Holy shit we do not have any food or energy drinks

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When we had finished playing we went into the kitchen and i asked mom

"Hey mom, what's for dinner?"

"That is a problem, we are out of food, and energy drinks"

"So we have to go out and get some, and you need all of us, and neither me or Logan is allowed to fight because we are injured" I said

"That is all correct, and i want you to wear a helmet because i don't want you more hurt" Mom than said

"Come on! A helmet? I'm not 3!" I complained

"Are you sure, because you are the same hight as one" Logan replied

"YOU ARE SO DEAD" I said as i started to chase Logan through the house

"Lyra! be careful!" mom shouted after me

I ran to catch up with Logan and when i did i wrestled him down

"How did you run so fast? You have like no legs" Logan says

"Fuck off"

"Okay guys break it off" Lance and Hunter said as they tried to pull me off from Logan

"I'm not done with killing him yet" I replied as i punched Logan in the arm

"you are injured" Hunter replied as she managed to pull me off

"And so is he! But he keeps teasing me for being short!"

We then shouted for the rest of the guys to come downstairs and then we told Teddy, Lou, Hunter and Lance to be on defence, while me, mom, mom and Logan would get all of the stuff.

We also decided that Lance would protect me, Lou would protect mom, Hunter would protect our 2nd mom and Teddy would defend Logan.

"mom i'm fully capable of fighting, i just have a bad wrist" Logan said

"I do not care Logan, you are injured, I do not even want to take you or Lyra with me, but i don't want you to stay at home, because knowing you we would have to have funerals for you"

"We would have a funeral for him, because he sucks"

"And you swallow" he replied

"I will kill you" i say

With that said Lance puts a helmet on my head

"I look so wierd" I say

"Not for the mortals, they will see it as a beanie" Mom replied

"Okay, what do we need to buy?" Teddy than asked, he was holding his phone and were ready to not it down

"We need:

Milk, yoghurt, bacon, egg, chicken, fish. Monsters, chips, candy. 3 new backpacks, and christmas gifts if we can find any there." Mom said

"Why do we drink so many monsters" Teddy asked us

"Teddy, of all the questions you've asked, that is not one of your smartest questions" Lance responded

"I mean, have you met Am in the mornings? She's not nice at all if we don't give her an energydrink" Hunter continued

"She's the definition of the devil, and I'm not a nice person either, even if i'm nicer than her" Logan continued

"Basically we need a ton of energydrinks if we don't want a dead Logan" i said

"Yeah, let's go shopping" mom said

We went into the car, which was a 9 seater and we started to drive to the store.

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