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*meanwhile Ben had finally caught up to Mal, she was alone in her room, with the door locked, Ben stands outside anxiously, his temper rising, not at her but angry with himself and his parents*
Ben: Mal, come on baby, let me in
*Mal just stays huddled again her door sobbing, what had she become that a boy could do this too her?*
Ben: damnit
*he hits the wall angrily, trying to take out his frustrations so he can remain calm towards her*
Ben: Mal please! We can talk about this
Ben: go away Ben, it's better this way
Ben: for who?! I just want you! It's all I've wanted ever since I met you
*she says nothing as she tries to compose herself, she tries to stop crying as she wipes away her tears*
Ben: Come on Mal, please just let me in
Mal: your better off without me Ben! Your parents are right!
Ben: no! No they're not! Nothing is further from the truth! Now please just let me in so we can talk about this!
*she gets up slowly, unlocks the door and opens it s little bit*
Ben: can I come in please
Mal: I don't think that's a good idea
Ben: please
Mal: I guess
*she steps out of the way and opens the door and but wider to let him in, she closes it behind him once he's inside in the hopes of concealing as much of yelling that may be about to occur as possible*
Ben: Mal, I love you, please give us a chance at this
Mal: no one will like it
Ben: you and I will
Mal: but the people won't
Ben: screw the people, I just want you
Mal: you have to think about what's best for everyone
Ben: and I know the one day you'll be a great queen which there kingdom will be better for having
Mal: are you sure that this is a good idea?
Ben: best one I've ever had, other than bringing you here of course
Mal: then...can I put the ring back on?
Ben: I thought you'd never ask
*he puts it back on her finger*
Mal: when do you want to announce this?
Ben: how about you birthday ball tonight
Mal: I just heard you correctly didn't I?
Ben: I diss to Evie we should celebrate and she took it to a whole new level
Mal: yeah she does that
Ben: I've noticed
Mal: I love her like a sister but she's absolutely crazy
Ben: she just wants to do something nice for your birthday
Mal: well parties are a sore subject for us anyway
Ben: why?
Mal: it's a long story
Ben: now I'm curious
Mal: too bad
Ben: you're cruel
Mal: thank you
*he rolls his eyes as she smirks cheekily*
Ben: come on you've got to decide what you're wearing tonight
Mal: ugh I've got dress up like a prissy little princess haven't I?
Ben: well a prissy little queen but yeah
Mal: ugh
Ben: why don't you wear the one Evie made for you that I snuck into your wardrobe earlier
Mal: what?
Ben: she made you a dress for your birthday
*Mal opens her closet door, it was a small walk in one, walks over the one in a bag and opens the bag, the pulls the dress out while it still hangs so she can look at it*
Mal: wow
Ben: that girls talent never ceases to amaze me
Mal: it's perfect
Ben: it suits you
Mal: yeah
Ben: does it outdo my present?
*as he speaks he stands behind her, he wraps one arm around her waist while he moves her hair out of the way with his other hand, her purple locks which were now medium length, having grown since she arrived which also suited her, moved away from her neck to flow gently down her other shoulder, as his other arm wrapped around her waist he left a gentle track of kisses down her neck causing her to let out a slight mom before recomposing herself*
Mal: of course not, but don't Ben
Ben: I'm only kissing, nothing else
Mal: but I don't know that either of us can say no if we don't stop now
Ben: we don't have to stop
Mal: I have to stop
Ben: okay, when you're ready let me know
Mal: one day
Ben: okay, will Evie approve of your new accessory do you think?
Mal: I expect so
Ben: okay if better go and get ready, we're all going to have dinner together before the ball
Mal: by all you mean....?
Ben: our little group
Mal: okay
Ben: I'll send Evie in to help you get ready I don't doubt she will be by now
Mal: you'll come back as soon as you're ready right?
Ben: of course but what's the hurry?
Mal: I wanna tell Evie together and I don't know how long it's going to take her to notice the ring, she's not stupid or blind
Ben: can we tell her and Doug together?
Mal: yeah why don't you bring him over with you once you're ready
Ben: okay I'll be as fast as I can
Mal: thank you
Ben: see you later
Mal: bye
*they kiss quickly and then he leaves*


Yay we're all good.....until.....well let's just say it isn't gonna stay good for a particularly long time 😂😂 xoxo

Bal: a King and his queenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें