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I woke up in the middle of the night by a phonecall from Hunter

She told me that Teddy was gone and that she was injured and needed help, I hung up on her and called Lou and Calvin 

"Lou, Teddy has been kidnapped and Mommy & Hunter is in Camden injured, I'm on the other side of the world can you take care of it?"

"Calvin wait I'm on the phone, yes i can save them"

"We're okay" I reply, knowing that he's going to ask me about that

"I'm on my way" He replies as we hang up, I then fall back asleep to be waked up 20 minutes later by Lachlan 

"Lyra! Can we jam out a bit? pleeeaaaasse?"

"You know what Lachy, let's jam outside of Logan and Lances room to wake them up, do you have your guitar?"

"Yes!" He said as he dragged me to outside of Lances room

"What songs do you know"

"Boulevard of broken dreams? It seems to be a Lanceish song?"

"Yeah, let's do this shit"

We start to play and after a while Lance shouts


"It's time to get up" I shout back

"okay let's head to Logans room and play Welcome to my life" I say as i ruffle his blonde hair

"Hey I just fixed that up" The 8 year old complained

I lifted him up and carried him to Logans door, I then put him down and we started to play, after a while Lance joined us on a drumset, we then jammed out until Logan shouted

"Okay Lyra i'm awake!"

"Good, breakfast in 20, pack your stuff together" I told them

"Lachy go and jump in Wills bed and wake him and Nico up please?"

"Oki, but sis do you have to go"

And with those words i had a flashback


I was in the middle of New York with Logan and our younger brother Lachlan who was 4 at the time, we had just been kicked out from yet another place to call home due to a guy called Benny who decided to buy the whole area we lived in and kicked us all out, even his old friends. Lachlan was exhausted and hungry and Logan and I we're not good either, We went to an orphanage and stayed there for a while until our dad came by and drove us to Camp Half Blood, by then neither Logan, Lachlan or I were used to being around people and after a while we decided to let a few people in, thiese would later turn out to be our "siblings". I got close to a guy called Lance and a guy called Tholl, after a while we had to leave to move to London but when we did Lachlan wanted to stay and said "Do you have to go?"

*End of Flashback*

I then realize that Lachlan is just looking at me

"Sorry Lachlan, I had a flashback" I said

"Lyra, when you are done with this adventure i want to go with you, I need my siblings" He said

"We need you too" I reply as I go into my room with him behind me, I get a necklace up from my backpack, i then turn around. It's a heart necklace, both Logan and I already have one

"We got this from our mom before everything happened, It has a picture of her inside, I was told to keep an eye on yours until you were old enough to have it

I give him the necklace and then say to him

"Oi, let's get you dressed and i'll go fetch us some icecream that we can eat before we have to go, but kid i promise you we will come back to you" I say


"Ohana means family, and family means nobody get's left behind or forgotten"

I then go to his room, get a camp halfblood shirt out with a pair of yellow shorts and tell him

"wear this today okay? and the necklace"

"Okay, love you"

"Love you too"

We then all get dressed and head to breakfast, after breakfast Logan, Lachlan and I eat icecream while Lance and Arye lifts everything onboard, just before i get on Will pulls me aside

"He needs you two, something is wrong with him and he doesn't want to talk to me about it"

"I know what it is, old childhood memories that we all have to carry, we saw our mom get killed infront of us and we were saved by a woman called Angel, she pulled us out last second before everything blew up"

"He needs you, in fact i want you two to come by more, even though you tend to make things harder you also help a lot, please Lyra"

"I'll see what I can do" I reply as i get back to Lachlan and hug him while i sing "I will try to fix you" to him.

We then get on the plane and get ready for takeoff, knowing where we were going was hard, but i knew we had to go there to save Teddy and Tholl and the others

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