Life goes on, but I'm gone

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Lyra's POV

I still needed some me time, it was time to dissapere from everything

Neridas POV

I just told the kids that we were getting divorced, they understood why but i dont think either one of them was happy about it. Lou and Calvin was over, getting the stuff from the Apollo kids and I could see on Lou that he was worried, but i knew asking him about it was a bad idea, as he had the same mindset as Lyra when it came to problems

He looked at me and said

"Lyra is going to completley dissapere for a few weeks, she needs to get away from everything, not even Dad could get her to stay"

I nodded, Teddy looked a bit stressed as he said "Well that means that Logan, Lance and Tholl are alone out there"

"She sent them to camp, you could try to fly over and talk to them but i don't think it'll work in your favor"

"The best thing to do right now is leave everyone alone, Lyra needs to get away, I for once think i know where she's going and I know Logan and Lou knows aswell, though she's going to be sneaky about it" Hunter said

I then looked at my daughter and said

"Wait, how do you know?"

"Because there's some certain information that Lyra tells me about, and this happened to be one of them"

"And you're not telling us are you, did you charmspeak Lyra"

"A bit maybe, I needed to know this for reasons that I can't talk about" She answered

Lou's POV

I knew where my sister was going, and I know I'd have to be the one getting her from there in a few weeks, i knew exactly where she would land and everything and i saw that Cal also knew.

I looked at him and signed the sign for Goat in signlanguage

He nodded and agreed with me

I then signed Cactus and Hedgehog

I should probably explain why i know signlanguage

Back when we were at Camp Halfblood there was a deaf kid there, his name was Camelot, though he wanted us to call him "Cam"

Cam was a really nice kid, he appreciated my poetry and haikus, something that almost no one else did.

Lyra and Logan weren't at camp at this time, Lance was but he wasn't sorted. Though as fast as he held a guitarr i knew that he was my brother.

Cam was killed on his first mission, you can't really just sign Run and expect someone to run. I miss the kid, he was my first crush.

Everyone had to know signlanguage at camp, though that stopped after his death. I teached it to Lyra and Logan, just incase and by the way. Apollo kids has a really easy time to learn new languages, its sort of the same thing as music....

I looked at Cal and said "Let's go home love, I think thise guys needs to be alone, and i want to hide in my music corner"

"Yeah, sorry guys but I'm done with drama for today" Calvin replied

We headed to the tube and once we'd stopped at Baker Street we both went home

I first cooked up some lunch on whatever food we had left, which was some pancakes and jam.

"Babe, we need to buy more food, this is our last batch of pancakes"

"For real? I wanted to chill babe"

"I'll go by myself if you want to"

"No, with all the shit that's been going on i won't let you"

We managed to get ourselves to the store, buy some food and get back home without any fights, which i thought was wierd because Lyra, Logan and Lance can't even leave the house....

I shrugged it off and went into our music and recording room.

I made a video off Goat Simulator and then i started to edit it for a while, then Calvin entered the room.

I ruffled his red quiff up and looked in to his green eyes, I then told him that I loved him

"Love you too babe, want to record some minecraft?"

"Yeah, we should probably do a daily vlog tomorrow aswell"

"Yeah, I want to know if Lyra, Logan, Tholl or Lance are going to upload any videos? And when is Lyras birthday?"

"Her birthday, SHIT" I said

"did we miss it?"

"Yep, she's now 18"

"Fuck, we should probably text her"

"I'll text Haz, Tessa and Jerome and tell them to give her a cake from me and the rest of the family"

I then looked at Calvin and said "What date is it today?"

"1st of March, why?"

"We're a few weeks late already"

"We suck"

I then tweeted out

@Gulligapandan I'm not sure when you'll see this considering you are on vaca, but happy late birthday

I then got an irismessage from Logan, Lance and Tholl

"Hey bro, we're at camp and Lyra isn't here (He already knows that you idiot) Lance said behind Logan and punched him in the arm

"Anyways, tell everyone that we dont want to talk, and that we love you all even if we're no longer family, and i just heard about mom and mom, guess we will solve that later, but we have archery now so see ya"

I smiled knowing they were safe

I then turned around to see Calvin behind me, slightly worried

"if any of them can survive on her own then It's Lyra, she's a fucking warrior love. One of the strongest person i've ever met, i mean she raised both Logan and Lachlan while teaching them about fighting, before camp, when she was really young"

"I know, but mentally"

"We'll deal with the mental parts later, she needs to this and i know where she's going to end up and so do you and Hunt"

"You're right love, but i still want to get some sign from her that she's fine"

"You'll have to wait a few weeks"

^^Authors note^^

Lyra has had all of the attention so far, her point of view won't be in this for a few chapters

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