"No clue, they were talking about something with a Radio but idk"

We then get the kids some ambrosia, take care of the worst wounds and get them to the plane, we got into the plane and Arye said

"Okay, no Tholl or Teddy?"

"Nope, we have a Kili though, and he gave us some more info"

"Did what i could" Kili says as he holds a young kid in his lap, the girl was crying and she was in a lot of pain

"Hey kid, what's your name?" I ask her

"Sparrow" She says

I look at her foot and sees that it's broken

"Sparrow does your foot hurt?" I ask her

"Yeah, a lot" she sobs

"Okay, Kili we need to get her foot stableised, hey Sparrow I know an amazing doctor called Will and he can fix your foot in a heartbeat" I say

"You sure?" She says

"Posetive, he fixed my arm a few years ago when i had been in a fight with a cyclops" I say trying to keep the kid calm, I then look at her head to see her blonde hair have blood on it

"Hey kid have you hurt your head?" I then ask

"Mhm, can the doctor fix that?"

"Yeah, but so can i, want me to take care of it?"

"Please do" She replies, still crying

I look over at Logan, he's healing another kid and so is Lance, guess i'll take this one alone

"Okay kid i need to see the injury" I say as i move some hair away, there was a hole but i thought it was a lot worse than it was, thank the gods for that

I do a quick serenade to Apollo and then heal her up the best that i can

She falls asleep in Kili's lap and I get some food out

"My guess is that you haven't ate that much, am i right?"

"Yeah, give the younger ones first, want me to wake Sparrow up?"

"No, let her sleep, I'm taking her to Will later when we land but until then it's best for her to sleep"

"Okay, you're the doctor here" 

We land at camp and as fast as i see Will i shout

"WILL SOLACE YOU BUMFACE, We have injured people and you need to take care of Sparrow here" I shout

"Lyra why are you shouting"

"We're in a hurry, Nico how's Teddy and Tholl doing?"

"I need to talk to you Ly" Nico said as he dragged me away

We got over to the other side of the Apollo cabin and Nico said

"I need you to heal Teddy a bit or he won't survive until you get to him, you ready to shadowtravel?"

"No, but i don't have a choice do i?"

"Nope" Nico said as he got us over to Teddy

Both Teddy and Tholl were asleep next to eachother so i quickly healed Teddy up so that he'd survive and then healed Tholl a bit while i was at it, this did however drain my energy because there was no sun closeby and healing without any sun is hard. Nico then gets us back to camp and as fast as Logan sees me he said

"Where have you two been"

"Lyra healed Teddy and Tholl a bit so that they could survive, now she's drained though"

"I got this fam" Logan joked as i gave me some of his energy

"Cheers bro, okay we need to head to Santa Fe now"

"Fully aware" Logan replies as we once again get onto the plane

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