Sleepy fairy

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*later after having watched the presentation, talking to a few of the students and saying their thank you's and goodbyes hey head out to where the Royal limo is waiting for them, Ben opens the door for Mal like the gentlemen he is and Mal awkwardly gets in like the ex-evil fairy who's still not used to being treated like a proper lady she is, they get comfortable as the driver sets off*
Mal: that was nice
Ben: yeah, but now I just wanna curl up on the couch with you
Mal: that's good because that's about all I have the energy for
Ben: worn you out have I?
Mal: I'm a growing girl who needs her rest so she can keep growing
Ben: you hope you're still growing
Mal: can we stop with the small jokes, they're almost as bad as fat jokes
Ben: but see I couldn't make any of those because you're literally the definition of the opposite term
*mal yawns*
Mal: whatever, it's been a long day
Ben: yeah it has
*he puts his arm around her shoulders , she rests her head on his shoulder and snuggles into him, she quickly falls asleep after that, he looks at her cute little faces that she made while she was sleeping, he could see she was having a nice dream by the little smile on her face, when she was having s nightmare there was a look on her face that definitely couldn't be mistaken for a smile, unfortunately Ben knew it all too well, when she was unsettled it wasn't good, Evie often couldn't pull her out of her own head while she was asleep, there would be mumbling and moaning which would soon grow loud we until it became screaming and crying even in her sleep unless they had gotten Ben to her in time, he was the only one who could pull her back into reality, apparently these dreams where the signs of how strong her powers were growing and they were manifesting like this because she couldn't control them properly, that was why they had added magic lessons to her schedule at the beginning of the year, he saw her smile fades and got worried, he'd tried to keep it quiet, she didn't want people to know, Evie and Mal had moved into a room closer to Bens that summer so as to cut down the time it would take him to get there as the nightmares because more frequent, she had been alright for the last few weeks pretty much and the second her smile faded he went straight into protective mode, luckily seconds later the smile returned, he didn't have the energy for this tonight, he may be able to get her out of her own head but it was far from easy to do so and was very emotionally straining to watch her go through that, her smile returning made him smile too*
Ben: even when you sleep you're the most beautiful person in the whole wide world
*he gently kissed the top of her head, soon they arrived back at the palace and he was about to pick her up and take her inside as she was sill asleep when he remembered how mad she was this morning about him carrying her when he was still on recovery time, he gently caresses her cheek and slowly she begins to wake up*
Ben: Mal sweetie, we're here, I'd just carry you in there myself but you told me not to
Mal: yeah....sorry.....I....I'm awak......e
*she says yawning her way through it and barely managing to open her eyes*
Ben: screw it, come on baby I'm carrying you wether you like it or not
*Mal, not awake enough to care just nods*
Mal: okay
*he gets out and then grabs her out of the limo, careful not to bang her head, he takes her back up to her room to Evie, she lets him in, he gestures for her to stay quiet and she nods, she pulls back the sheets to Mal's bed allowing Ben to carefully place her in, he pulls the sheets back up over her and kisses her forehead*
Ben: do you mind if I stay for a little while?
Evie: no, of course not
Ben: thanks
Evie: what have you done to her? It's only quarter to four
Ben: I think it's all just taking its toll on her
Evie: yeah
Ben: here's hoping she can have a nice easy night tonight
Evie: she's getting better
Ben: for now
Please read this:
3 things I want to say
1 - I was intending to write a chapter for each story today because I had a half day for the end of the school year but that went out the window, woops
2 - so nightmares hey? Strong powers hey? Well you'll soon find out just how strong
3 - umm I've actually forgotten what 3 is but if I remember I'll let you know 😂😂 xoxo
Edit: wait I know I was gonna be all mysterious like maybe those nightmares have deeper meaning, maybe the fact that only Ben can wake her has deeper meaning, the first one I have fully thought through, the second not so much so we'll see how that goes not that it'll have much effect on the next like 20 chapters because they're just to be copied up and probably edited a little although the nightmares was just a random last minute addition, okay random speech that most of you probably didn't read is over now bye 😂😂 xoxo

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