Shopping and fighting, the family business.

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We got in without any fights, and i already had a bad feeling about this.

"Okay, Logan and Teddy, go and get bacon and eggs, Lance and Lyra, go get Monsters, Lou go with Nerida and get candy and chips, and Hunter and i will go get yoghurt" Natalia said

We quickly shopped and when we had payed for the things (I made sure to pay for the things with sugar in them) and we then went to the parking lot and me, Logan,Lance and Teddy went to the car to put the things in there.

I then heard Nerida shout "Okay, everyone to their posistions"

"What is my job?" i shouted

"Not fighting"

"Logan grab your bow and give my bow to me" I said as the others started to fight the Harpies

"Our Moms will kill us, or force all of us to meet them in a water battle" Logan replied

"yeah, but it's fun to shoot" I said

"Don't blame me" he says and gives me my bow

"Time to shoot some harpys" I say and shoot an arrow to one of the harpys

"Lyra, what are you doing?" mom asked

"Shooting some Harpys" i replied

"Don't, just wait in the car, both of you"

"But that's boooring"

"Consider it a punishment"

I sigh as me and Logan sits down in the backseats

When the fight is over the moms and the others sit down in our car and we start to drive home

When we are about to turn into the driveway the Radio starts to play Holiday by Greenday

I can see how the guys really want to sing so when we have turned off the car we went inside, quickly dropped of the grocerys and went to get our instruments so that we could play Holiday. I went to get our mic's.

When we had finished singing and playing mom took me and Logan and told us 

"Logan, go and swim 6 laps around the pool, Lyra go to your room and stay there until dinner"

We both nod and as i enter my room I look at the 5 monsters and the bag of candy that is in there, i then turn on my laptop, go to netflix and start my supernatrual marathon as i think to myself "wow mom, such punishment, many wow"

After a while Lou comes in my room

"Oi sis, what are you doing?"

"Supernatrual marathon, mom is not good with punishing me when i cant be in the water" I said

"Did she tell you to stay in your room until dinner?" he asked me

"Yep" i replied

"can i join your marathon?" he then asked me

"of course" i replied 

When mom shouted "Okay dinner is ready! Lyra you can come out of your room now" me and Lou were already full of candy. 

We still went downstairs to eat some dinner, during dinner we talked about Christmas, which only was 2 days away

"I have not bought anything for Teddy, Hunter, mom or mom yet" I said as I ate the chicken

"I haven't bought anything for anyone, since I didnt go with you guys and buy things" Teddy than says

"I'm just going to order things online, and if they are late then that's not my problem" I reply

I then went back to my room, closely followed by Lou and Logan.

"I just want a monster, then i can leave" Logan said

"I want to keep watching supernatrual" Milo answered

I sighed as i walked into my bright yellow room, i was still annoyed about this yellow thing that is known as my room, but the panda things made up for it

We sat down on my bed and continued watching Supernatrual until Milo was so tierd that he almost fell asleep on my bed

"Lou, go to bed"

"I'm too tierd"

"Lance, come and get Lou to bed" i then texted Evan and after a few minutes he came to my room

"Come on bro, you need to sleep"

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