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Ok, how do I start this. I guess a Hi is a good start

Hi, I'm Lyra. Yeah dad really funny, Apollos daughter is named Lyra.

I live in a family of.... wait how many are we?

We have Hunter, who is the family baby, even if she's not even the youngest one she's also quite confusing, she's the daughter of Apollo and Afrodite but she grew up with Posaidon as her dad so she's got some of his powers aswell

Then we have Teddy, he's the son of Athena and the only son of Athena of all of us, he's a cool dude. But he can't translate songs at all, he's made me ragequit a few times

Lancelot or Lance is the computer and music guy when it comes to the family, he also has a wierd addiction to Rubiks cube, it's really bad to be honest. He is also a son of Apollo

Lou is my best friend, and the guy and brother i go to when i have problems. We are best friends and he is a wierdo but he's my wierdo. He's also a son of Apollo

Logan is the one that is really annoying, i love him, but he's really fucking annoying. And he knows it. We joke about eachother's hights and i beat him up when he teases me for being short. But that's okay because he is my bro. Also a son of Apollo, AND HE'S NOT MY TWIN!

Then there is me, I'm considered oldest because i'm the most mature, and i care a lot about thise guys. more than i probably should. I'm not a morning person, which is a bit funny since my dad is Apollo. But it's mostly because I'm in a terrible mood when i've just woken up. That is also when my siblings tend to ignore me or give me candy and energydrinks. Espessically if it's a school day and I need to be up before even Hades is up

Nerida is our mom well one of them, the other mom we have is called Natalia.

Nerida is the one who taught us everything, well almost atleast. She was the one who made sure we got this house (even if i helped getting the money for it/ Lyra)
She's the one who makes sure that we all eat, even if some of us are bad at it because we are to lazy *chough me and Logan chough*

Natalia is the one that makes sure that Nerida doesnt overwork herself, she's also the one giving us chores and telling us what to do (Normally i pay Logan or Evan to clean my room because i hate cleaning my room)

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